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Webscraping with rvest: WA WQI Stations |
Brian High |
05 July, 2019 |
Today's example demonstrates these objectives:
- Use a public data freely available on web pages.
- Automate data processing from start to finish (importing to reporting).
- Use "web scraping" techniques to extract data from web pages.
- Create functions to modularize code and facilitate automation.
- Use "regular expressions" to match patterns and filter data.
- Use "literate programming" to provide a reproducable report.
- Use a consistent coding style.
- Share code through a public repository to facilitate collaboration.
We will be using the R language, but several other tools could do the job.
The code and this presentation are free to share and modify according to the MIT License.
We would like to obtain a dataset containing a complete list of WA WQI stations.
We will extract the WA WQI station list
from a web page. The web page lists the stations in two columns, with station ID
and station name
. The station ID
value is a hyperlink to a station details
page for each station. There is also a legend with a color-coded key for
station type
. We want to extract the tabular data including the
station type
("Long-term" or "Basin"), and a url
column for
the hyperlink (web address).
Load packages with pacman
to auto-install any missing packages.
# Load packages.
if (! suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(pacman))) {
install.packages('pacman', repos = 'http://cran.us.r-project.org')
pacman::p_load(dplyr, rvest, readr)
We are loading:
Define a function to get the station list.
get_station_list <- function() {
# Get the list of stations in a web page from an HTML table of class "list".
url <- 'https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/eap/riverwq/regions/state.asp?symtype=1'
xmlns <- read_html(url) %>% html_nodes("table.list")
df <- xmlns %>% html_table(fill = TRUE) %>% bind_rows() %>%
as_tibble(.name_repair = 'universal') %>% select(2, 3)
# Get links of class ending with 'sta' and remove duplicates (even-numbered).
links <- xmlns %>% html_nodes("a[class $= 'sta']")
links <- links[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
# Extract variables from links: station ID, type and URL.
type <- ifelse(links %>% html_attr('class') == 'Rsta', 'Long-term', 'Basin')
url <- links %>% html_attr('href')
station.ID <- links %>% html_text()
df.extra <- bind_cols(station.ID = station.ID, type = type, url = url)
# Join extra variables with station.ID and station.name by station.ID.
return(inner_join(df, df.extra, by = 'station.ID'))
Define a function to read the data from a file, if present, or extract it from the web if not.
load_station_list <- function(data_dir = 'data', data_file = 'stations.csv') {
# Get list of stations. Use a cached data file, if present.
data_file <- file.path(data_dir, data_file)
if (file.exists(data_file)) {
stations <- read_csv(data_file)
} else {
stations <- get_station_list()
dir.create(data_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
write.csv(stations, data_file, row.names = FALSE)
We can compare the number of rows with the number of stations listed on the web page (193 as of June 2019). Compare the number of Basin and Long-term stations with the numbers listed (126 and 67, respectively, as of June 2019).
stations <- suppressMessages(as_tibble(load_station_list()))
print(stations, n = 4)
## # A tibble: 193 x 4
## station.ID station.name type url
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 01A050 Nooksack R @ Brennan Long-term ../station.asp?sta=01A050
## 2 01A120 Nooksack R @ No Cedarville Long-term ../station.asp?sta=01A120
## 3 01F070 SF Nooksack @ Potter Rd Basin ../station.asp?sta=01F070
## 4 01N060 Bertrand Cr @ Rathbone Rd Basin ../station.asp?sta=01N060
## # … with 189 more rows
## Basin Long-term
## 126 67
- This was a lot of work just to parse one web page. When would this technique be worth the effort? Describe a few scenarios.
- Find a way to extract the color-code key from the web page. This will allow
us to avoid hard-coding this information into our script. The benefit is
that a change in the
names of the table elements would not break our script. Web scraping is fragile in that a small change to a web page can completely break your ability to extact data. Why would this matter once you have obtained your data? Why would we care about future changes to the page? - Find an alternate way to extract the station data from the station list web
page using different CSS selectors, xpath expressions, or a different approach
to combining the variables. Compare your results to the method provided using
function or a similar method. Explain any mismatches.
- Compare the station lists between those used in get_wa_wqi.Rmd
and get_wa_wqi_alt.Rmd examples, where we read in two
different datasets and plotted 2013 WA WQI on a state map. Merge the datasets
from those examples with the station list of this example and use the
function to compare the numbers of stations of each type represented in those WQI datasets. Find the differences in the stations lists with thesetdiff()
function or similar. List the station names of those present in one dataset but missing from the other, and vice-versa, using thefilter()
function and the%in%
operator or a similar approach. (Datasets are wa_wqi.csv and wa_wqi_alt.csv.) - Write a function to read the station details for a specific station from the station URL we obtained from the station list. Use a looping method (either sapply, lapply, etc. or a for-loop, etc.) to get all station details from all stations and combine them into a single dataset. Write a function to load this from a file if present or from the web if not, as we did for the station list. Compare the station types from the station list with those reported in the individual station details pages to make sure they match.