- It supports 12 or 16 memory regions, depending on the configuration(ARMv7-R has 12 memory regions).
- Each region should be programmed with a base address and size.
Initialzation of MPU is done by setting up memory regions. Memory regions are set up by using the functions in below table and each function requires 2 arguments which are Region Base Address and Region Size to setup a memory region.
The functions with name _priv_
are used to configure the kernel(Privileged) MPU regions whereas the _user_
functions are called to configure the user(Un-Privileged) MPU regions.
MPU region setup related macros and functions are defined in mpu.h under os/arch/arm/src/armv7-r/ directory.
MPU Memory Region Info
RNUM: int32 - Region Number
RBASE: int32 - Region Base Address
RSIZE: int32 - Region Size
RATTR: int32 - Region Attirbute
MPU Init or Memory Region Setup Functions
mpu_control() : This function is used to Enable or Diable the MPU.
Memory Region Access Permission Attributes
Privileged Un-Privileged
mpu_priv_stronglyordered() : Read Write No Access
mpu_priv_noncache() : Read Only No Access
mpu_peripheral() : Read Write No Access
mpu_priv_flash() : Read Only No Access
mpu_user_flash() : Read Only Read Only
mpu_priv_intsram() : Read Write No Access
mpu_user_intsram() : Read Write Read Write
mpu_priv_extsram() : Read Write No Access
mpu_user_extsram() : Read Write Read Write
mpu_priv_intsram_wb() : Read Write No Access
mpu_user_intsram_wb() : Read Write Read Write
- This function is used to configure a memory region as strongly ordered memory with not cacheable, not bufferable and shareable attributes.
- This function is used to configure a memory region as internal memory with not cacheable, not bufferable, shareable and instruction access disable attributes.
- This function is used to configure a memory region as periperal address space with shareable, bufferable and instruction access disable attributes.
- This function is used to configure a memory region as privileged program flash with cacheable attributes.
- This function is used to configure a memory region as user program flash with cacheable attributes.
- This function is used to configure a memory region as privileged internal SRAM region with shareable, cacheable attributes.
- This function is used to configure a memory region as user internal SRAM with shareable, cacheable attributes.
- This function is used to configure a memory region as privileged external SRAM region with shareable, cacheable and bufferable attributes.
- This function is used to configure a memory region as user external SRAM region with shareable, cacheable and bufferable attributes.
- This function is similar to mpu_priv_intsram() but with WB/WA cache policy.
- This function is similar to mpu_user_intsram() but with WB/WA cache policy.
int s5j_mpu_initialize(void)
* Vector Table 0x02020000 0x02020FFF 4
* Reserved 0x02021000 0x020217FF 2
* BL1 0x02021800 0x020237FF 8
* TizenRT 0x02023800 0x0210FFFF 946(WBWA)
* WIFI 0x02110000 0x0215FFFF 320(NCNB)
/* Region 0, Set read only for memory area */
mpu_priv_flash(0x0, 0x80000000);
/* Region 1, for ISRAM(0x02020000++1280KB, RW-WBWA */
mpu_user_intsram_wb(S5J_IRAM_PADDR, S5J_IRAM_SIZE);
/* Region 2, wifi driver needs non-$(0x02110000++320KB, RW-NCNB */
mpu_priv_noncache(S5J_IRAM_PADDR + ((4 + 2 + 8 + 946) * 1024), (320 * 1024));
/* Region 3, for FLASH area, default to set WBWA */
mpu_user_intsram_wb(S5J_FLASH_PADDR, S5J_FLASH_SIZE);
/* region 4, for Sflash Mirror area to be read only */
/* Region 5, for SFR area read/write, strongly-ordered */
mpu_priv_stronglyordered(S5J_PERIPHERAL_PADDR, S5J_PERIPHERAL_SIZE);
* Region 6, for vector table,
* set the entire high vector region as read-only.
return 0;