Long version of the motivation
Phase field models are characterized by a particular form of PDE related to an Eulerian free boundary problem and defined by a diffuse interface. Phase field models for practical real world applications require sufficient high fidelity to resolve both the macro length scale related to the application and the micro length scales associated with the free boundary. This requires extensive computationally resources and generates large volumes of raw field data. This data consists of field variables defined frequently across a domain or interpolation function with many Gauss points each defined at multiple time steps. In recent years there have been efforts to use AI to address the computational expense associated with phase field simulations via surrogate models or more direct approaches. However, for AI practitioners to leverage relevant phase field resources a more systematic approach is required for archiving and accessing data. Furthermore, it is often difficult for phase field practitioners to find and access raw or minimally processed data from phase field simulations, before the post-processing step and final publication. In the following sections we will discuss how we can motivate phase field practitioners to publish their data and assuming that barrier is crossed, how to make it straightforward to include sufficient metadata for the raw and minimally processed data to be actually useful for others.
Let's consider a researcher constructing a robust transfer learning surrogate model for the Cahn-Hilliard problem. The researcher might require raw data from a variety of different numerical schemes, parameter ranges, grid resolutions, different domains all of which will be used to assess the robustness and accuracy of the transfer model. Generating all the data from this wide variety of parameters and initial condition would be prohibitively expensive, not to mention impractical from a research and knowledge standpoint. However, leveraging the vast volume of previous Cahn-Hilliard simulations would be possible if that data was both findable and accessible, which is not the case currently. This working group aims to address the issues of finding and accessing phase field data and leave the more complex problem of interoperability and reproduciblity for subsequent work.
As an aside, it is worth noting that the schema / metatdata / provenance / ontology issues of storing simulation data effectively have not been widely addressed by the materials data community. Clearly, a successful approach to these issues within the phase field community could be disseminated into other sub-fields of materials science.
In this project, we propose using a similar idea to the approach outlined by the Data Dictionaries Working Group. They state that "metadata that travels with the data and enrich dataset context by making relationships to other datasets in the materials research community explicity". In particular, as described in the previous sections, this approach enables researchers to query for datasets that are currently hard to find.
The PFHub project uses its own lightweigh ontolgoy to categorize and compare phase field results for the benchmark problems published by the CHiMaD phase field workshop participants. This takes the form of a small YAML file with links to relevant raw or processed tabular data. The data is archived with the YAML file alongside and then this link is provided to the PFHub project. The PFHub project is in fact a regirstry of these links and the website can then query the data from these links and make comparison plots based on the contents of the YAML files. This approach is agnostic to the data archive or infrastrcuture used for storing the data. The YAML file has to provide enough metadata that the PFHub project can access the raw data and provide useful data comparisons on the website.
The ontology / schema will be developed by the working group, but some simple areas to address might include a link to a problem definition, a simple description of the numerical approach, computational resources, categorization of the physical model as well as links and descriptions of the data files.
The lightweight ontology approach, assuming the researcher is motivated to publish raw data, is only a minimal barrier to the process of data archiving. The main hurdle for the researcher is generating the YAML file. The working group would aim to provide resources via templates, web form and command line tools to help with this process.
The long term aim of the developed schema would be to assist in generating a registry of phase field simulations similar to PFHub, but much expanded to include a wide variety of problem specifications and results. This approach might motivate researchers to be more engaged in publising raw data and provide the necessary metadata if they know that there efforts will results in immediate feedback and engagement.
This has no particular order
Finalize an initial schema and format similar to the existing PFHub schema, but more complete
Generate web tool, templates and command line tool to generate metadata ontology files
Generate archived examples on a variety of data archive sites using PFHub benchmarks
Generate compelling data aggregation data view case study from the above examples to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed approach
Approach the wider phase field community to garner interest and provide feedback
A schema generated by LinkML or similar tool in variety of file formats
Case study and tools as outlined above
Report from the wider phase field community
A Working Group Note, published on the MaRDA Alliance website including some feedback from wider phase field community
Implemented examples of usage and data aggregation as outlined above.