- The CF CLI is a command line interface for CloudFoundry
cf login -a https://api.sys.my.org
# Enter username and password when prompted
cf login -a https://api.sys.my.org --sso
# Go to URL when prompted and copy passcode, paste into this terminal
cf login -a https://api.sys.my.org --skip-ssl-validation
- How to deploy applications
# if the manifest.yml exists in the working directory
cf push
# if the manifest.yml exists in a different directory
cf push -f some/other/dir/manifest.yml
# without a manifest
cf push my-app --stack windows --buildpack hwc_buildpack
# actively tails and displays current logs
cf logs my-app
# gets the most recent logs
cf logs my-app --recent
# list apps
cf apps
# list services
cf services
# list routes
cf routes
# Switches to the dev space
cf target -s dev
# Switches to a different org's stage space
cf target -o app2 -s stage