TAS offers features to inject dynamic configuration values into the application
The benefit to this is enabling engineers to control and swap configurations between environments without having to edit web.config or registry keys
Use of Registry Keys for configurations will not work on TAS as they cannot be created inside the container
TAS uses Environment Variables injected at runtime to provide the application context on which configurations to use
Services are available in the TAS marketplace to create and bind to your application
The two services that enable custom configurations are User Provided Service and CredHub
Services are created with configuration values, and bound to an application
TAS uses an environment variable called VCAP_SERVICES
, which is a JSON blob containing metadata for each bound service
The simplest way to consume data in VCAP_SERVICES
is by adding the nuget package Steeltoe.Extensions.Configuration.CloudFoundryBase
Install the following Nuget package
PM> Install-Package Steeltoe.Extensions.Configuration.CloudFoundryBase
Create App_Start\ApplicationConfig.cs
using Microsoft . Extensions . Configuration ;
using Steeltoe . Extensions . Configuration . CloudFoundry ;
namespace OnboardingApp . App_Start
public class ApplicationConfig
public static IConfiguration Configuration { get ; private set ; }
public static void Configure ( )
Configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder ( )
. AddCloudFoundry ( )
. Build ( ) ;
namespace OnboardingApp
public class Global : HttpApplication
void Application_Start ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Code that runs on application startup
RouteConfig . RegisterRoutes ( RouteTable . Routes ) ;
BundleConfig . RegisterBundles ( BundleTable . Bundles ) ;
// initialize CloudFoundry configuration on start up
ApplicationConfig . Configure ( ) ;
User Provided Service is a type of service that allows the user to create a set of key/value configurations
Any set of string and value can be provided, giving flexibility to add as many configurations as needed
The below example creates a service containing database credentials (url, username, and password)
Creating the User-Provided-Service
cf create-user-provided-service db-credentials -p ' {"url": "db.url", "username": "db-user", "password": "secret123"}'
cf bind-service db-credentials onboardingapp
cf restage onboardingapp
Accessing User Provided Service values
string url = ApplicationConfig . Configuration [ "vcap:services:user-provided:0:credentials:url" ] ;
string username = ApplicationConfig . Configuration [ "vcap:services:user-provided:0:credentials:username" ] ;
string password = ApplicationConfig . Configuration [ "vcap:services:user-provided:0:credentials:password" ] ;
Updating a User Provided Service
cf update-user-provided-service db-credentials -p ' {"url": "db2.url", "username": "db2-user"}'
cf restage onboardingapp
CredHub is similar to a User-Provided-Service in that it stores keys and values
The difference however is that CredHub configurations are stored at rest encrypted
CredHub is ideal for sensitive information such as password and encryption keys
NOTE : The one trade off to CredHub is once created you will not be able to see or change the values stored inside
The below example moves the database password into CredHub
Create the CredHub Service
cf create-service credhub default db-secret -c ' {"password": "secret123"}'
cf bind-service onboardingapp db-secret
cf restage onboardingapp
Access The CredHub values
string password = ApplicationConfig . Configuration [ "vcap:services:credhub:0:credentials:password" ] ;
Updating the CredHub Service
cf update-service db-secret -c ' {"password": "secret789"}'
cf restage onboardingapp