diff --git a/02_dev/create_your_own_page/create_own_table_dev_mod_app.R b/02_dev/create_your_own_page/create_own_table_dev_mod_app.R
index b5e4470..36f3450 100644
--- a/02_dev/create_your_own_page/create_own_table_dev_mod_app.R
+++ b/02_dev/create_your_own_page/create_own_table_dev_mod_app.R
@@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ ui <- bslib::page_fillable(
Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["LA grouping"],
Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Other grouping"],
- Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Add selection"]
+ Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Clear all current selections"]
+ # Staging table and Add selections button
@@ -66,7 +67,8 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
year_input <- YearRangeServer(
- create_inputs$indicator
+ create_inputs$indicator,
+ create_inputs$clear_selections
# Geog Groupings
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_inputs.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_inputs.R
index ba7255e..5b80aaa 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_inputs.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_inputs.R
@@ -77,10 +77,23 @@ Create_MainInputsUI <- function(id) {
shiny::checkboxInput(ns("inc_regions"), "Include All Regions", FALSE),
shiny::checkboxInput(ns("inc_england"), "Include England", FALSE)
+ # Clear all current selections
+ "Clear all current selections" = div(
+ style = "height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-end;",
+ shinyGovstyle::button_Input(
+ inputId = ns("clear_all"),
+ label = "Clear all current selections",
+ type = "warning"
+ )
+ ),
# Add selection (query) button
"Add selection" = div(
style = "height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-end;",
- shiny::actionButton(ns("add_query"), "Add selections", class = "gov-uk-button")
+ shinyGovstyle::button_Input(
+ inputId = ns("add_query"),
+ label = "Add selections",
+ type = "start"
+ )
@@ -166,6 +179,19 @@ Create_MainInputsServer <- function(id, bds_metrics) {
ignoreNULL = FALSE
+ # Clear all current selections
+ observeEvent(input$clear_all, {
+ # Reset inputs to their initial state
+ updateSelectizeInput(session, "geog_input", selected = NA)
+ updateSelectizeInput(session, "indicator", selected = NA)
+ updateRadioButtons(session, "la_group", selected = "no_groups")
+ updateCheckboxInput(session, "inc_regions", value = FALSE)
+ updateCheckboxInput(session, "inc_england", value = FALSE)
+ # Emit a reset signal for year_range
+ session$sendCustomMessage("clear_year_range", TRUE)
+ })
# Return create your own main inputs
create_inputs <- list(
geog = reactive(input$geog_input),
@@ -175,6 +201,7 @@ Create_MainInputsServer <- function(id, bds_metrics) {
la_group = reactive(input$la_group),
inc_regions = reactive(input$inc_regions),
inc_england = reactive(input$inc_england),
+ clear_selections = reactive(input$clear_all),
add_query = reactive(input$add_query)
@@ -223,7 +250,7 @@ YearRangeUI <- function(id) {
#' @return A list containing reactive values for selected year range
#' and available year choices.
-YearRangeServer <- function(id, bds_metrics, indicator_input) {
+YearRangeServer <- function(id, bds_metrics, indicator_input, clear_selections) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# Compute years choices available based on selected indicator
years_choices <- reactive({
@@ -272,6 +299,11 @@ YearRangeServer <- function(id, bds_metrics, indicator_input) {
+ # Reset year range when clear all current selections button clicked
+ observeEvent(clear_selections(), {
+ shinyWidgets::updatePickerInput(session, "year_range", selected = NULL)
+ })
# Collect selected year range and available year choices
# (choices are used in query table to set year range info)
year_input <- list(
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_table.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_table.R
index a8f5bc7..da5de6f 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_table.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_table.R
@@ -197,7 +197,14 @@ StagingTableUI <- function(id) {
class = "well",
style = "overflow-y: visible;",
- h3("Staging Table (View of current selections)"),
+ bslib::layout_column_wrap(
+ h3("Staging Table (View of current selections)"),
+ # Include empty divs so matches inputs above and add selections aligns
+ div(),
+ div(),
+ # Add selections button
+ Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Add selection"]
+ ),
@@ -207,6 +214,7 @@ StagingTableUI <- function(id) {
# Staging table Server ---------------------------------------------------------
# Output a formatted reactable table of the staging data
# Few error message table outputs for incorrect/ missing selections
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_metadata.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_metadata.R
index fd890fa..6c73898 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_metadata.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_metadata.R
@@ -1,147 +1,152 @@
-# nolint start: object_name
-#' UI module for displaying metadata
-#' @param id A character string that is used as the namespace for the module's
-#' input and output.
-#' @return A UI element that displays the metadata.
-MetadataUI <- function(id) {
- ns <- NS(id)
- tagList(
- uiOutput(ns("metadata"))
- )
-#' Server module for fetching and rendering metadata
-#' @param id A character string that is used as the namespace for the module's
-#' input and output.
-#' @param indicator_input A reactive expression that returns the
-#' current indicator.
-#' @param data_metrics A data frame that contains the metrics data.
-#' @param metadata_type A character string that specifies the type of
-#' metadata to fetch.
-#' @return A server-side module that fetches and renders the metadata.
-MetadataServer <- function(id, indicator_input, data_metrics, metadata_type) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- output$metadata <- renderUI({
- metadata <- data_metrics |>
- get_metadata(indicator_input(), metadata_type)
- if (grepl("link", metadata_type)) {
- label <- indicator_input()
- metadata <- dfeshiny::external_link(href = metadata, link_text = label)
- }
- # Collapse multiple newlines and limit
- if (is.character(metadata)) {
- metadata <- gsub("\r\n|\n", "\n", metadata) # Normalize newlines
- metadata <- gsub("\n{2,}", "
", metadata) # Replace multiple newlines with a single
- metadata <- gsub("\n", "", metadata) # Remove stray newlines
- metadata <- HTML(metadata)
- }
- metadata
- })
- })
-#' UI module for displaying metadata at the LA level
-#' @param id A character string that is used as the namespace for
-#' the module's input and output.
-#' @return A UI element that displays the LA level metadata.
-LA_LevelMetaUI <- function(id) {
- ns <- NS(id)
- div(
- class = "well",
- style = "overflow-y: visible;",
- bslib::card(
- bslib::card_body(
- h3("Description:"),
- MetadataUI(ns("description")),
- h3("Methodology:"),
- MetadataUI(ns("methodology")),
- div(
- # Creates a flex container where the items are centered vertically
- style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
- h3("Last Updated:",
- style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
- ),
- MetadataUI(ns("last_update"))
- ),
- div(
- style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
- h3("Next Updated:",
- style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
- ),
- MetadataUI(ns("next_update"))
- ),
- div(
- style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
- h3("Source:",
- style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
- ),
- MetadataUI(ns("source"))
- )
- )
- )
- )
-#' Server module for fetching and rendering metadata at the LA level
-#' @param id A character string that is used as the namespace for the
-#' module's input and output.
-#' @param indicator_input A reactive expression that returns the
-#' current indicator.
-#' @param data_metrics A data frame that contains the metrics data.
-#' @return A server-side module that fetches and renders the LA level metadata.
-LA_LevelMetaServer <- function(id, indicator_input, data_metrics) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Pass the indicator_input reactive expression itself (without calling it)
- output$description <- MetadataServer(
- "description",
- indicator_input,
- data_metrics,
- "Description"
- )
- output$methodology <- MetadataServer(
- "methodology",
- indicator_input,
- data_metrics,
- "Methodology"
- )
- output$last_update <- MetadataServer(
- "last_update",
- indicator_input,
- data_metrics,
- "Last Update"
- )
- output$next_update <- MetadataServer(
- "next_update",
- indicator_input,
- data_metrics,
- "Next Update"
- )
- output$source <- MetadataServer(
- "source",
- indicator_input,
- data_metrics,
- "Hyperlink(s)"
- )
- })
-# nolint end
+# nolint start: object_name
+#' UI module for displaying metadata
+#' @param id A character string that is used as the namespace for the module's
+#' input and output.
+#' @return A UI element that displays the metadata.
+MetadataUI <- function(id) {
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
+ uiOutput(ns("metadata")),
+ type = 7,
+ color = "#1d70b8",
+ size = 0.6,
+ proxy.height = "10px"
+ )
+#' Server module for fetching and rendering metadata
+#' @param id A character string that is used as the namespace for the module's
+#' input and output.
+#' @param indicator_input A reactive expression that returns the
+#' current indicator.
+#' @param data_metrics A data frame that contains the metrics data.
+#' @param metadata_type A character string that specifies the type of
+#' metadata to fetch.
+#' @return A server-side module that fetches and renders the metadata.
+MetadataServer <- function(id, indicator_input, data_metrics, metadata_type) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ output$metadata <- renderUI({
+ metadata <- data_metrics |>
+ get_metadata(indicator_input(), metadata_type)
+ if (grepl("link", metadata_type)) {
+ label <- indicator_input()
+ metadata <- dfeshiny::external_link(href = metadata, link_text = label)
+ }
+ # Collapse multiple newlines and limit
+ if (is.character(metadata)) {
+ metadata <- gsub("\r\n|\n", "\n", metadata) # Normalize newlines
+ metadata <- gsub("\n{2,}", "
", metadata) # Replace multiple newlines with a single
+ metadata <- gsub("\n", "", metadata) # Remove stray newlines
+ metadata <- HTML(metadata)
+ }
+ metadata
+ })
+ })
+#' UI module for displaying metadata at the LA level
+#' @param id A character string that is used as the namespace for
+#' the module's input and output.
+#' @return A UI element that displays the LA level metadata.
+LA_LevelMetaUI <- function(id) {
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ div(
+ class = "well",
+ style = "overflow-y: visible;",
+ bslib::card(
+ bslib::card_body(
+ h3("Description:"),
+ MetadataUI(ns("description")),
+ h3("Methodology:"),
+ MetadataUI(ns("methodology")),
+ div(
+ # Creates a flex container where the items are centered vertically
+ style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
+ h3("Last Updated:",
+ style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
+ ),
+ MetadataUI(ns("last_update"))
+ ),
+ div(
+ style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
+ h3("Next Updated:",
+ style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
+ ),
+ MetadataUI(ns("next_update"))
+ ),
+ div(
+ style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
+ h3("Source:",
+ style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
+ ),
+ MetadataUI(ns("source"))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+#' Server module for fetching and rendering metadata at the LA level
+#' @param id A character string that is used as the namespace for the
+#' module's input and output.
+#' @param indicator_input A reactive expression that returns the
+#' current indicator.
+#' @param data_metrics A data frame that contains the metrics data.
+#' @return A server-side module that fetches and renders the LA level metadata.
+LA_LevelMetaServer <- function(id, indicator_input, data_metrics) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Pass the indicator_input reactive expression itself (without calling it)
+ output$description <- MetadataServer(
+ "description",
+ indicator_input,
+ data_metrics,
+ "Description"
+ )
+ output$methodology <- MetadataServer(
+ "methodology",
+ indicator_input,
+ data_metrics,
+ "Methodology"
+ )
+ output$last_update <- MetadataServer(
+ "last_update",
+ indicator_input,
+ data_metrics,
+ "Last Update"
+ )
+ output$next_update <- MetadataServer(
+ "next_update",
+ indicator_input,
+ data_metrics,
+ "Next Update"
+ )
+ output$source <- MetadataServer(
+ "source",
+ indicator_input,
+ data_metrics,
+ "Hyperlink(s)"
+ )
+ })
+# nolint end
diff --git a/server.R b/server.R
index 8d85846..05aca8c 100644
--- a/server.R
+++ b/server.R
@@ -1,491 +1,491 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This is the server file.
-# Use it to create interactive elements like tables, charts and text for your
-# app.
-# Anything you create in the server file won't appear in your app until you call
-# it in the UI file. This server script gives examples of plots and value boxes
-# There are many other elements you can add in too, and you can play around with
-# their reactivity. The "outputs" section of the shiny cheatsheet has a few
-# examples of render calls you can use:
-# https://shiny.rstudio.com/images/shiny-cheatsheet.pdf
-# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
-# http://shiny.rstudio.com/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-server <- function(input, output, session) {
- # Bookmarking ===============================================================
- # This uses bookmarking to store input choices in the url.
- # All inputs are excluded by default, and inputs can be added explicitly
- # in the included_inputs variable below
- shiny::observe({
- # Include these inputs for bookmarking
- included_inputs <- c(
- "la_inputs-la_name",
- "la_inputs-topic_name",
- "la_inputs-indicator_name",
- "navsetpillslist"
- )
- # Exclude all other inputs
- excluded_inputs <- setdiff(
- names(shiny::reactiveValuesToList(input)),
- included_inputs
- )
- # Set the excluded inputs for bookmarking
- shiny::setBookmarkExclude(excluded_inputs)
- # Validate topic and indicator consistency
- valid_indicators <- bds_metrics |>
- dplyr::filter(Topic == input$`la_inputs-topic_name`) |>
- dplyr::pull(Measure)
- if (input$`la_inputs-indicator_name` %in% valid_indicators) {
- # Trigger bookmarking if topic and indicator are consistent
- session$doBookmark()
- } else {
- # Redirect to a default URL if there is a mismatch
- default_url <- site_primary # Replace with your default URL
- shiny::updateQueryString(default_url, mode = "replace")
- }
- })
- shiny::onBookmarked(function(url) {
- # Update the query string with the bookmark URL
- shiny::updateQueryString(url, mode = "replace")
- })
- # Dynamically changes window title to be LAIT - page - LA - indicator
- # (Selected by user)
- shiny::observe({
- if (input$navsetpillslist %in% c("LA Level", "Regional Level")) {
- shinytitle::change_window_title(
- session,
- paste0(
- site_title, " - ",
- input$navsetpillslist, ": ",
- la_app_inputs$la(), ", ",
- la_app_inputs$indicator()
- )
- )
- } else {
- shinytitle::change_window_title(
- session,
- paste0(
- site_title, " - ",
- input$navsetpillslist
- )
- )
- }
- })
- # Cookies logic =============================================================
- output$cookie_status <- dfeshiny::cookies_banner_server(
- "cookie-banner",
- input_cookies = shiny::reactive(input$cookies),
- parent_session = session,
- google_analytics_key = google_analytics_key,
- cookies_link_panel = "cookies_panel_ui"
- )
- dfeshiny::cookies_panel_server(
- id = "cookie-panel",
- input_cookies = shiny::reactive(input$cookies),
- google_analytics_key = google_analytics_key
- )
- # ===========================================================================
- # Start of LAIT
- # ===========================================================================
- # reactiveValues object to store shared input values across pages
- shared_page_inputs <- reactiveValues(
- la = NULL,
- topic = NULL,
- indicator = NULL
- )
- # ===========================================================================
- # LA Level Page
- # ===========================================================================
- # User Inputs ===============================================================
- la_app_inputs <- appInputsServer("la_inputs", shared_page_inputs)
- # Page header
- PageHeaderServer("la_header", la_app_inputs, "Local Authority View")
- # LA level tables ===========================================================
- # Main table
- la_main_tbl <- LA_LevelTableServer(
- "la_table",
- la_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la
- )
- # Stats table
- LA_StatsTableServer(
- "la_stats",
- la_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la
- )
- # LA level charts ===========================================================
- # LA line chart
- la_linechart <- LA_LineChartServer(
- "la_line_chart",
- la_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # LA bar chart
- la_barchart <- LA_BarChartServer(
- "la_bar_chart",
- la_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # LA Metadata ===============================================================
- LA_LevelMetaServer(
- "la_meta",
- la_app_inputs$indicator,
- metrics_clean
- )
- # Export values for use in UI tests
- shiny::exportTestValues(
- la_main_tbl = la_main_tbl(),
- la_linechart = la_linechart(),
- la_barchart = la_barchart()
- )
- # ===========================================================================
- # Regional Level Page
- # ===========================================================================
- # User Inputs ===============================================================
- region_app_inputs <- appInputsServer("region_inputs", shared_page_inputs)
- # Header
- PageHeaderServer("region_header", region_app_inputs, "Regional View")
- # Region tables =============================================================
- # Region LA table -----------------------------------------------------------
- RegionLA_TableServer(
- "region_tables",
- region_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_geog
- )
- # Region table --------------------------------------------------------------
- Region_TableServer(
- "region_tables",
- region_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_geog,
- region_names_bds
- )
- # Region stats table --------------------------------------------------------
- Region_StatsTableServer(
- "region_stats_mod",
- region_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_geog,
- region_names_bds
- )
- # Region charts =============================================================
- # Shared inputs for Region multi-choice charts
- region_shared_inputs <- reactiveValues(
- chart_line_input = NULL,
- chart_bar_input = NULL
- )
- # Region focus line chart ---------------------------------------------------
- Region_FocusLineChartServer(
- "region_focus_line",
- region_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_geog,
- region_names_bds,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # Region multi-choice line chart --------------------------------------------
- Region_MultiLineChartServer(
- "region_multi_line",
- region_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_geog,
- region_names_bds,
- region_shared_inputs,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # Region focus bar chart ---------------------------------------------------
- Region_FocusBarChartServer(
- "region_focus_bar",
- region_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_geog,
- region_names_bds,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # Region multi-choice bar chart ---------------------------------------------
- Region_MultiBarChartServer(
- "region_multi_bar",
- region_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_geog,
- region_names_bds,
- region_shared_inputs,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # Region Metadata ===========================================================
- LA_LevelMetaServer(
- "region_meta",
- region_app_inputs$indicator,
- metrics_clean
- )
- # ===========================================================================
- # Statistical Neighbour Level Page
- # ===========================================================================
- # User Inputs ===============================================================
- stat_n_app_inputs <- appInputsServer("stat_n_inputs", shared_page_inputs)
- # Header
- PageHeaderServer("stat_n_header", stat_n_app_inputs, "Statistical Neighbour View")
- # Statistical Neighbour tables ==============================================
- # LA statistical neighbours table -------------------------------------------
- StatN_LASNsTableServer(
- "stat_n_tables",
- stat_n_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la
- )
- # LA geographic comparison table --------------------------------------------
- StatN_GeogCompTableServer(
- "stat_n_tables",
- stat_n_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la
- )
- # Statistics Table ----------------------------------------------------------
- StatN_StatsTableServer(
- "stat_n_stats_mod",
- stat_n_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la,
- la_names_bds
- )
- # Statistical Neighbour charts ==============================================
- # Shared inputs for Statistical Neighbour multi-choice charts
- stat_n_shared_inputs <- reactiveValues(
- chart_line_input = NULL,
- chart_bar_input = NULL
- )
- # Focus line chart ----------------------------------------------------------
- StatN_FocusLineChartServer(
- "stat_n_focus_line",
- stat_n_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # Multi-choice line chart ---------------------------------------------------
- StatN_MultiLineChartServer(
- "stat_n_multi_line",
- stat_n_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la,
- stat_n_shared_inputs,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # Focus bar chart -----------------------------------------------------------
- StatN_FocusBarChartServer(
- "stat_n_focus_bar",
- stat_n_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # Multi-choice bar chart ----------------------------------------------------
- StatN_MultiBarChartServer(
- "stat_n_multi_bar",
- stat_n_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la,
- stat_n_shared_inputs,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # Statistical Neighbour Metadata ============================================
- LA_LevelMetaServer(
- "stat_n_meta",
- stat_n_app_inputs$indicator,
- metrics_clean
- )
- # ===========================================================================
- # All LA Level Page
- # ===========================================================================
- # User Inputs ===============================================================
- all_la_app_inputs <- appInputsServer("all_la_inputs", shared_page_inputs)
- # Header
- PageHeaderServer("all_la_header", all_la_app_inputs, "All LA View")
- # All LA tables =============================================================
- # LA and Region table -------------------------------------------------------
- AllLA_TableServer(
- "all_la_table",
- all_la_app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- la_names_bds
- )
- # All LA Metadata ===========================================================
- LA_LevelMetaServer(
- "all_la_meta",
- all_la_app_inputs$indicator,
- metrics_clean
- )
- # User guide ================================================================
- InternalLinkServer(
- "la_level_link",
- "LA Level",
- session
- )
- # ===========================================================================
- # Create Your Own Page
- # ===========================================================================
- # User Inputs ===============================================================
- # Create own main inputs ----------------------------------------------------
- create_inputs <- Create_MainInputsServer("create_inputs", bds_metrics)
- # Year range input ----------------------------------------------------------
- year_input <- YearRangeServer(
- "year_range",
- bds_metrics,
- create_inputs$indicator
- )
- # Logic to create own =======================================================
- # Geog Groupings ------------------------------------------------------------
- geog_groups <- GroupingInputServer(
- "geog_groups",
- create_inputs,
- la_names_bds,
- region_names_bds,
- stat_n_geog,
- stat_n_la
- )
- # Staging Table =============================================================
- # Filtering BDS for staging data --------------------------------------------
- staging_bds <- StagingBDSServer(
- "staging_bds",
- create_inputs,
- geog_groups,
- year_input,
- bds_metrics
- )
- # Build staging data --------------------------------------------------------
- staging_data <- StagingDataServer(
- "staging_data",
- create_inputs,
- staging_bds,
- region_names_bds,
- la_names_bds,
- stat_n_la
- )
- # Output staging table ------------------------------------------------------
- StagingTableServer(
- "staging_table",
- create_inputs,
- region_names_bds,
- la_names_bds,
- stat_n_la,
- geog_groups,
- year_input,
- bds_metrics
- )
- # Query Table ===============================================================
- # Building query data -------------------------------------------------------
- query_data <- QueryDataServer(
- "query_data",
- create_inputs,
- geog_groups,
- year_input,
- staging_data
- )
- # Output query table --------------------------------------------------------
- query_table <- QueryTableServer(
- "query_table",
- query_data
- )
- # Create Own Table ==========================================================
- CreateOwnTableServer(
- "create_own_table",
- query_table,
- bds_metrics
- )
- # Create Own Charts =========================================================
- # Line chart ----------------------------------------------------------------
- CreateOwnLineChartServer(
- "create_own_line",
- query_table,
- bds_metrics,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # Bar chart -----------------------------------------------------------------
- CreateOwnBarChartServer(
- "create_own_bar",
- query_table,
- bds_metrics,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- # Extras ====================================================================
- # Copy-to-clipboard pop-up notification
- CopyToClipboardPopUpServer("copy-to-clipboard")
- # Stop app ==================================================================
- session$onSessionEnded(function() {
- shiny::stopApp()
- })
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This is the server file.
+# Use it to create interactive elements like tables, charts and text for your
+# app.
+# Anything you create in the server file won't appear in your app until you call
+# it in the UI file. This server script gives examples of plots and value boxes
+# There are many other elements you can add in too, and you can play around with
+# their reactivity. The "outputs" section of the shiny cheatsheet has a few
+# examples of render calls you can use:
+# https://shiny.rstudio.com/images/shiny-cheatsheet.pdf
+# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
+# http://shiny.rstudio.com/
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+server <- function(input, output, session) {
+ # Bookmarking ===============================================================
+ # This uses bookmarking to store input choices in the url.
+ # All inputs are excluded by default, and inputs can be added explicitly
+ # in the included_inputs variable below
+ shiny::observe({
+ # Include these inputs for bookmarking
+ included_inputs <- c(
+ "la_inputs-la_name",
+ "la_inputs-topic_name",
+ "la_inputs-indicator_name",
+ "navsetpillslist"
+ )
+ # Exclude all other inputs
+ excluded_inputs <- setdiff(
+ names(shiny::reactiveValuesToList(input)),
+ included_inputs
+ )
+ # Set the excluded inputs for bookmarking
+ shiny::setBookmarkExclude(excluded_inputs)
+ # Validate topic and indicator consistency
+ valid_indicators <- bds_metrics |>
+ dplyr::filter(Topic == input$`la_inputs-topic_name`) |>
+ dplyr::pull(Measure)
+ if (input$`la_inputs-indicator_name` %in% valid_indicators) {
+ # Trigger bookmarking if topic and indicator are consistent
+ session$doBookmark()
+ } else {
+ # Redirect to a default URL if there is a mismatch
+ default_url <- site_primary # Replace with your default URL
+ shiny::updateQueryString(default_url, mode = "replace")
+ }
+ })
+ shiny::onBookmarked(function(url) {
+ # Update the query string with the bookmark URL
+ shiny::updateQueryString(url, mode = "replace")
+ })
+ # Dynamically changes window title to be LAIT - page - LA - indicator
+ # (Selected by user)
+ shiny::observe({
+ if (input$navsetpillslist %in% c("LA Level", "Regional Level")) {
+ shinytitle::change_window_title(
+ session,
+ paste0(
+ site_title, " - ",
+ input$navsetpillslist, ": ",
+ la_app_inputs$la(), ", ",
+ la_app_inputs$indicator()
+ )
+ )
+ } else {
+ shinytitle::change_window_title(
+ session,
+ paste0(
+ site_title, " - ",
+ input$navsetpillslist
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ # Cookies logic =============================================================
+ output$cookie_status <- dfeshiny::cookies_banner_server(
+ "cookie-banner",
+ input_cookies = shiny::reactive(input$cookies),
+ parent_session = session,
+ google_analytics_key = google_analytics_key,
+ cookies_link_panel = "cookies_panel_ui"
+ )
+ dfeshiny::cookies_panel_server(
+ id = "cookie-panel",
+ input_cookies = shiny::reactive(input$cookies),
+ google_analytics_key = google_analytics_key
+ )
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # Start of LAIT
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # reactiveValues object to store shared input values across pages
+ shared_page_inputs <- reactiveValues(
+ la = NULL,
+ topic = NULL,
+ indicator = NULL
+ )
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # LA Level Page
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # User Inputs ===============================================================
+ la_app_inputs <- appInputsServer("la_inputs", shared_page_inputs)
+ # Page header
+ PageHeaderServer("la_header", la_app_inputs, "Local Authority View")
+ # LA level tables ===========================================================
+ # Main table
+ la_main_tbl <- LA_LevelTableServer(
+ "la_table",
+ la_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la
+ )
+ # Stats table
+ LA_StatsTableServer(
+ "la_stats",
+ la_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la
+ )
+ # LA level charts ===========================================================
+ # LA line chart
+ la_linechart <- LA_LineChartServer(
+ "la_line_chart",
+ la_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # LA bar chart
+ la_barchart <- LA_BarChartServer(
+ "la_bar_chart",
+ la_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # LA Metadata ===============================================================
+ LA_LevelMetaServer(
+ "la_meta",
+ la_app_inputs$indicator,
+ metrics_clean
+ )
+ # Export values for use in UI tests
+ shiny::exportTestValues(
+ la_main_tbl = la_main_tbl(),
+ la_linechart = la_linechart(),
+ la_barchart = la_barchart()
+ )
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # Regional Level Page
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # User Inputs ===============================================================
+ region_app_inputs <- appInputsServer("region_inputs", shared_page_inputs)
+ # Header
+ PageHeaderServer("region_header", region_app_inputs, "Regional View")
+ # Region tables =============================================================
+ # Region LA table -----------------------------------------------------------
+ RegionLA_TableServer(
+ "region_tables",
+ region_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_geog
+ )
+ # Region table --------------------------------------------------------------
+ Region_TableServer(
+ "region_tables",
+ region_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_geog,
+ region_names_bds
+ )
+ # Region stats table --------------------------------------------------------
+ Region_StatsTableServer(
+ "region_stats_mod",
+ region_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_geog,
+ region_names_bds
+ )
+ # Region charts =============================================================
+ # Shared inputs for Region multi-choice charts
+ region_shared_inputs <- reactiveValues(
+ chart_line_input = NULL,
+ chart_bar_input = NULL
+ )
+ # Region focus line chart ---------------------------------------------------
+ Region_FocusLineChartServer(
+ "region_focus_line",
+ region_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_geog,
+ region_names_bds,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # Region multi-choice line chart --------------------------------------------
+ Region_MultiLineChartServer(
+ "region_multi_line",
+ region_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_geog,
+ region_names_bds,
+ region_shared_inputs,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # Region focus bar chart ---------------------------------------------------
+ Region_FocusBarChartServer(
+ "region_focus_bar",
+ region_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_geog,
+ region_names_bds,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # Region multi-choice bar chart ---------------------------------------------
+ Region_MultiBarChartServer(
+ "region_multi_bar",
+ region_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_geog,
+ region_names_bds,
+ region_shared_inputs,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # Region Metadata ===========================================================
+ LA_LevelMetaServer(
+ "region_meta",
+ region_app_inputs$indicator,
+ metrics_clean
+ )
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # Statistical Neighbour Level Page
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # User Inputs ===============================================================
+ stat_n_app_inputs <- appInputsServer("stat_n_inputs", shared_page_inputs)
+ # Header
+ PageHeaderServer("stat_n_header", stat_n_app_inputs, "Statistical Neighbour View")
+ # Statistical Neighbour tables ==============================================
+ # LA statistical neighbours table -------------------------------------------
+ StatN_LASNsTableServer(
+ "stat_n_tables",
+ stat_n_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la
+ )
+ # LA geographic comparison table --------------------------------------------
+ StatN_GeogCompTableServer(
+ "stat_n_tables",
+ stat_n_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la
+ )
+ # Statistics Table ----------------------------------------------------------
+ StatN_StatsTableServer(
+ "stat_n_stats_mod",
+ stat_n_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la,
+ la_names_bds
+ )
+ # Statistical Neighbour charts ==============================================
+ # Shared inputs for Statistical Neighbour multi-choice charts
+ stat_n_shared_inputs <- reactiveValues(
+ chart_line_input = NULL,
+ chart_bar_input = NULL
+ )
+ # Focus line chart ----------------------------------------------------------
+ StatN_FocusLineChartServer(
+ "stat_n_focus_line",
+ stat_n_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # Multi-choice line chart ---------------------------------------------------
+ StatN_MultiLineChartServer(
+ "stat_n_multi_line",
+ stat_n_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la,
+ stat_n_shared_inputs,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # Focus bar chart -----------------------------------------------------------
+ StatN_FocusBarChartServer(
+ "stat_n_focus_bar",
+ stat_n_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # Multi-choice bar chart ----------------------------------------------------
+ StatN_MultiBarChartServer(
+ "stat_n_multi_bar",
+ stat_n_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la,
+ stat_n_shared_inputs,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # Statistical Neighbour Metadata ============================================
+ LA_LevelMetaServer(
+ "stat_n_meta",
+ stat_n_app_inputs$indicator,
+ metrics_clean
+ )
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # All LA Level Page
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # User Inputs ===============================================================
+ all_la_app_inputs <- appInputsServer("all_la_inputs", shared_page_inputs)
+ # Header
+ PageHeaderServer("all_la_header", all_la_app_inputs, "All LA View")
+ # All LA tables =============================================================
+ # LA and Region table -------------------------------------------------------
+ AllLA_TableServer(
+ "all_la_table",
+ all_la_app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ la_names_bds
+ )
+ # All LA Metadata ===========================================================
+ LA_LevelMetaServer(
+ "all_la_meta",
+ all_la_app_inputs$indicator,
+ metrics_clean
+ )
+ # User guide ================================================================
+ InternalLinkServer(
+ "la_level_link",
+ "LA Level",
+ session
+ )
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # Create Your Own Page
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # User Inputs ===============================================================
+ # Create own main inputs ----------------------------------------------------
+ create_inputs <- Create_MainInputsServer("create_inputs", bds_metrics)
+ # Year range input ----------------------------------------------------------
+ year_input <- YearRangeServer(
+ "year_range",
+ bds_metrics,
+ create_inputs$indicator,
+ create_inputs$clear_selections
+ )
+ # Logic to create own =======================================================
+ # Geog Groupings ------------------------------------------------------------
+ geog_groups <- GroupingInputServer(
+ "geog_groups",
+ create_inputs,
+ la_names_bds,
+ region_names_bds,
+ stat_n_geog,
+ stat_n_la
+ )
+ # Staging Table =============================================================
+ # Filtering BDS for staging data --------------------------------------------
+ staging_bds <- StagingBDSServer(
+ "staging_bds",
+ create_inputs,
+ geog_groups,
+ year_input,
+ bds_metrics
+ )
+ # Build staging data --------------------------------------------------------
+ staging_data <- StagingDataServer(
+ "staging_data",
+ create_inputs,
+ staging_bds,
+ region_names_bds,
+ la_names_bds,
+ stat_n_la
+ )
+ # Output staging table ------------------------------------------------------
+ StagingTableServer(
+ "staging_table",
+ create_inputs,
+ region_names_bds,
+ la_names_bds,
+ stat_n_la,
+ geog_groups,
+ year_input,
+ bds_metrics
+ )
+ # Query Table ===============================================================
+ # Building query data -------------------------------------------------------
+ query_data <- QueryDataServer(
+ "query_data",
+ create_inputs,
+ geog_groups,
+ year_input,
+ staging_data
+ )
+ # Output query table --------------------------------------------------------
+ query_table <- QueryTableServer(
+ "query_table",
+ query_data
+ )
+ # Create Own Table ==========================================================
+ CreateOwnTableServer(
+ "create_own_table",
+ query_table,
+ bds_metrics
+ )
+ # Create Own Charts =========================================================
+ # Line chart ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ CreateOwnLineChartServer(
+ "create_own_line",
+ query_table,
+ bds_metrics,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # Bar chart -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ CreateOwnBarChartServer(
+ "create_own_bar",
+ query_table,
+ bds_metrics,
+ covid_affected_indicators
+ )
+ # Extras ====================================================================
+ # Copy-to-clipboard pop-up notification
+ CopyToClipboardPopUpServer("copy-to-clipboard")
+ # Stop app ==================================================================
+ session$onSessionEnded(function() {
+ shiny::stopApp()
+ })
diff --git a/ui.R b/ui.R
index 312adbc..b49740f 100644
--- a/ui.R
+++ b/ui.R
@@ -244,12 +244,12 @@ ui <- function(input, output, session) {
Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["LA grouping"],
Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Other grouping"],
- Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Add selection"]
+ Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Clear all current selections"]
# Tables ==============================================================
- # Staging table -------------------------------------------------------
+ # Staging table & Add selections btn ----------------------------------
# Query table ---------------------------------------------------------