Releases: dkim19375/DkimBukkitCore
Releases · dkim19375/DkimBukkitCore
Bugfix 2.3.4
+ Fix NumberUtils random number generator
+ Add a logger in CoreJavaPlugin
Release 2.3.3
+ Clean up code a tiny bit in NumberUtils
+ Add a method to get a random number between two numbers
Bugfix 2.3.2
- Remove ShadowJar
Release 2.3.0
+ Add ShadowJar
+ Add annotations shaded
+ Add annotations in multiple methods in multiple classes
+ Add the ability to use UUID instead of String in parameters in the PlayerUtils class
Release 2.2.1
+ Add another Entry constructor to make a new instance of Entry by duplicating
- Remove ShadowJar
Release 2.2.0
+ Make some void methods in ConfigFile boolean to return false when failed
- Remove MF-GUI to reduce file size
Bugfix 2.1.1
+ Fix NumberUtils random to make it 0 - 100 instead of 0 - 1
Release 2.1.0
+ NumberUtils class
+ Percentage
+ Chance
Release 2.0.0
+ VaultJavaPlugin, used instead of CoreJavaPlugin when using Vault
+ Added MF-GUI
+ Made CoreJavaPlugin.onEnable() and onDisable() abstract
- Moved Entry to the function package
- Moved TriConsumer to the function package
- Moved HexaConsumer to the function package
- Moved QuadConsumer to the function package
- Moved Region to the function package
Release 1.4.0
+ Add saveDefaultConfig