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292 lines (255 loc) · 25.2 KB

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292 lines (255 loc) · 25.2 KB
Description of endpoints used to get notification data on the DeSo blockchain

Notification Endpoints

Please make sure you've read . so you are familiar with the following types referenced in this documentation:

Get Notifications

POST /api/v0/get-notifications

Get user notifications.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend:
- Make request to Get Notifications
- Use GetNotifications to get the next page of notifications for a user

Request Body

Name Type Description
PublicKeyBase58Check* String user public key
FetchStartIndex int64 Index of notification at which to start paginated lookup. Can set to -1
NumToFetch* int64 Number of notifications to fetch
FilteredOutNotificationCategories map[string]bool

map of category name to boolean indicating whether or not to include this category of transaction types. if not provided, no filtering occurs.

Category names and transaction types included in category:
- diamond: BasicTransfer or CreatorCoinTransfer transactions that have appropriate diamond extra data.
- transfer: BasicTransfer or CreatorCoinTransfer transactions that do not have diamond extra data OR CreatorCoin (buy or sell) transactions.
- post: Post transactions
- follow: Follow transactions
- like: Like transactions
- nft: NFTBid, AcceptNFTBid, NFTTransfer , CreateNFT, or UpdateNFT transactions

- dao: DAOCoin, DAOCoinTransfer, or DAOCoinLimitOrder transactions

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully retrieved the next page of notifications" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

  "LastSeenIndex": 100, // Index of the last notification the user has seen
  "Notifications": [
      "Index": 99, // Index of this notification in the list of all notifications for the given public key
      "Metadata": { // Metadata that describe the transaction
        "AffectedPublicKeys": [{
          "Metadata": "BasicTransferOutput", // For a list of all AffectedPublicKey Metadata values - see over here...,
          "PublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", 
        "BlockHashHex": "0000000000006a8e90b36c0ac36dbe9bc9f97252ab5418abc4d0e2bb2e3d923f", // Hex of the block hash
        "TransactorPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLfhPNqmoAUSDwoQBJrAZRbW4XFA7db89Awpr7GJdN9pWcBZVweQ", // Public key of the user who created the transaction that generated this notification
        "TxnIndexInBlock": 850, // Index of the transaction in the block for which this notification was generated
        "TxnOutputs": [
            "PublicKey": "AgNw/nCxUVblm/dDy0qGleAUqZfdIdiuOBtALN4TdhII", // Public key bytes - this is not particularly useful.
            "AmountNanos": 792289, // Amount of Deso in nanos in this transaction output.
        "BasicTransferTxindexMetadata": { // Describes basic transfer in transaction. Appears for all notifications
          "TotalInputNanos": 100, // Total DeSo nanos in the inputs of this transaction
          "TotalOutputNanos": 90, // Total Deso nanos in the outputs of this transaction
          "FeeNanos": 20, // Total fees of this transaction
          "UtxoOpsDump": "",
          "UtxoOps": <UtxoOperation>, // UTXO operation to be documented
          "DiamondLevel": 1, // Number of diamonds given by this basic transfer
          "PostHashHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290" // Hex of Post hash for which diamonds were given by this transaction
        "BitcoinExchangeTxindexMetadata": { // Describes bitcoin exchange transaction. Only appears for Bitcoin Exchange transactions
          "BitcoinSpendAddress": "1B9MXT8sME3Z7kNLTfRDqeKdcUKiF1qhPr", // Address from which BTC was burned
          "SatoshisBurned": 100, // Total Satoshis burned by the transactor
          "NanosCreated": 10, // Total nanos created by this transaction. Note: the DeSo supply is now fixed.
          "TotalNanosPurchasedBefore": 10000, // Total nanos minted by the DeSo protocol before this transaction. Note: the DeSo supply is now fixed.
          "TotalNanosPurchasedAfter": 1010, // Total nanos minted by the DeSo protocol after this transaction. Note: the DeSo supply is now fixed. 
          "BitcoinTxnHash": "833ec95b45707667d29d9cecfdc8dd86006ab0fc8214f395e206437902a9cc9f" // Hash of BTC transaction that exchanged BTC for DeSo
        "CreatorCoinTxindexMetadata": { // Describes creator coin buy/sell transaction. Only appears for Creator coin transactions.
          "OperationType": "buy", // Valid values are "buy" and "sell". "buy" means this transaction was a creator coin purchase. "sell" means this transaction was a creator coin sale.
          "DeSoToSellNanos": 1000, // The amount of DeSo in nanos spent to purchase creator coins. This is only populated if OperationType is "buy"
          "CreatorCoinToSellNanos": 0, // The amount of creator coin in nanos sold. This is only populated if the OperationType is "sell"
          "DeSoToAddNanos": 0, // Note: this field is not currently used.
          "DESOLockedNanosDiff": 1000, // diff in the amount of DeSo locked in a creator coin as a result of this transaction
        "CreatorCoinTransferTxindexMetadata": { // Describes creator coin transfer transaction. Only appears for Creator coin transfer transactions
          "CreatorUsername": "LazyNina", // User of the creator whose coins are transferred in this transaction
          "CreatorCoinToTransferNanos": 1000, // Amount of creator coins of CreatorUsername that were transferred in this transaction
          "DiamondLevel": 2, // Number of diamonds given by this creator coin transfer. Note: diamonds are no longer given in Creator Coins
          "PostHashHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290", // Hex of Post hash for which diamonds were given by this transaction. Note: diamonds are no longer given in creator coins.
        "UpdateProfileTxindexMetadata": { // Describe update profile transaction. Only appears for Update profile transactions.
          "ProfilePublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the user whose profile was updated
          "NewUsername": "LazyNina", // New username in the user's profile
          "NewDescription": "reading the paper, going to movies", //  New description in the user's profile
          "NewProfilePic": "", // Base64 encoded profile picture in the user's profile
          "NewCreatorBasisPoints": 1000, // Founder reward for the user in basis points.
          "NewStakeMultipleBasisPoints": 0, // Deprecated
          "IsHidden": false, // Whether this profile is hidden or not
        "SubmitPostTxindexMetadata": { // Describes submit post transaction. Only appears for submit post transactions.
          "PostHashBeingModifiedHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290", // Hex of Post hash that is created by or modified by this transaction
          "ParentPostHashHex": "", // Hex of Post hash that is the parent of PostHashBeingModifiedHex if there is one.
        "LikeTxindexMetadata": { // Describes like transaction. Only appears for like transactions.
          "IsUnlike": false, // If true, this transaction remove an existing like on a post. If false, this transaction add a like on a post.
          "PostHashHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290" // Hex of Post hash that is liked (or unliked) by this transaction.
        "FollowTxindexMetadata": { // Describes follow transaction. Only appears for follow transactions.
          "IsUnfollow": false, // If true, this transaction removes a creator from a user's following list. If false, this transaction add a creator to a user's following list.
        "PrivateMessageTxindexMetadata": { // Describes private message transaction. Only appears for private message transactions.
          "TimestampNanos": 1000, // Timestamp of private message
        "SwapidentityTxindexMetadata": { // Describes swap identity transaction. Only appears for swap identity transactions.
          "FromPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the "from" user being swapped
          "ToPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLgU67opDhT9bTPsqvue9QmyJLDHRZrSj77cF3P4yYDndmad9Wmx", // Public key of the "to" user being swapped
          "FromDeSoLockedNanos": 1000, // DeSoLocked in from's creator coin after this transaction. Note this field is only needed for Rosetta
          "ToDeSoLockedNanos": 2000, // DeSoLocked in to's creator coin after this transaction. Note this field is only needed for Rosetta
        "NFTBidTxindexMetadata": { // Describes NFT bid transaction. Only appears for NFT bid transactions.
          "NFTPostHashHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290", // Hex of Post hash that is being bid on in this transaction
          "SerialNumber": 10, // Serial number on which this bid is submitted
          "BidAmountNanos": 1000, // Amount of DeSo (in nanos) bid on the NFT in this transaction.
          "IsBuyNowBid": true, // If true, this bid was a bid on a Buy Now NFT that exceeded the Buy Now Price, resulting in a purchase of the NFT
          "CreatorCoinRoyaltyNanos": 100, // Amount of royalties going to the NFT creator's creator coin in this transaction. 
          "CreatorRoyaltyNanos": 200, // Amount of royalties going to the NFT creator's wallet in the form of DESO in this transaction.
          "CreatorPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the creator of the NFT
          "AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to DESO nanos representing the royalties to the public key's creator coin
            "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2": 50,
          "AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to DESO nanos representing the royalties paid to public key in the form of DESO
            "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2": 25,
          "OwnerPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV", // Public key of the owner at the time of the bid
        "AcceptNFTBidTxindexMetadata": { // Describe Accept NFT bid transactions. Only appears for accept NFT bid transactions.
          "NFTPostHashHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290", // Hex of Post hash that is  sold in this transaction
          "SerialNumber": 10, // Serial number that is sold in this transaction 
          "BidAmountNanos": 1000, // Amount of DeSo (in nanos) of the bid that was accepted in this transaction.
          "CreatorCoinRoyaltyNanos": 100, // Amount of royalties going to the NFT creator's creator coin in this transaction. 
          "CreatorRoyaltyNanos": 200, // Amount of royalties going to the NFT creator's wallet in the form of DESO in this transaction.
          "CreatorPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the creator of the NFT
          "AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to DESO nanos representing the royalties to the public key's creator coin
            "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2": 50,
          "AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to DESO nanos representing the royalties paid to public key in the form of DESO
            "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2": 25,
        "UpdateNFTTxindexMetadata": { // Describes the Update NFT transaction
          "NFTPostHashHex": "3588e0a85e463966e91b0ec429de9b3edd9f5c9fad3c555c60af358e0688c801", // Hex of Post hash for the NFT that is updated in this transaction
          "IsForSale": true, // If true, this NFT has been put on sale
        "CreateNFTTxindexMetadata": { // Describe the Create NFT transaction
          "NFTPostHashHex": "3588e0a85e463966e91b0ec429de9b3edd9f5c9fad3c555c60af358e0688c801", // Hex of Post hsah for the NFT that is being created in this transaction
          "AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to basis points for additional coin royalty
            "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2": 100
          "AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to basis points for additional DESO royalty
            "tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV": 500
        "DAOCoinTxindexMetadata": { // Describes the DAO Coin transaction
          "CreatorUsername": "LazyNina", // Username of DAO creator
          "OperationType": "mint", // String of operation type. Expected values are mint, burn, disable_minting, and update_transfer_restriction_status
          "CoinsToMintNanos": "0x5F5E100", // Hex string representing the number of coins minted in this operation
          "CoinsToBurnNanos": "0x0", // Hex string representing the number of coins burned in this operation
          "TransferRestrictionStatus": "", // String representing the transfer restriction status set in this transaction. Valid values are "Unrestricted", "Profile Owner Only", "DAO Members Only", and "Permanently Unrestricted"
        "DAOCoinTransferTxindexMetadata": {
          "CreatorUsername": "LazyNina", // Username of DAO creator
          "DAOCoinToTransferNanos": "0x5F5E100", // Hex string representing the number of DAO coins transferred in this transaction
      "Txn": null,
      "TxnOutputResponses": [{ // Outputs from the transaction that generated this notification
        "AmountNanos": 1000, // Amount of nanos in this output
        "PublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the recipient of this output
  "PostsByHash": { // Map of post hash hex to PostEntryResponse that can be used to add post data to a notification
    "63d6b65c4b270cc538ca0cbd2bb538b8d30de1dda9b397e25c68581e3e4bc209": <PostEntryResponse>,
  "ProfilesByPublicKey": { // Map of public key to ProfileEntryResponse that can be used to add user profile data to a notification
    "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s": <ProfileEntryResponse>,

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %} ...coming soon! See comments in sample response for descriptions for now. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    // Response

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Get Unread Notification Count

POST /api/v0/get-unread-notifications-count

Gets the number of unread notifications.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in's frontend:
- Make request to Get Unread Notification Count
- Use GetUnreadNotificationCount to display an indicator next to notifications representing the number of unread notifications

Request Body

Name Type Description
PublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the user for whom we want to get the notification count

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully retrieved the number of unread notifications" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

  "NotificationsCount": 2, // Number of unread notifications.
  "LastUnreadNotificationIndex": 31147, // Index of the last read notification.
  "UpdateMetadata": false // If true, the frontend should make a call to /api/v0/set-notification-metadata

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %}

NotificationsCountuint64Number of unread notifications
LastUnreadNotificationIndexuint64Index of the last read notification
UpdateMetadataBooleanif true, the frontend should make a call to Broken linkto update the state of notifications read
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    // Response

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Set Notification Metadata

POST /api/v0/set-notification-metadata

Update the number of unread notifications, the last notification seen index, and the last unread notification index.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in's frontend:
- Make a request to Set Notification Metadata
- Use SetNotificationMetadata when loading the first page of notifications

Request Body

Name Type Description
PublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the user for whom we are setting notification metadata
LastSeenIndex* int The last notification index the user has seen
LastUnreadNotificationIndex* int The last notification index that has been scanned
UnreadNotifications* int The total count of unread notifications
JWT* String JSON web token authenticating user

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully updated notification metadata for user" %} No response body {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    // Response

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}