Released: 2024-08-02
- Fixed a crash when the HackerNews API returns
for an otherwise valid and available story.
Released: 2024-07-24
- Fixed a crash when the HackerNews API returns
for an otherwise valid and available story.
Released: 2024-06-23
- Pinned Textual.
Released: 2024-06-16
- Added a configuration dialog for tweaking the story fetching concurrency values.
Released: 2024-06-09
- Unpinned Textual, fixed a couple of issues the recent versions have introduced, and attempted to undo questionable upstream cosmetic choices.
Released: 2024-05-24
- Pinned Textual to <=0.60.1 due to ongoing problems with later versions.
Released: 2024-03-10
- Distribution update to support installation with Homebrew.
Released: 2024-03-09
- Once the first viewed tab has loaded, other tabs will start to load in the background (one after the other) as the user reads the first.
- Added a config option to turn off the above.
- Fixed a non-awaited-coroutine warning that could happen when quitting while loading items. (#26)
Released: 2024-02-28
- Added option to search locally-loaded items and place the results in a search tab.
- Allowed Python 3.12.
Released: 2024-02-09
- Article text and poll answers are no longer "sticky" (#21)
Released: 2024-02-04
- Added support for loading and viewing text associated with an item. (#17)
Released: 2024-01-25
- Added the option to turn off the title-bar-based updating display of the age of the items.
- Fixed not being able to change tabs with left/right during a reload.
Released: 2024-01-23
- Simplified the header bar, disabling Textual's mouse toggle of the height, and removing the "icon" in the top left corner.
Released: 2024-01-17
- Added support for optional numbering of items in each list. (#11)
- Added support for placing caps on the number of items to fetch in each list. (#11)
Released: 2024-01-16
- Added support for loading and displaying polls.
Released: 2024-01-15
- Added a quick way of visiting links within comments.
Released: 2023-01-07
- Tweaked the look of comment cards in the comments dialog.
- Expanding the replies of a comment is now an open/close toggle.
Released: 2023-01-01
- Made the gathering of items from the API less greedy, limiting the number of concurrent connections (yes, 500+ connections all at once is kind of a bad idea who knew?). Default limit is 50.
- Added a configuration option to the configuration file for the above.
- Added a connection timeout setting to the configuration file; hopefully useful for folk who are on slower connections.
Released: 2023-01-01
- Initial release.