This is the format that is used in this project.
Congolway game of life instance files have the extension .congol or .txt.
Please, keep that all sections are mandatory and must be placed exactly in that position.
Header with the name of this project.
Version of the file (there is only 1 version at the momento):
version: 1
Name for this game of life pattern:
name: Toad with big eyes
Description for this game of life pattern:
description: The toad with big eyes is a pattern that is based on toad.
In case you want to keep count of your game of life generation this field stores it.
generation: 543
There are two neighborhood types:
8 surrounding cells to our cell:
neighborhood_type: Moore
4 cells in star position to our cell:
neighborhood_type: Von Neumann
The size of the cell grid in rowsxcolumns format. Note this size must match the positions in the grid.
size: 5x5
If you want a limitless grid or be limited by grid borders.
If limitless, cells passing the grid will appear at the start of it.
limits: no
A cell passing through the last column will appear in the first one.
limits: rows
A cell passing through the last row will appear in the first one.
limits: cols
A cell passing through the last row or col will appear in the first one.
limits: rows, cols
grid_type: dense|sparse
A dense grid shows all cells as a matrix and, hence, is an easy way to see the cells but is not efficient space-wise.
Cell grid, depending on the grid type, it will be shown as a matrix:
11 11
Each 1 or X represents an ALIVE cell, and each 0 or space representes a DEAD cell.
Or as a sparse matrix:
default: 1
0: (0,0)(1,1)(2,2)