- Bicep
- Azure Terraform
- Databricks Bicep
- Dynamically Add Partitions in Premium or Dedicated
- Python Integration
- Schema Reg Compare
- Schema Registry Spark
- Event Hub Spark
- Create Function Python
- Install Azure Function Tools
- Azure Functions VS Code
- Python Schema Registry
- Python Event Hub Trigger Not Firing
- (Compatibility)
- Event Hub Quotas
- Function Checkpoint Storage
- How to Kill Function Checkpoints
- I had to actually delete the container...
- Remember on function - Go to diagnose and solve problems and guess what, it does that for things like funtion not triggering!!!
- Cosmos Required id
- PyPi Azure Schema Registry
- PyPi Azure Schema Registry Serializer
- Python Functions
- Create List Dictionaries from CSV Python
- Azure Event Driven Architectures
- Quick Cosmos DB Change Feed
- Long Cosmos DB Change Feed
- Long Cosmos DB CHange Feed Same as Above
- Another Long Cosmos DB Change Feed
- Cosmos Change Feed Unsung Hero
- PLSight Cosmos Microservices with Change Feed
- Outbox Pattern with Cosmos DB
- Policy with Bicep
- Required Tags
- Policy Array Conditions
- Azure Tagging Strategy Bicep
- Cloud Event Schema Standard
- Why Use Avro for Streaming and Schema Registry
- Compare Avro Orc and Parquet
- Multiple EVents Per Topic or Not
- ADF Capture
- .Net Quick Start
- Avro Tools Nuget