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350 lines (297 loc) · 25.1 KB
Description of endpoints used to construct DAO Transactions on the DeSo blockchain

DeSo Tokens Transactions API

Note: "DAO Coins" are now referred to as "DeSo Tokens" in all public-facing documentation, but the code and API have not yet been updated to reflect this change.\

Create DeSo Token (DAO Coin)

POST /api/v0/dao-coin

Create a DeSo Token transaction. Transaction needs to be signed and submitted through api/v0/submit-transaction before changes come into effect.

A mint operation creates new DeSo Tokens

A burn operation destroys DeSo Tokens

An update_transfer_restriction_status operation updates the restrictions on transferring a DeSo Tokens

A disable_minting operation prevents minting of any future DeSo Tokens

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend:
- Make request to DeSo Tokens
- Use DeSo Tokens to mint DeSo Tokens
- Use DeSo Tokens to burn DeSo Tokens
- Use DeSo Tokens to update transfer restriction status
- Use DeSo Tokens to disable minting

Request Body

Name Type Description
UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key performing the DeSo Token operation
ProfilePublicKeyBase58CheckOrUsername* String Public key or username of the creator of the Token on whose DeSo Token Updater is operating
OperationType* String Type of DeSo Token operation being perform. Must be mint, burn, update_transfer_restriction_status, or disable_minting
CoinsToMintNanos String

Hex string representing the number of DeSo Tokens in this operation.

Required if OperationType is mint

CoinsToBurnNanos String

Hex string representing the number of DeSo Tokens burned in this operation.

Required if OperationType is burn

TransferRestrictionStatus String

String representing the new transfer restriction status. Valid values are unrestricted, profile_owner_only, dao_members_only, permanently_unrestricted

Required if OperationType is update_transfer_restriction_status

MinFeeRateNanosPerKB* uint64 Rate per KB
TransactionFees TransactionFees[]

Array of


objects that define additional outputs that need to be added to this transaction

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully constructed a DeSo Token transaction" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

    "TotalInputNanos": 799994621,
    "ChangeAmountNanos": 799994391,
    "FeeNanos": 230,
    "Transaction": {
      "TxInputs": [
          "TxID": [... ],
          "Index": 0
      "TxOutputs": [
          "PublicKey": "Ajl7GoDroKYGRGUK8Twqb/37vziDDK/DSTenXd1EuM5S",
          "AmountNanos": 799994391
      "TxnMeta": {
        "ProfilePublicKey": "Ajl7GoDroKYGRGUK8Twqb/37vziDDK/DSTenXd1EuM5S", // Public key of the DAO coin creator
        "OperationType": 0, // Integer representing operation type. 0 is mint, 1 is burn, 2 is update transfer restriction status, 3 is disable minting
        "CoinsToMintNanos": "0x3b9aca00", // Hex string representing the number of nanos be minted in this transaction. Only set if operation type is 0.
        "CoinsToBurnNanos": "0x0", // Hex string representing the number of nanos being burned in this transaction. Only set if operation type is 1.
        "TransferRestrictionStatus": 0 // Integer representing the transfer restriction status being set in this transaction. Only set if operation type is 
      "PublicKey": "Ajl7GoDroKYGRGUK8Twqb/37vziDDK/DSTenXd1EuM5S",
      "ExtraData": null,
      "Signature": null,
      "TxnTypeJSON": 24
    "TransactionHex": "01c64eebdaf08d50f8bea79e6f2004b6b7b826fb3245f044271c6c8b6708e76a68000102397b1a80eba0a60644650af13c2a6ffdfbbf38830cafc34937a75ddd44b8ce5297e4bbfd02182a2102397b1a80eba0a60644650af13c2a6ffdfbbf38830cafc34937a75ddd44b8ce5200043b9aca0000002102397b1a80eba0a60644650af13c2a6ffdfbbf38830cafc34937a75ddd44b8ce520000",
    "TxnHashHex": "88595b14baf461bdc04020bd705c8e7f08d9bacef88cbaedefcae6328852292e"

{% endtab %}

{% tab title=" Response Field Descriptions" %} ...coming soon! See comments in sample response for descriptions for now. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Transfer DeSo Token (DAO Coin)

POST /api/v0/transfer-dao-coin

Create a transfer DeSo Token transaction. Transaction needs to be signed and submitted through api/v0/submit-transaction before changes come into effect.

Transfer DeSo Token coin transactions sends DeSo Token owned by the sender to the receiver.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend:
- Make request to Transfer DeSo Token
- Use TransferDAOCoin to construct, sign, and submit a DeSo Token transfer transaction.

Request Body

Name Type Description
SenderPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the user sending DeSo Token
ProfilePublicKeyBase58CheckOrUsername* String Public key of the creator whose DeSo Token will be sent in this transaction
ReceiverPublicKeyBase58CheckOrUsername* String Public key of the recipient
DAOCoinToTransferNanos* String Hex string representing the amount of DeSo Tokens to transfer in this transaction
MinFeeRateNanosPerKB* uint64 Rate per KB
TransactionFees TransactionFees[]

Array of


objects that define additional outputs that need to be added to this transaction

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully constructed a DeSo Token transfer transaction" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

    "SpendAmountNanos": 0,
    "TotalInputNanos": 799994391,
    "ChangeAmountNanos": 799994130,
    "FeeNanos": 261,
    "Transaction": {
      "TxInputs": [
          "TxID": [... ],
          "Index": 0
      "TxOutputs": [
          "PublicKey": "Ajl7GoDroKYGRGUK8Twqb/37vziDDK/DSTenXd1EuM5S",
          "AmountNanos": 799994130
      "TxnMeta": {
        "ProfilePublicKey": "Ajl7GoDroKYGRGUK8Twqb/37vziDDK/DSTenXd1EuM5S", // Public key of the DAO coin creator whose DAO coin you wish to transfer
        "DAOCoinToTransferNanos": "0x3b9aca00", // Hex string representing the number of DAO coins being transferred
        "ReceiverPublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF" // Public key of recipient
      "PublicKey": "Ajl7GoDroKYGRGUK8Twqb/37vziDDK/DSTenXd1EuM5S",
      "ExtraData": null,
      "Signature": null,
      "TxnTypeJSON": 25
    "TransactionHex": "015b9860bf3343449c19ff8227c0d932e4f996a4710ea0b6de268411137ed8e7cf000102397b1a80eba0a60644650af13c2a6ffdfbbf38830cafc34937a75ddd44b8ce5292e2bbfd0219492102397b1a80eba0a60644650af13c2a6ffdfbbf38830cafc34937a75ddd44b8ce52043b9aca002102aa3dc8d299ea1e4914de66494ed3e16eda9a0d65719d523c1a9a03cbf9f60c452102397b1a80eba0a60644650af13c2a6ffdfbbf38830cafc34937a75ddd44b8ce520000",
    "TxnHashHex": "7be4ac172d789b25657a12e109ec5502301483af27f0a394fff030622819a2f3"

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %} ...coming soon! See comments in sample response for descriptions for now. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    // Response

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Create DeSo Token (DAO Coin) Limit Order

POST /api/v0/create-doa-coin-limit-order

Create a new limit order to trade DeSo Tokens. The transaction needs to be signed and submitted through api/v0/submit-transaction before the order can be placed on the book or the coins are traded.

DeSo Tokens can be traded on an on-chain order book exchange. There are two types of markets where DeSo Tokens can be traded on the exchange: 1) markets where a DeSo Token is traded for $DESO, and 2) markets where a DeSo Token is traded for another DeSo Token.

This endpoint allows the creation of limit orders for either type of market.

Endpoint implementation in backend

Request Body

Name Type Description
TransactorPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the user creating the limit order
BuyingDAOCoinCreatorPublicKeyBase58CheckOrUsername* String

Public key or username of the creator of a profile, whose DeSo Token is being bought.

If the order is selling a DeSo Token for $DESO, then this parameter needs to be an empty string.

SellingDAOCoinCreatorPublicKeyBase58CheckOrUsername* String

Public key or username of the creator of a profile whose DeSo Token is being sold.

If the order is buying a DeSo Token with $DESO, then this parameter needs to be an empty string.

ExchangeRateCoinsToSellPerCoinToBuy* float64 The desired exchange rate for the coin being sold relative to the coin being bought. The real exchange rate used to fill this order will be equal to or better than the exchange rate provided here, always in the favor of the transactor.
MinFeeRateNanosPerKB* uint64 Rate per KB
TransactionFees TransactionFees[]

Array of


objects that define additional outputs that need to be added to this transaction

QuantityToFill* float64

The desired quantity of coins to buy or sell. This is denominated in number of coins (not nanos) and can have fractional values.

For example, if you wanted to fill an order of 1 DESO, you would specify 1 here, not 10^9.

OperationType* string

Supports values "BID" or "ASK".

"BID" signifies that this order wants to buy QuantityToFill total coins of the BuyingDAOCoinCreatorPublicKeyBase58CheckOrUsername coin.

"ASK" signifies that this limit order wants to sell QuantityToFill total coins of the BuyingDAOCoinCreatorPublicKeyBase58CheckOrUsername coin.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully constructed a DeSo Token coin limit order transaction" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

         "BuyingDAOCoinCreatorPublicKey":[...] // binary encoding of the coin being bought,
         "OperationType":2, // integer value representing operation type; ASK = 1, BID = 2
         "QuantityToFillInBaseUnits":"0x12a05f200", // hex encoding of the quantity to filled
         "ScaledExchangeRateCoinsToSellPerCoinToBuy":"0xe1b1e5f90f944d6e1c9e66c000000000", // hex encoding of the exchange rate
         "SellingDAOCoinCreatorPublicKey":[... ] // binary encoding of the coin being sold

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    "error": "..." // error message

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="500: Internal Server Error " %}

    "error": "..." // error message

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Cancel DeSo Token (DAO Coin) Limit Order

POST /api/v0/cancel-dao-coin-limit-order

Cancel an open limit order to trade DeSo Token. The transaction needs to be signed and submitted through api/v0/submit-transaction before the order is cancelled.

This endpoint allows a transactor to cancel a limit order they had previously created. The request will only succeed if the order is still open, and has not been completely filled or previously cancelled.

See #gets-all-open-limit-orders-created-by-a-transactor for how to retrieve all open orders created by a transactor.

Endpoint implementation in backend

Request Body

Name Type Description
TransactorPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the user who created the the limit order being cancelled
MinFeeRateNanosPerKB* uint64 Rate per KB
TransactionFees TransactionFees[]

Array of


objects that define additional outputs that need to be added to this transaction

CancelOrderID* string Unique order identifier for the original limit order to cancel. OrderID is also equivalent to the base64 transaction hash hex of the transaction that created the limit order.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully constructed a transaction to cancel an open DAO coin limit order" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

         "CancelOrderID":[...], // binary encoding for the order id for the limit order being cancelled

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    "error": "..." // error message

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="500: Internal Server Error " %}

    "error": "..." // error message

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}