title | author | date | output | ||||||||||||||||||||
Data Import: WA WQI |
Brian High |
22 June, 2019 |
Today's example demonstrates these objectives:
- Use a public dataset freely available on the web.
- Automate data processing from start to finish (importing to reporting).
- Explore alternatives to "base" functions.
- Use data "pipelines" for improved readability.
- Use "regular expressions" to simplify data manipulation.
- Use "literate programming" to provide a reproducable report.
- Use a consistent coding style.
- Share code through a public repository to facilitate collaboration.
We will be using the R language, but several other tools could do the job.
The code and this presentation are free to share and modify according to the MIT License.
We would like to get Washington water quality index (WQI) data and visualize it.
We will download Annual 2013 Water Quality Index Scores from data.gov
import, clean and plot on a map.
To find the data, we can search this page: https://catalog.data.gov/dataset
... for these terms: washington state wqi stream monitoring
The result for "Annual 2013 Water Quality Index Scores" provides a link to a CSV file.
We will use this data.wa.gov link to import the data into R.
The data.wa.gov page says:
- Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use.
- Non-Federal: This dataset is covered by different Terms of Use than Data.gov.
- License: No license information was provided.
The River & stream water quality index page also says:
Data presented in the Freshwater Quality Index helps indicate whether
water quality is good, meeting standards to protect aquatic life, whether
it is of moderate concern or is poor and doesn't meet expectations. The
index ranges from 1 to 100; a higher number indicates better water quality.
Lastly, the authors of the ggmap
package ask that users provide a citation:
D. Kahle and H. Wickham. ggmap: Spatial Visualization with ggplot2. The R Journal,
5(1), 144-161. URL http://journal.r-project.org/archive/2013-1/kahle-wickham.pdf
Load packages with pacman
to auto-install any missing packages.
if (! suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(pacman))) {
install.packages('pacman', repos = 'http://cran.us.r-project.org')
pacman::p_load(readr, dplyr, tidyr, ggmap)
We are loading:
-- a tidyverse replacement forread.csv()
-- a tidyverse function for data modificationtidyr
-- a tidyverse function for column splittingggmap
-- a function, similar toggplot()
, to create maps
Import the data with read_csv()
as an alternative to read.csv()
url <- 'https://data.wa.gov/api/views/h7j9-vgr3/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD'
wa_wqi <- read_csv(url)
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## ID = col_double(),
## STATION = col_character(),
## `STATION NAME` = col_character(),
## `OVERALLWQI 2013` = col_double(),
## WQIFC = col_double(),
## WQIOXY = col_double(),
## WQIPH = col_double(),
## WQITSS = col_double(),
## WQITEMP = col_double(),
## WQITPN = col_double(),
## WQITP = col_double(),
## WQITURB = col_double(),
## CORE = col_character(),
## CAT = col_double(),
## `Location 1` = col_character(),
## Counties = col_double()
## )
Look at some of the values of Location 1
head(wa_wqi$`Location 1`)
## [1] "POINT (-122.3352 48.4451)" "POINT (-122.3382 48.5458)"
## [3] "POINT (-121.429 48.5268)" "POINT (-122.247 48.21)"
## [5] "POINT (-122.2101 48.1969)" "POINT (-122.119 48.2007)"
We will want to split out the longitude and latitude into their own variables.
Parse location column to get latitude and longitude columns using a "pipeline".
- Use
to create a "cleaned"Location.1
variable. - Use a "regular expression" with
to remove unwanted text. - Use
to splitLocation.1
variables. - Use
convert = TRUE
to auto-convert thecharacter
values tonumeric
wa_wqi <- wa_wqi %>%
mutate(Location.1 = gsub('POINT |[()]', '', `Location 1`)) %>%
separate(col = Location.1, into = c('lon', 'lat'), sep = ' ', convert = TRUE)
Note: The sep
parameter of separate()
will also accept a "regular expression".
When we used gsub()
for cleaning the Location 1
variable, we replaced
matching character strings with ''
in order to remove them.
gsub(pattern = 'POINT |[()]', replacement = '', x = `Location 1`)
The pattern match was made using a regular expression.
The expression was: POINT |[()]
- The
is a literal string (including a literal space after it). - The
(vertical bar) symbol means "or" in this context. - The
(angle brackets) defines a character set in this context. - The
(parenthesis) are the characters in that set.
Translating the whole expression we get:
- Either
So, any character strings which matched these patterns were removed.
View some of the location data.
options(pillar.sigfig = 7)
wa_wqi %>% select(`Location 1`, lon, lat) %>% head()
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
## `Location 1` lon lat
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 POINT (-122.3352 48.4451) -122.3352 48.44510
## 2 POINT (-122.3382 48.5458) -122.3382 48.5458
## 3 POINT (-121.429 48.5268) -121.429 48.5268
## 4 POINT (-122.247 48.21) -122.247 48.21
## 5 POINT (-122.2101 48.1969) -122.2101 48.1969
## 6 POINT (-122.119 48.2007) -122.119 48.2007
Define a boundary box.
height <- max(wa_wqi$lat) - min(wa_wqi$lat)
width <- max(wa_wqi$lon) - min(wa_wqi$lon)
bbox <- c(
min(wa_wqi$lon) - 0.15 * width,
min(wa_wqi$lat) - 0.15 * height,
max(wa_wqi$lon) + 0.15 * width,
max(wa_wqi$lat) + 0.15 * height
names(bbox) <- c('left', 'bottom', 'right', 'top')
Make a map base layer of "Stamen" tiles.
map <- suppressMessages(
get_stamenmap(bbox, zoom = 8, maptype = "toner-background"))
Make the map image from the tiles using ggmap
g <- ggmap(map, darken = c(0.3, "white")) + theme_void()
Add points, a legend, and a title to the map.
g <- g + geom_point(aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = `OVERALLWQI 2013`),
data = wa_wqi, pch = 21, size = 3) +
scale_fill_gradient(name = "WQI", low = "red", high = "green") +
ggtitle(label = paste("Washington State",
"River and Stream Water Quality Index (WQI)", sep = " "),
subtitle = paste("Source: River and Stream Monitoring Program,",
"WA State Department of Ecology (2013)")) +
theme(legend.position = c(.98, .02), legend.justification = c(1, 0))
A. We used the separate()
function from the tidyr
package to parse the
location variable to get lon
and lat
. Would this be easier with base-R
functions? Which ones? Give this a try and compare results. You could also
modify the example to use base-R functions in place of all tidyverse
functions used here, such as read_csv()
and mutate()
. Which approach is
easier to code? Which is easier to read?
B. What alternatives to the regular expression POINT |[()]
could we use?
C. Consider downloading a different dataset and import, clean, and plot, etc.
For example, search data.gov for:
WQI Parameter Scores 1994-2013
You will find a dataset with that same title. If you download it, you will see that it also contains some WQI data for 2014, despite the year range listed in the filename. What else is unusual about this dataset?
Modify the above code to work with this dataset to produce a WQI map for
Washington using the 2013 data. You can use the filter()
function in dplyr
to filter the dataset by year. You can incorporate this into your "pipeline".
How does the resulting map compare with that produced with in this demo?