- artist - Artist name(s) from artist credits within release (album) media tracks
- asin - Amazon Standard Identifcation Number (optional)
- date - First release date
- first_date - First track release date
- genre - Genres associated with artist(s) and release (album)
- media - Media (disc) index, 1 for single disc albums
- media_title - Media (disc) specific title (optional)
- label - Labels for the release (album)
- length - Track length in seconds
- rating - Numeric rating (optional)
- release - Name of the release (album)
- release_date - Date release (album) was released
- tag - Tags associated with artists(s) and release (album)
- title - Track title
- track - Track number
- type - Track types including: single, popular, cover, live
Note that date fields are YYYY-MM-DD and leading zeros are required.
Credits are relations associated with the track and release from MusicBrainz. These are all optional and may not be unavailable. Some generalizations are added to make it easier to search. For example, "lead guitar", "acoustic guitar", and "slide guitar", are additionally added as simply "guitar". The same applies for "bass", "clarinet", "drums", "flute", "piano", "saxophone", and "vocals". Other credits added include "arranger", "composer", "engineer", "lyricist", "mix", and "writer". Check MusicBrainz for more.
Tracks with Mogwai in any field:
Tracks by the artist Mogwai:
Tracks with Ringo on lead vocals by The Beatles released between 1963 and 1970:
+lead_vocals:ringo +artist:beatles +first_date:>"1963-01-01" +first_date:<"1969-12-31"
Tracks with Tom Morello that aren't Rage or Audioslave:
+morello -rage -audioslave
Similar to above but more specific:
+guitar:morello -artist:rage -artist:audioslave
And even more specific:
+guitar:"Tom Morello" -artist:"Rage Against the Machine" -artist:"Audioslave"
80s alternative tracks released as singles:
+genre:"alternative" +type:single +first_date:>="1980-01-01" +first_date:<="1989-12-31"
Tracks with flute and violin played by anyone:
+flute:* +violin:*
Tracks longer than 15 minutes (60*15=900):
Tracks produced by Butch Vig:
producer:"butch vig"
Cover songs:
Popular cover songs, performed live, that were released as singles:
+type:cover +type:live +type:single +type:popular
Epic 20+ minute songs:
+length:>1200 -silence
- budget - Budget in USD
- cast - Cast member name
- character - Character name
- collection - Collection name
- crew - Crew member name
- date - Release date
- genre - Movie genre
- rating - Release rating or certification
- runtime - Time in minutes
- tagline - One liner
- title - Movie title
- vote - TMDb vote %
- vote_count - TMDb vote count
Crew jobs to index are configuratable. Defaults are:
- director
- executive_producer
- novel
- producer
- screenplay
- story
Note that date fields are YYYY-MM-DD and leading zeros are required.
Directed by Tarantino:
Movies with R rating:
Animated movies with Liam Neeson:
+cast:"liam neeson" +genre:Animation
Christmas movies with Bruce Willis:
+christmas +willis
Yes, Die Hard is a Christmas movie.
Same as above but more specific:
+keyword:"christmas" +cast:"bruce willis"
Movies with a character named "Yoda":
Really long movies:
Highly rated movies on IMDb:
And those that are not highly rated:
+vote:>0 +vote:<50
Low budget films (<$250k):
+budget:>0 +budget:<250000
High budget films (>$250M):
Takeout uses the Bleve search library for all search capabilities. Please see Bleve documentation for further information on query syntax. Takeout is using Query String.