Either check the git log since the last tag or run pnpm run changelog -u
to see the changelog including the unreleased content.
Depending on the content, release:
- a patch version if the changes only fix bugs.
- a minor version if the changes also add functionality.
Run pnpm run version <patch|minor>
(see above) to create a new release.
This will use npm built-in versioning to bump the version in package.json
and create an entry to the CHANGELOG.md
Push both the tag and the main branch to the upstream repository. The pipeline will automatically build all the artifacts (Android and GitHub Pages) as well as create a new GitHub release.
Log into the console and publish a new release using the AAB file generated by the build on the release page.
The Android App needs a new version code for every release which is currently calculated by counting the number of tags in the repository.