In Eiffel Intelligence front-end source code repository, a Dockerfile is provided which helps the developer or user to build the local Eiffel Intelligence front-end source code repository changes to a Docker image. With the Docker image user can try-out the Eiffel Intelligence front-end on a Docker Host or in a Kubernetes cluster.
Docker Linux: Windows:
Docker Compose Linux and Windows:
1 Build the Eiffel Intelligence front-end war file:
mvn package -DskipTests
This will produce a war file in the "target" folder.
2 Build the Docker image with the war file that was produced from previous step:
docker build -t eiffel-intelligence-frontend:2.0.0 --build-arg URL=./target/eiffel-intelligence-frontend-2.0.0.war -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile .
Now docker image has build with tag "eiffel-intelligence-frontend:2.0.0"
To run the produced docker image on the local Docker host, execute this command:
docker run -p 8071:8080 --expose 8080 -e server.port=8080 -e logging.level.log.level.root=DEBUG -e -e eiffel-intelligence-frontend:2.0.0
"-e server.port=8080" - Is the Spring property setting for Eiffel Intelligence applications web port.
"-e logging.level.root=DEBUG -e -e" - These Spring properties set the logging level for the Eiffel Intelligence applications.
It is possible to set all Spring available properties via docker environment "-e" flag. See the file for all available Eiffel Intelligence Spring properties.
"--expose 8080" - this Docker flag tells that containers internal port shall be exposed to outside of the Docker Host. This flag do not set which port that should be allocated outside Docker Host on the actual server/machine.
"-p 8071:8080" - this Docker flag is mapping the containers external port 8071 to the internal exposed port 8080. Port 8071 will be allocated outside Docker host and user will be able to access the containers service via port 8071.
When Eiffel Intelligence container is running on your local Docker host Eiffel Intelligence should be reachable with address "localhost:8071/<Rest End-Point>" or "<docker host ip>:8071/<Rest End-Point>"
In web-browser use url with docker host ip number: "<docker host ip>:8071/"
Switch-back-end functionality do not work when "localhost" address is used.
Another option to configure Eiffel Intelligence front-end is to provide the application properties file into the container, which can be made in two ways:
1 Put file in Tomcat Catalina config folder in container and run Eiffel Intelligence front-end:
docker run -p 8070:8080 --expose 8080 --volume /path/to/ eiffel-intelligence-frontend:2.0.0
2 Put file in a different folder in container and tell Eiffel Intelligence where the is located in the container:
docker run -p 8070:8080 --expose 8080 --volume /path/to/ -e spring.config.location=/tmp/ eiffel-intelligence-frontend:2.0.0
This docker-compose file includes these components, docker-compose.yml:
- MongoDB
- RabbitMQ
- ER (Event Repository)
- Mail server
- Jenkins
- Eiffel REMReM services (Generate and Publish)
- 3 instances of EI back-end (using different rule sets)
- EI front-end (Using the local EI front-end Docker image build from previous steps)
NOTE: Only MongoDB, RabbitMQ, ER and EI components are needed to start. The rest of the components can be commented out if not needed.
For easier configuration, the Docker images to be used and ports for the different services are set in env.bash file. Update to whichever ports you want to use, or keep default values. If you have used a different image tag when you built the Eiffel Intelligence front-end docker image, then you need to update the env.bash file with the locally built image.
To run docker-compose commands, the environment variables needs to be set:
source src/main/docker/env.bash
Two variables need to be set before we can start up all services with docker-compose tool. Set Docker host IP to the HOST variable. This is done automatically when sourcing env.bash. But it is also possible to do it manually. If on Linux:
export HOST=$(hostname -I | tr " " "\n"| head -1)
If on Windows, get Docker Host IP with command:
dockermachine ip
Set that Docker host IP to HOST environment variable.
Currently we need to provide EI back-end instances list outside of docker-compose.yml file. This is also done via the env.bash file.
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
It will take some minutes until all components has started. When all components has loaded, you should be able to access EI front-end web page with address: http://<docker host ip>:8081/
Curl command can be used to make request via EI front-end bridge to EI back-end REST API, example for getting all subscriptions:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8081/subscriptions
It is also possible to access these REST API addresses in web-browser and get result presented in a Json view in web-browser.
Following command can be used to get the logs from the EI front-end container/service:
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/docker-compose.yml logs ei_frontend
All service names can be retrieved with following command:
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/docker-compose.yml config --services
It is also possible to retrieve the logs by only using "docker logs <container_id or container_name>" command:
docker logs <container_id or container_name>
Container id can be retrieved with docker command:
docker ps