This setup assumes the use of a UNIX system such as Linux. Takeout is written in Go, so most systems will work just fine. Please adjust commands below as needed. You can setup on a virtual private server (VPS) in the cloud such as EC2, GCE, Digital Ocean, Linode, or use your spiffy computer at home.
You need to have media stored in an S3 bucket somewhere. Some common services are AWS S3, Wasabi, Backblaze, and Minio. And if you're using that spiffy home computer, you can also install Minio at home and make your local media available via S3 to your home network. The other bucket services cost money, however you have the added benefit of having your media securely available wherever you go.
General VPS requirements:
- Network - monthly 8GB in / 300MB out (depends on usage)
- Storage - 500MB for databases and search index
- CPU - Shared CPU with 1 core, 1GB RAM
- RAM - The Takeout server needs around 1MB of RAM
A recommended cloud setup would be:
- Linode (Nanode 1GB $5/mo) for running Takeout
- Wasabi ($5.99 TB/mo) for S3 media
Remember that Takeout indirectly streams media and redirects clients/apps to the S3 bucket using pre-signed time-based URLs for streaming. Any media streaming network costs are only related to the S3 bucket provider and not the VPS.
Please see for further details on how you should organize your media in S3. rclone is an excellent tool to manage S3 buckets from the command line. Once that's all done, proceed with the steps below.
Download and install Go from as needed. Run the following command to ensure Go is correctly installed. You should have Go 1.18 or higher.
$ go version
Download and build the Takeout server from Github. Precompiled versions may be available at a later time. Check the Takeout Releases Page.
$ git clone
$ cd takeout
$ cd cmd/takeout
$ go build
Install Takeout in
$ go install
$ takeout version
Create the takeout directory. This is the base directory where config files, databases, and logs will be stored.
$ TAKEOUT_HOME=~/takeout
$ mkdir ${TAKEOUT_HOME}
Create a media sub-directory to store bucket specific configuration and databases. Change "mymedia" to whatever name you like (here and below). Your media isn't stored here, just related config files and databases.
$ mkdir ${TAKEOUT_HOME}/mymedia
Copy sample start script
$ chmod 755 ${TAKEOUT_HOME}/
Copy sample config files
$ cp doc/takeout.yaml ${TAKEOUT_HOME}
$ cp doc/config.yaml ${TAKEOUT_HOME}/mymedia
Sync your media. This may take multiple hours depending on the amount of media files. Repeat the sync command for other media directories you may have created.
$ cd ${TAKEOUT_HOME}/mymedia
$ ~/go/bin/takeout sync
You may encounter sync errors like the following:
2022/08/11 11:08:41 artist not found: Billy F Gibbons
2022/08/11 11:08:41 track release not found: Billy F Gibbons/Hardware/12/1
In this example the artist "Billy F Gibbons" was used to tag and store the media, however, MusicBrainz knows this artist as "Billy Gibbons". You can fix this with RewriteRules or adjust your media file names and/or directory names.
Troubleshooting this stuff may be difficult so ask for help as needed.
Create your first user. Change the example user "ozzy" and password. Please use a strong password to protect access to your media. Note that "mymedia" must match the takeout sub-directory name used above. The idea here is that there can be multiple users and users can use the same or different buckets of media. Indie for Dad, scary movies for Mom, and some emo for the teenager.
$ ~/go/bin/takeout user --add --user="ozzy" --pass="changeme" --media="mymedia"
Setup a secure TLS front-end to the Takeout server. Nginx is a great option. Let's Encrypt) can be used to get a free TLS certificate. An Nginx config example would be:
server {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
upstream myapp {
keepalive 8;
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
access_log /var/log/nginx/;
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
proxy_pass http://myapp/;
proxy_redirect off;
Create some radio stations.
$ cd ${TAKEOUT_HOME}/mymedia
$ ~/go/bin/takeout radio
Start the server.
$ ./