Gradle Plugin to publish android APKs/bundles and listings on Google Play
Add the following configuration to your root build.gradle
, replacing X.Y.Z by the latest version
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.dipien:google-play-api-plugin:X.Y.Z'
apply plugin: 'com.dipien.googleplay.api'
All the plugin configuration properties can be added using any of the following ways:
Using the googlePlay extension on the build.gradle. For example:
googlePlay { applicationId 'com.sample' }
As a command line parameter. For example:
./gradlew googlePlayVerifyMetadata -PapplicationId=com.sample
As a property on a file
applicationId = 'com.sample'
As an extra property on the build.gradle
ext.applicationId = 'com.sample'
As a System Environment property
The application id of your app. This property is required
applicationId = 'com.sample'
Path to the private key json file. This property is required.
For example:
privateKeyJsonFilePath = '/credentials/googleplay/key.json'
The connect timeout (in milliseconds) when executing requests against the Google API. The default value is 100 seconds
For example:
connectTimeout = 200000
The read timeout (in milliseconds) when executing requests against the Google API. The default value is 100 seconds
readTimeout = 200000
Whether the dry run mode is enabled or not. When enabled, the plugin disables all the transactions commits, so the state on Google Play is never changed. Dry run is disabled by default.
For example:
dryRun = true
Verify that the metadata to upload to Google Play is valid.
./gradlew googlePlayVerifyMetadata
List of supported locales on Google Play. This property is required
locales = 'en-US,es-419'
If the video url is required. The default value is false
videoRequired = true
If the promo graphic is required. The default value is true
promoGraphicRequired = false
If the tv banner is required. The default value is false
tvBannerRequired = true
If the phone screenshots are required. The default value is true
phoneScreenshotsRequired = false
If the 7 inches screenshots are required. The default value is false
sevenInchScreenshotsRequired = true
If the 10 inches screenshots are required. The default value is false
tenInchScreenshotsRequired = true
If the tv screenshots are required. The default value is false
tvScreenshotsRequired = true
If the wear screenshots are required. The default value is false
wearScreenshotsRequired = true
Publish metadata (feature/promo graphics, High resolution icon, screenshots, title, short description, full description and video url) on Google Play. The listings are published for each locales defined on the LOCALES property. If some asset is not available for any locale, the resources inside the default directory will be used
./gradlew googlePlayPublishMetadata
Create the following directories:
The {metadataPath}/googleplay/default/ directory is optional. It is only used when a asset is not found on it's locale directory. You can use it to host your shared assets between locales and avoid to duplicate it.
Add your assets to each locale or default directory:
Asset | Required | Location |
Title | true | title.txt |
Short Description | true | short_description.txt |
Full Description | true | full_description.txt |
Video | false | video.txt |
Feature Graphic | true | images/feature_graphic.png |
High Resolution Icon | true | images/high_resolution_icon.png |
Tv Banner | false | images/tv_banner.png |
Promo Graphic | true | images/promo_graphic.png |
Phone Screenshots | true | images/phone_screenshots/screenshot[1 ... 8].png |
7-inch Screenshots | false | images/seven_inch_screenshots/screenshot[1 ... 8].png |
10-inch Screenshots | false | images/ten_inch_screenshots/screenshot[1 ... 8].png |
Tv Screenshots | false | images/tv_screenshots/screenshot[1 ... 8].png |
Wear Screenshots | false | images/wear_screenshots/screenshot[1 ... 8].png |
List of supported locales on Google Play. This property is required
locales = 'en-US,es-419'
The path where all the listings directories will be located. The default value is the path of the gradle project where the plugin is applied
metadataPath = /path/to/the/metadata
List all the historical APKs uploaded.
./gradlew googlePlayListAPKs
List all the historical Bundles uploaded.
./gradlew googlePlayListBundles
Upload new Bundle for your app and assign it to a release track.
./gradlew googlePlayPublishBundle
List of supported locales on Google Play. This property is required if you need to upload release notes
locales = 'en-US,es-419'
The name to identify release in the Play Console only, such as an internal code name or build version. Default value: the version name
releaseName = 'My release'
Whether the release should be created on draft mode. Default value: false
draft = true
The path to the Bundle to publish. The default value for the Bundle dir is the '/build/outputs/bundle/release' directory of the gradle project where the plugin is applied.
bundlePath = /path/to/bundle/file.aab
bundleDir = /path/to/bundle/
The release track that you're assigning APKs to. Acceptable values are: internal, alpha, beta or production
track = production
Percentage of users who are eligible to receive the release. Only used if track is production. 0 < percentage <= 100. Default value: the previous rollout user percentage (if any) or 100%
userPercentage = 10
The path where the release notes will be located. The default value is the path of the gradle project where the plugin is applied
metadataPath = /path/to/the/metadata
Create files with the release notes. For example:
// Release notes for LOCALE_1 and VERSION_CODE_1
// Release notes for LOCALE_2 and VERSION_CODE_1
// Release notes for LOCALE_2 and any version code
// Release notes for any locale and VERSION_CODE_2
// Release notes for any locale and version code
Whether the task should fail if the uploaded APK specifies a version code that has already been used. Default value: true
failOnApkUpgradeVersionConflict = false
Whether the obfuscation file should be uploaded or not. Default value: false
deobfuscationFileUploadEnabled = true
The path to the deobfuscation file. Default value: '/build/outputs/mapping/release/mapping.txt'
deobfuscationFilePath = /path/to/deobfuscation/file
Upload new Bundle to Internal App Sharing
./gradlew googlePlayUploadBundleToInternalAppSharing
The path to the Bundle to upload. The default value for the Bundle dir is the '/build/outputs/bundle/release' directory of the gradle project where the plugin is applied.
bundlePath = /path/to/bundle/file.aab
// bundleDir = /path/to/bundle/
Promote a current internal to alpha
./gradlew googlePlayPromoteFromInternalToAlpha
Promote a current internal to beta
./gradlew googlePlayPromoteFromInternalToBeta
Promote a current internal to production
./gradlew googlePlayPromoteFromInternalToProduction
Percentage of users who are eligible to receive the release. 0 < percentage <= 100. Default value: the previous rollout user percentage (if any) or 100%
userPercentage = 20
Promote a current alpha to beta
./gradlew googlePlayPromoteFromAlphaToBeta
Set a release name if you have more than one alpha track and you need to promote just one
releaseName = 'My release'
Promote a current alpha to production
./gradlew googlePlayPromoteFromAlphaToProduction
Percentage of users who are eligible to receive the release. 0 < percentage <= 100. Default value: the previous rollout user percentage (if any) or 100%
userPercentage = 20
Set a release name if you have more than one alpha track and you need to promote just one
releaseName = 'My release'
Promote a current beta to production
./gradlew googlePlayPromoteFromBetaToProduction
Percentage of users who are eligible to receive the release. 0 < percentage <= 100. Default value: the previous rollout user percentage (if any) or 100%
userPercentage = 20
Increase the fraction of users who should get the current staged rollout
./gradlew googlePlayIncreaseStagedRollout
Percentage of users who are eligible to receive the release. 0 < percentage <= 100
userPercentage = 20
Halt the current staged rollout
./gradlew googlePlayHaltStagedRollout
Resume the current staged rollout
./gradlew googlePlayResumeStagedRollout
Rollout the release to 100% of users
./gradlew googlePlayCompleteStagedRollout
List all the assigned APKs for each release track
./gradlew googlePlayListTracks
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