description |
Description of endpoints used to get notification data on the DeSo blockchain |
Please make sure you've read . so you are familiar with the following types referenced in this documentation:
- #profileentryresponse
- #postentryresponse
- #balanceentryresponse
- #nftentryresponse
- #nftcollectionresponse
Get user notifications.
Endpoint implementation in backend.
Example usages in frontend:
- Make request to Get Notifications
- Use GetNotifications to get the next page of notifications for a user
Name | Type | Description |
PublicKeyBase58Check* | String | user public key |
FetchStartIndex | int64 | Index of notification at which to start paginated lookup. Can set to -1 |
NumToFetch* | int64 | Number of notifications to fetch |
FilteredOutNotificationCategories | map[string]bool | map of category name to boolean indicating whether or not to include this category of transaction types. if not provided, no filtering occurs. - |
{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully retrieved the next page of notifications" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}
"LastSeenIndex": 100, // Index of the last notification the user has seen
"Notifications": [
"Index": 99, // Index of this notification in the list of all notifications for the given public key
"Metadata": { // Metadata that describe the transaction
"AffectedPublicKeys": [{
"Metadata": "BasicTransferOutput", // For a list of all AffectedPublicKey Metadata values - see over here...,
"PublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s",
"BlockHashHex": "0000000000006a8e90b36c0ac36dbe9bc9f97252ab5418abc4d0e2bb2e3d923f", // Hex of the block hash
"TransactorPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLfhPNqmoAUSDwoQBJrAZRbW4XFA7db89Awpr7GJdN9pWcBZVweQ", // Public key of the user who created the transaction that generated this notification
"TxnIndexInBlock": 850, // Index of the transaction in the block for which this notification was generated
"TxnOutputs": [
"PublicKey": "AgNw/nCxUVblm/dDy0qGleAUqZfdIdiuOBtALN4TdhII", // Public key bytes - this is not particularly useful.
"AmountNanos": 792289, // Amount of Deso in nanos in this transaction output.
"BasicTransferTxindexMetadata": { // Describes basic transfer in transaction. Appears for all notifications
"TotalInputNanos": 100, // Total DeSo nanos in the inputs of this transaction
"TotalOutputNanos": 90, // Total Deso nanos in the outputs of this transaction
"FeeNanos": 20, // Total fees of this transaction
"UtxoOpsDump": "",
"UtxoOps": <UtxoOperation>, // UTXO operation to be documented
"DiamondLevel": 1, // Number of diamonds given by this basic transfer
"PostHashHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290" // Hex of Post hash for which diamonds were given by this transaction
"BitcoinExchangeTxindexMetadata": { // Describes bitcoin exchange transaction. Only appears for Bitcoin Exchange transactions
"BitcoinSpendAddress": "1B9MXT8sME3Z7kNLTfRDqeKdcUKiF1qhPr", // Address from which BTC was burned
"SatoshisBurned": 100, // Total Satoshis burned by the transactor
"NanosCreated": 10, // Total nanos created by this transaction. Note: the DeSo supply is now fixed.
"TotalNanosPurchasedBefore": 10000, // Total nanos minted by the DeSo protocol before this transaction. Note: the DeSo supply is now fixed.
"TotalNanosPurchasedAfter": 1010, // Total nanos minted by the DeSo protocol after this transaction. Note: the DeSo supply is now fixed.
"BitcoinTxnHash": "833ec95b45707667d29d9cecfdc8dd86006ab0fc8214f395e206437902a9cc9f" // Hash of BTC transaction that exchanged BTC for DeSo
"CreatorCoinTxindexMetadata": { // Describes creator coin buy/sell transaction. Only appears for Creator coin transactions.
"OperationType": "buy", // Valid values are "buy" and "sell". "buy" means this transaction was a creator coin purchase. "sell" means this transaction was a creator coin sale.
"DeSoToSellNanos": 1000, // The amount of DeSo in nanos spent to purchase creator coins. This is only populated if OperationType is "buy"
"CreatorCoinToSellNanos": 0, // The amount of creator coin in nanos sold. This is only populated if the OperationType is "sell"
"DeSoToAddNanos": 0, // Note: this field is not currently used.
"DESOLockedNanosDiff": 1000, // diff in the amount of DeSo locked in a creator coin as a result of this transaction
"CreatorCoinTransferTxindexMetadata": { // Describes creator coin transfer transaction. Only appears for Creator coin transfer transactions
"CreatorUsername": "LazyNina", // User of the creator whose coins are transferred in this transaction
"CreatorCoinToTransferNanos": 1000, // Amount of creator coins of CreatorUsername that were transferred in this transaction
"DiamondLevel": 2, // Number of diamonds given by this creator coin transfer. Note: diamonds are no longer given in Creator Coins
"PostHashHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290", // Hex of Post hash for which diamonds were given by this transaction. Note: diamonds are no longer given in creator coins.
"UpdateProfileTxindexMetadata": { // Describe update profile transaction. Only appears for Update profile transactions.
"ProfilePublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the user whose profile was updated
"NewUsername": "LazyNina", // New username in the user's profile
"NewDescription": "reading the paper, going to movies", // New description in the user's profile
"NewProfilePic": "", // Base64 encoded profile picture in the user's profile
"NewCreatorBasisPoints": 1000, // Founder reward for the user in basis points.
"NewStakeMultipleBasisPoints": 0, // Deprecated
"IsHidden": false, // Whether this profile is hidden or not
"SubmitPostTxindexMetadata": { // Describes submit post transaction. Only appears for submit post transactions.
"PostHashBeingModifiedHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290", // Hex of Post hash that is created by or modified by this transaction
"ParentPostHashHex": "", // Hex of Post hash that is the parent of PostHashBeingModifiedHex if there is one.
"LikeTxindexMetadata": { // Describes like transaction. Only appears for like transactions.
"IsUnlike": false, // If true, this transaction remove an existing like on a post. If false, this transaction add a like on a post.
"PostHashHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290" // Hex of Post hash that is liked (or unliked) by this transaction.
"FollowTxindexMetadata": { // Describes follow transaction. Only appears for follow transactions.
"IsUnfollow": false, // If true, this transaction removes a creator from a user's following list. If false, this transaction add a creator to a user's following list.
"PrivateMessageTxindexMetadata": { // Describes private message transaction. Only appears for private message transactions.
"TimestampNanos": 1000, // Timestamp of private message
"SwapidentityTxindexMetadata": { // Describes swap identity transaction. Only appears for swap identity transactions.
"FromPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the "from" user being swapped
"ToPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLgU67opDhT9bTPsqvue9QmyJLDHRZrSj77cF3P4yYDndmad9Wmx", // Public key of the "to" user being swapped
"FromDeSoLockedNanos": 1000, // DeSoLocked in from's creator coin after this transaction. Note this field is only needed for Rosetta
"ToDeSoLockedNanos": 2000, // DeSoLocked in to's creator coin after this transaction. Note this field is only needed for Rosetta
"NFTBidTxindexMetadata": { // Describes NFT bid transaction. Only appears for NFT bid transactions.
"NFTPostHashHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290", // Hex of Post hash that is being bid on in this transaction
"SerialNumber": 10, // Serial number on which this bid is submitted
"BidAmountNanos": 1000, // Amount of DeSo (in nanos) bid on the NFT in this transaction.
"IsBuyNowBid": true, // If true, this bid was a bid on a Buy Now NFT that exceeded the Buy Now Price, resulting in a purchase of the NFT
"CreatorCoinRoyaltyNanos": 100, // Amount of royalties going to the NFT creator's creator coin in this transaction.
"CreatorRoyaltyNanos": 200, // Amount of royalties going to the NFT creator's wallet in the form of DESO in this transaction.
"CreatorPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the creator of the NFT
"AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to DESO nanos representing the royalties to the public key's creator coin
"tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2": 50,
"AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to DESO nanos representing the royalties paid to public key in the form of DESO
"tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2": 25,
"OwnerPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV", // Public key of the owner at the time of the bid
"AcceptNFTBidTxindexMetadata": { // Describe Accept NFT bid transactions. Only appears for accept NFT bid transactions.
"NFTPostHashHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290", // Hex of Post hash that is sold in this transaction
"SerialNumber": 10, // Serial number that is sold in this transaction
"BidAmountNanos": 1000, // Amount of DeSo (in nanos) of the bid that was accepted in this transaction.
"CreatorCoinRoyaltyNanos": 100, // Amount of royalties going to the NFT creator's creator coin in this transaction.
"CreatorRoyaltyNanos": 200, // Amount of royalties going to the NFT creator's wallet in the form of DESO in this transaction.
"CreatorPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the creator of the NFT
"AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to DESO nanos representing the royalties to the public key's creator coin
"tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2": 50,
"AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to DESO nanos representing the royalties paid to public key in the form of DESO
"tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2": 25,
"UpdateNFTTxindexMetadata": { // Describes the Update NFT transaction
"NFTPostHashHex": "3588e0a85e463966e91b0ec429de9b3edd9f5c9fad3c555c60af358e0688c801", // Hex of Post hash for the NFT that is updated in this transaction
"IsForSale": true, // If true, this NFT has been put on sale
"CreateNFTTxindexMetadata": { // Describe the Create NFT transaction
"NFTPostHashHex": "3588e0a85e463966e91b0ec429de9b3edd9f5c9fad3c555c60af358e0688c801", // Hex of Post hsah for the NFT that is being created in this transaction
"AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to basis points for additional coin royalty
"tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2": 100
"AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap": { // Map of public key to basis points for additional DESO royalty
"tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV": 500
"DAOCoinTxindexMetadata": { // Describes the DAO Coin transaction
"CreatorUsername": "LazyNina", // Username of DAO creator
"OperationType": "mint", // String of operation type. Expected values are mint, burn, disable_minting, and update_transfer_restriction_status
"CoinsToMintNanos": "0x5F5E100", // Hex string representing the number of coins minted in this operation
"CoinsToBurnNanos": "0x0", // Hex string representing the number of coins burned in this operation
"TransferRestrictionStatus": "", // String representing the transfer restriction status set in this transaction. Valid values are "Unrestricted", "Profile Owner Only", "DAO Members Only", and "Permanently Unrestricted"
"DAOCoinTransferTxindexMetadata": {
"CreatorUsername": "LazyNina", // Username of DAO creator
"DAOCoinToTransferNanos": "0x5F5E100", // Hex string representing the number of DAO coins transferred in this transaction
"Txn": null,
"TxnOutputResponses": [{ // Outputs from the transaction that generated this notification
"AmountNanos": 1000, // Amount of nanos in this output
"PublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the recipient of this output
"PostsByHash": { // Map of post hash hex to PostEntryResponse that can be used to add post data to a notification
"63d6b65c4b270cc538ca0cbd2bb538b8d30de1dda9b397e25c68581e3e4bc209": <PostEntryResponse>,
"ProfilesByPublicKey": { // Map of public key to ProfileEntryResponse that can be used to add user profile data to a notification
"BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s": <ProfileEntryResponse>,
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %} ...coming soon! See comments in sample response for descriptions for now. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}
{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}
// Response
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Gets the number of unread notifications.
Endpoint implementation in backend.
Example usages in's frontend:
- Make request to Get Unread Notification Count
- Use GetUnreadNotificationCount to display an indicator next to notifications representing the number of unread notifications
Name | Type | Description |
PublicKeyBase58Check* | String | Public key of the user for whom we want to get the notification count |
{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully retrieved the number of unread notifications" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}
"NotificationsCount": 2, // Number of unread notifications.
"LastUnreadNotificationIndex": 31147, // Index of the last read notification.
"UpdateMetadata": false // If true, the frontend should make a call to /api/v0/set-notification-metadata
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %}
Name | Type | Description |
NotificationsCount | uint64 | Number of unread notifications |
LastUnreadNotificationIndex | uint64 | Index of the last read notification |
UpdateMetadata | Boolean | if true, the frontend should make a call to Broken linkto update the state of notifications read |
{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}
// Response
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Update the number of unread notifications, the last notification seen index, and the last unread notification index.
Endpoint implementation in backend.
Example usages in's frontend:
- Make a request to Set Notification Metadata
- Use SetNotificationMetadata when loading the first page of notifications
Name | Type | Description |
PublicKeyBase58Check* | String | Public key of the user for whom we are setting notification metadata |
LastSeenIndex* | int | The last notification index the user has seen |
LastUnreadNotificationIndex* | int | The last notification index that has been scanned |
UnreadNotifications* | int | The total count of unread notifications |
JWT* | String | JSON web token authenticating user |
{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully updated notification metadata for user" %} No response body {% endtab %}
{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}
// Response
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}