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Continuous Integration and Delivery


Triggering a Delivery using the CI

The easiest way to deliver a new build to production or development is to trigger the corresponding CircleCI workflows triggered_native_development_delivery and triggered_production_delivery:

  • Get a CircleCI Personal API Token.
  • Trigger a delivery by sending a POST request to:
    • header needs to contain Circle-Token=your-personal-token and content-type=application/json
    • body could look like this:
        "parameters": {
          "run_commit": false,
          "run_dev_delivery": true
    • If no branch is specified, main is used as default. This should normally not be changed.
    • Per default a development delivery is made.
    • For more information on how to use it, execute it without parameters to see usage information.

An example cURL request to start a dev delivery would be the following:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Circle-Token: <your token>" \
  -d '{
        "branch": "<your branch>",
        "parameters": {
          "run_dev_delivery": true


Several workflows exist for different purposes:

  • commit: Executed for all commits of PRs to ensure good code quality and working code. Android or iOS apps are not build.
  • commit_main: Executed for all commits on main. Code is checked and Android and iOS apps are build.
  • dev_delivery: Manually triggerable workflow which delivers builds to development/beta.
  • prod_delivery: Manually triggerable workflow which delivers builds to production.
  • promote: Manually triggerable workflow which promotes latest beta to production.
  • browsertack_delivery: Manually triggerable workflow to build the ios and android app and upload it to browserstack.


deliverino (GitHub)

deliverino is a GitHub App and can be accessed and installed here. This bot bumps the version of the app when a new release is delivered. A private key in PEM format grants access to the bot. If the deliverino is installed for a specific repository then it has access to create commits there.

deliverino has the role of an Administrator. This is important when setting up Protected branches in GitHub. You have to disable "Include Administrators", else deliverino is not allowed to directly commit to the protected branch.

Google Play Store

You can visit the management website for the Play Store here. The Google Play Console is the product by Google for managing the App Store presence.

Adding Testers to the Beta Track

The Play Store has the concept of tracks to manage released versions of the app. The beta track is for public tests. Tests can be added via their Google E-Mail or by signing up at

App Store Connect


Authentication happens by setting the APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_CONTENT environment variable as documented below.


We are using BrowserStack to run our E2E tests on real iOS and Android devices.


Fastlane is a task-runner for triggering build relevant tasks. It offers integration with XCode and the Android SDK for building and delivering the app.

Fastlane Setup

  • Make sure ruby is installed and ruby --version reports the correct version
  • run bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle to set the local path
  • run bundle install in the project root AND in ./android/ AND in ./ios/.


To run a lane run bundle exec fastlane [lane]

Lanes for Android live in ./android/fastlane and for iOS in ./ios/fastlane

Environment Variables and Dependencies

Variable Description Where do I get it from? Reference
BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY Access Key for BrowserStack Password Manager Appium REST API
BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME Username for BrowserStack Password Manager Appium REST API
DELIVERINO_PRIVATE_KEY Base64 encoded PEM private key Password Manager Deliverino Settings Deliverino

Android Variables

Variable Description Where do I get it from? Reference
GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON JSON for authentication in the Google Play Console as Release Manager. This should expire after two years. Password Manager Service Account Docu
CREDENTIALS_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL Git remote URL to the credentials repository which contains the Java Keystore Ask the team about this secret repository [email protected]:User/credentials.git -
CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY_PATH Path where the credentials Git repository cloned to automatically by FL The developer can choose this freely /home/circleci/credentials -
CREDENTIALS_KEYSTORE_PATH Path to the GPG encrypted Java Keystore file - /home/circleci/credentials/.gpg Look for the gpg command in the Android Fastlane file for more information
CREDENTIALS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD Password for decrypting the keystore using GPG password -
KEYSTORE_PATH Path to the decrypted Java Keystore file - /home/circleci/keystore.jks -
KEYSTORE_PASSWORD Password of the JKS which can contain multiple keys Password Manager 123456 -
KEYSTORE_KEY_ALIAS Alias of the key within the Java Keystore You should look in the JKS file using keytool -list -v -keystore <jks> -
KEYSTORE_KEY_PASSWORD Password of the key within the Java Keystore Password Manager -

iOS Variables

Variable Description Where do I get it from? Example Reference
APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_ID Key ID for App Store Connect API AppStoreConnect D83848D23 app_store_connect_api_key
APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_ISSUER_ID Issuer ID for App Store Connect API AppStoreConnect 227b0bbf-ada8-458c-9d62-3d8022b7d07f app_store_connect_api_key
APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_CONTENT Key content for App Store Connect API Password Manager (same as for Integreat) -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nfewfawefawfe\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY----- app_store_connect_api_key
MATCH_PASSWORD Password for accessing the certificates for the iOS app using Fastlane Match Password Manager 123456 Using a Git Repo