- 52866a2: Bump webpack from 5.89.0 to 5.94.0
- 00a21fc: Bump send and express
- 23930b9: Bump micromatch and lint-staged
- 561a664: Bump body-parser and express
- dc92975: Bump elliptic from 6.5.4 to 6.6.0
- b07d0ba: Bump next from 14.1.1 to 14.2.12
- ab7e73c: Bump serve-static and express
- 2c03d73: build(deps): bump path-to-regexp and @clerk/nextjs
- 7cc5783: ### Dependency update Bump ws from 6.2.2 to 6.2.3
- b32a78e: Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
- 9b665f2: Bump next from 14.0.4 to 14.1.1
- 4ec6220: Bump ejs from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10
- a5cd1ea: feat(ui): added project about page
- 9daa7a1: fix(ui): navbar not closing on mobile devices
- 1a49be8: fix(ui): navbar not closing on mobile devices
- 9daa7a1: changed onboarding flow to landing -> signin -> dashboard, removed "auto" theme support now is light & dark only
- 201cea9: Bump jose from 4.15.4 to 4.15.5
- fb7e1b1: - docs: updated product roadmap notion link in README.md
- styles: updated authentication page(s) layout
- chore: added missing npm package @dnd-kit/utilities
- chore: removed unused emotion/** npm packages
- 3c28484: Bump ip from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
- eab6d90: docs: added product roadmap to README.md
- 4c4968b: Bump @clerk/nextjs from 4.27.5 to 4.29.3
- 150d301: chore: removed @mantine/prism package
354818b: feat: updated landing page
- added link to version 1
- updated landing page
- refined light and dark mixins on home page
- refactored breadcrumbs on apps pages
- updated side navigation links verbiage and grouping
6738e41: fix: bumped mantine prism package from v6 to v7
- 1a6b808: updated navigation groups verbiage, updated navigation styles
- e541e80: feat: updated hero section and header nav content and styles
- 57e711a: refactored all breadcrumb menu in apps pages
- 8701c24: feat: updated landing page design
- 4371af7: added github, components, previous version links on landing page
ec87a81: Upgrade to Next.js 14 with App Router and Mantine 7
This major release marks a significant upgrade to the website, transitioning from Next.js 13 to 14 with App Router and from Mantine 6 to 7. This upgrade brings about substantial enhancements in performance, accessibility, user experience, and overall development practices.
- Project Structure: Aligned the project structure with the recommended guidelines for Next.js and App Router, enhancing organization and maintainability.
- Pages and Layouts: Optimized the pages and layouts structure to align with Next.js and App Router best practices, ensuring a more structured and efficient codebase.
- Pages Metadata: Updated each page's metadata content to provide more accurate and informative descriptions for search engines.
- Error Pages: Deprecated the individual 403, 404, and 500 error pages and adopted a unified "not-found" page for 404 errors and a generic error page for other server-side errors.
- Navigation Progress Bar: Discontinued the navigation progress bar for in-page transitions and implemented a centralized loading.tsx file to handle all in-page loading animations.
- CreateStyles: Adopted CSS Modules as the preferred method for styling components, replacing the deprecated createStyles function.
- Sx Prop: Replaced the deprecated sx prop with className or style prop for styling components in Mantine 7.0.
- Theme and ColorScheme: Refactored the theme and colour scheme usage across the codebase to align with Mantine 7.0 conventions.
- Dynamic Multicolor Theme: Deprecated the dynamic multicolour theme change feature and centralized theme configuration in the theme/index.tsx file.
- Collapsible Side Navigation: Introduced a collapsible side navigation panel for enhanced user interface and navigation experience.
- Active Link Styles: Implemented logic to dynamically apply active link styles to the side navigation menu, providing clear visual cues for the currently selected page.
- Dark/Light Theme Switch: Integrated a dark/light theme toggle switch on the navigation header, enabling users to personalize their viewing experience.
- Loading Animations: Added loading animations to components rendering mock data, providing visual feedback during data fetching and processing.
- Custom useFetch Hook: Developed a custom useFetch hook to streamline data fetching across the application. This hook encapsulates data fetching logic, returning data, loading, and error states, and utilizes the native JavaScript fetch API.
- Code Formatting: Implemented Prettier, Husky, and lint-staged to enforce consistent code formatting and maintain a high level of code quality.
- Clerk Integration: Integrated Clerk (https://clerk.com/) to extend user authentication and management capabilities, providing a seamless user experience.
- NextAuth with Auth0: Implemented NextAuth with Auth0 (https://auth0.com/) for user authentication, leveraging NextAuth's flexibility and Auth0's robust identity management platform.
- Component Documentation Stories: Created component documentation stories using Storybook to provide clear and interactive documentation for each component.
- General Bug Fixes: Addressed a variety of bugs and issues to enhance overall stability and performance.
7c9c77d: upgraded to next 14 and mantine 7
- 8c0f1cf: added and setup prettier, husky and lint-staged
- 2516fd6: updated side nav background color
- 5100231: updated pages metadata bug removed head tags in pages added color mode switch moved color mode switch to header removed theme drawer because no logic for color switching yet
- 3cebb01: updated all pages metatadata
- 2516fd6: refactored layouts to match recommended layouts file structure by next docs 13
- 764a558: Added storybook component stories
- 1176e8c: setup next-auth & added auth0 provicder
- 5c1c149: added logic for active link styles
- 222a5c3: added mantine sliders, dates, buttons stories
- 4197fea: added usefetchdata hook for all mock data replacing the previous data imports
- 7820b01: replaced yarn with npm configs
- 33fca13: updated .yarn configs
- d97f262: added chats loading animation, updated chats data to fetch using fetch data hook
- bug fix on chromatic yaml file
- 61d5f55: removed 403 page because of build time errors
- bc0b3e1: refactored 404 and 500 pages because they are ootb & designated special pages by nextjs
- a86aa70: updated .yarn configs
- 4e8993e: finished app layout migrations
- b16fc6a: Ft/yarn
- 342a66a: ### Updated
- Update issue templates
- 5ae5a37: version 1 complete
- cfff613: ### added
- added changesets to manage versioning
- basic application complete