id | title | desc | updated | created |
pqhijdt37x8srm6hq47dmsi |
An Ontology for Collaborative Tasks in Multi Agent Systems |
1712855361643 |
1712854380450 |
- topic: [[prdct.owl-t]]
This paper proposes an ontology for task representation and infer- ence. The ontology was developed to support reasoning about tasks, such as task recognition and relocation. Our proposal is formalized in OWL (Web On- tology Language) and SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language). We show one scenario to exemplify reasoning situations based on the axioms and rules of our ontology. This knowledge-level representation of tasks can be explored to sup- port reasoning about activities for groups of people. The knowledge asserted and inferred in the ontology is useful in multi-agent systems to enhance agent coordination and collaboration through reasoning over tasks. An evaluation of the proposed ontology is presented
- the main and most generic concepts of the proposed task ontology are: Task, Person, Location, Object, TimeInterval and TaskPurpose