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A fast, scalable and light-weight C++ Fréchet distance library, exposed to python and focused on (k,l)-clustering of polygonal curves.




import Fred as fred

  • for verbosity, set fred.config.verbose, default is false

Number of Threads

By default, Fred will automatically determine the number of threads to use. If you want to set an upper limit, set fred.config.number_threads. Set to -1 to enable dynamic mode again.


  • signature: fred.Curve(np.ndarray), fred.Curve(np.ndarray, str name)
  • properties: fred.Curve.values: curves as np.ndarray, get name of curve, fred.Curve.dimensions: dimension of curve, fred.Curve.complexity: number of points of curve


  • signature: fred.Curves()
  • methods: fred.Curves.add(curve): add curve, fred.Curves[i]: get ith curve, len(fred.Curves): number curves, fred.Curves.simplify(l): return set of simplified curves
  • properties: fred.Curves.m: maximum complexity of the contained curves, fred.Curves.values: curves as np.ndarray

continous Fréchet distance

  • signature: fred.continuous_frechet(curve1, curve2)
  • returns: fred.Continuous_Frechet_Result with members value, time_bounds: running-time for upper and lower bound, number_searches: number of free space diagrams built, time_searches: running-time for free spaces
continuous Fréchet distance config
  • approximation error in percent of distance: fred.config.continuous_frechet_error, which defaults to 1

discrete Fréchet distance

  • signature: fred.discrete_frechet(curve1, curve2)
  • returns: fred.Discrete_Frechet_Result with members value and time

discrete dynamic time warping distance

  • signature: fred.discrete_dynamic_time_warping(curve1, curve2)
  • returns: fred.Discrete_Dynamic_Time_Warping_Distance with members value and time

Curve Simplification

All simplifications are vertex-restricted!

minimum error simplification

approximate minimum link simplification

approximate minimum error simplification

  • binary search on fred.approximate_minimum_link_simplification
  • signature: fred.approximate_minimum_error_simplification(fred.Curve, int complexity)
  • returns: fred.Curvethat uses input curves vertices, with complexity number of vertices and that has small distance to input curve


discrete (k,l)-center clustering (continuous Fréchet)

  • from Approximating (k,l)-center clustering for curves
  • signature: fred.discrete_klcenter(k, l, curves, distances, random_first_center, fast_simplification) with parameters
    • k: number of centers
    • l: maximum complexity of the centers
    • consecutive_call: reuses distances and simplifications already computed in a previous call if true, defaults to false
    • random_first_center: determines if first center is chosen uniformly at random or first curve is used as first center, optional, defaults to true
    • fast_simplification: determines whether to use the minimum error simplification or the faster approximate minimum error simplification, defaults to false
  • returns: fred.Clustering_Result with mebers
    • value: objective value
    • time: running-time
    • assignment: empty if compute_assignment has not been called

discrete (k,l)-median clustering (continuous Fréchet)

  • Algorithm from section 4.3 in Geometric Approximation Algorithms + simplification
  • signature: fred.discrete_klmedian(k, l, curves, distances, fast_simplification) with parameters
    • k: number of centers
    • l: maximum complexity of the centers
    • consecutive_call: reuses distances and simplifications already computed in a previous call if true, defaults to false
    • fast_simplification: determines whether to use the minimum error simplification or the faster approximate minimum error simplification, defaults to false
  • returns: fred.Clustering_Result with mebers
    • value: objective value
    • time: running-time
    • assignment: empty if compute_assignment has not been called

Clustering Result

  • signature: fred.Clustering_Result
  • methods: -len(fred.Clustering_Result): number of centers
    • fred.Clustering_Result[i]: get ith center
    • fred.Clustering_Result.compute_assignment(fred.Curves, bool consecutive_call): assigns every curve to its nearest center with parameter consecutive_call, which defaults to false; set to true, if you want to assign the curves used for clustering
  • members:
    • value: objective value
    • time: running-time
    • assignment: empty if compute_assignment was not called

Cluster Assignment

  • signature: fred.Cluster_Assignment
  • methods:
    • len(fred.Cluster_Assignment): number of centers
    • fred.Cluster_Assignment.count(i): number of curves assigned to center i
    • fred.Cluster_Assignment.get(i,j): get index of jth curve assigned to center i

Dimension Reduction via Gaussian Random Projection



You have to have installed:

  • cmake
  • git
  • openmp available (should be a part of your compiler)

Thats it!

Installation Procedure

  • Variant 1: simply run pip install Fred-Frechet
  • Variant 2: clone repository and run make for installation into userdir


Just run python py/

Mini Example

import Fred as fred
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

curve1d = fred.Curve([1., 2.]) # Curve stores a polygonal curve with 
                                         # at least two points of at least one 
                                         # and equal number of dimensions

curve2d1 = fred.Curve([[1., 0.], [2., 1.], [3., 0.]]) # any number of dimensions and points works
curve2d2 = fred.Curve([[1., -1.], [2., -2.], [3., -1.]], "optional name, e.g. displayed in plot") 


fred.plot_curve(curve2d1, curve2d2)
fred.plot_curve(curve2d2, fred.minimum_error_simplification(curve2d2, 2))

print("distance is {}".format(fred.continuous_frechet(curve2d1, curve2d2).value))

print("download HUGE curves") 

import requests, zipfile, io             # you can use all libraries 
                                         # that work with numpy to read data into fred
re = requests.get("", stream=True)
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(re.content))

ps1 = fred.Curve(pd.read_csv('PS1.txt'), delimiter="\t", header=None).values[:50], "PS1")
ps2 = fred.Curve(pd.read_csv('PS2.txt'), delimiter="\t", header=None).values[:50], "PS2")
ps3 = fred.Curve(pd.read_csv('PS3.txt'), delimiter="\t", header=None).values[:50], "PS3")
ps4 = fred.Curve(pd.read_csv('PS4.txt'), delimiter="\t", header=None).values[:50], "PS4")
ps5 = fred.Curve(pd.read_csv('PS5.txt'), delimiter="\t", header=None).values[:50], "PS5")
ps6 = fred.Curve(pd.read_csv('PS6.txt'), delimiter="\t", header=None).values[:50], "PS6")

curves = fred.Curves() # for clustering or if you want to apply dimension reduction
                       # you need to encapsulate your curves in a Curves object


curves = fred.dimension_reduction(curves, 0.95) # fred is pretty fast but with high dimensional data
                                                # a dimension reduction massively improves running-time
                                                # even for smaller values of epsilon
# Oneshot clustering - if you already know the value of k
clustering = fred.discrete_klcenter(2, 10, curves) # fast but coarse
clustering = fred.discrete_klmedian(2, 10, curves) # slow but better results

print("clustering cost is {}".format(clustering.value))

for i, center in enumerate(clustering):
    print("center {} is {}".format(i, center))


# Multiple clustering calls - if you need to find a suitable value for k
for k in range(2, 6):
    clustering = fred.discrete_klcenter(k, 10, curves, consecutive_call=True)
    print("clustering cost is {}".format(clustering.value))
    clustering = fred.discrete_klmedian(k, 10, curves, consecutive_call=True)
    print("clustering cost is {}".format(clustering.value))


for i in range(0, len(clustering)):
    for j in range(0, clustering.assignment.count(i)):
        print("{} was assigned to center {}".format(curves[clustering.assignment.get(i,j)].name, clustering[i].name))