id | title | desc | updated | created |
vDEM8z26GNQ9bm7GB3Rmo |
The Secret to Living a Meaningful Life |
1638028197878 |
1637938541194 |
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- Personal Projects Analysis: meaning, manageability, connection (to others), negative emotions and positive emotions.
- free traits: not in our nature, but can still express them if the time/project/motivation is right
- Choose the right projects, and approach them in the right way, and you can make your life richer and more enjoyable.
- romantic partners tend to be happier together if they share some of the same personal projects
- "concept matching": find metaphoric parallels between the stalled project and something you know how to succeed at
- lives are governed by three forces:
- biogenic
- sociogenic (how we were raised; culture; the company we keep)
- idiogenic (projects and free traits)
- “Whereas contexts embed us, projects pull us forward into new possibilities,”