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Release Process

Maxi Rosson edited this page Sep 3, 2019 · 22 revisions

Initial Setup

Install the Github Changelog Generator

gem install github_changelog_generator -v 1.13.2


Merge the master branch to the production branch

On the master branch, increment the version executing one of the following commands:

./gradlew :incrementMajorVersion -PVERSION_INCREMENT_BRANCH=master
./gradlew :incrementMinorVersion -PVERSION_INCREMENT_BRANCH=master

On the production branch execute the following commands:

./gradlew :closeGitHubMilestone --refresh-dependencies --stacktrace -PSNAPSHOT=false

Create a GitHub Release

On the production branch execute the following commands:

./gradlew :closeGitHubMilestone :generateChangelog --stacktrace -PSNAPSHOT=false
./gradlew publish -PLOCAL_UPLOAD=false --stacktrace -PSNAPSHOT=false

Release to Maven Central

  • Go to
  • Log in
  • "Build Promotion" -> "Staging Repositories"
  • Verify the dependencies
  • Check the repository, click on "Close" and then on "Release"

Merge the production branch to the master branch

Verify the dependencies on Maven Central

Clone this wiki locally