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How to Use Peripheral

Here are 4 parts, UART, SPI, I2C and I2S to use peripheral.


UART has two parts, setting early console and setting serial console driver, serial port drivers.

Setting of early console

Add up_earlyserialinit function

Boot code must call this before os starting, to provide low level debug messgaes during bootup.

void up_earlyserialinit(void)
	/* Configure whichever one is the console */

	CONSOLE_DEV.isconsole = true;

Please refer CONSOLE_DEV at below tab.

Add up_putc and up_lowputc function

This provides sending character by accessing MCU registers.

int up_putc(int ch)
	/* Check for LF */
	if (ch == '\n') {
		/* Add CR */


	return ch;

void up_lowputc(char ch)
	/* Wait until the TX FIFO is not full */

	while ((getreg32(XXX_CONSOLE_BASE + XXX_UART_FR_OFFSET) & UART_FR_TXFF) != 0) ;

	/* Then send the character */

	putreg32((uint32_t) ch, XXX_CONSOLE_BASE + XXX_UART_DR_OFFSET);

Setting of serial console driver, serial port drivers

Add up_serialinit function

This function registers character UART device drivers.
Os calls up_serialinit to initialize architecture specific functionality through up_initialize.

void up_serialinit(void)
	uart_register("dev/console", &CONSOLE_DEV);
	uart_register("dev/ttyS0", &TTYS0_DEV);
	uart_register("dev/ttyS1", &TTYS1_DEV);

Add UART device structure

The CONSOLE_DEV and TTYSx_DEV are UART device driver structure type named uart_dev_t.
That is defined in serial.h under os/include/tinyara/serial folder.

struct uart_dev_s {
	/* I/O buffers */

	struct uart_buffer_s xmit;	/* Describes transmit buffer */
	struct uart_buffer_s recv;	/* Describes receive buffer */

	/* Driver interface */

	FAR const struct uart_ops_s *ops;	/* Arch-specific operations */
	FAR void *priv;				/* Used by the arch-specific logic */

typedef struct uart_dev_s uart_dev_t;

The xmit, recv, ops and priv should be defined.

xmit : size and address of transmit buffer
recv : size and address of receive buffer
ops : tables of operations like setup, send, receive and etc
priv : private data of device like baudrate, interrupt number, parity and ect

Here is an example.

#define CONSOLE_DEV		g_uart0port		/* UART0 is console */

static uart_dev_t g_uart0port = {
	.recv = {
		.buffer	= g_uart0rxbuffer,
	.xmit = {
		.buffer	= g_uart0txbuffer,
	.ops		= &g_uart_ops,
	.priv		= &g_uart0priv,

static struct up_dev_s g_uart0priv = {
	.uartbase	= UART0_BASE,
	.baud		= CONFIG_UART0_BAUD,
	.irq		= IRQ_UART0,
	.parity		= CONFIG_UART0_PARITY,
	.bits		= CONFIG_UART0_BITS,
	.stopbits2	= CONFIG_UART0_2STOP,
	.rxd		= GPIO_UART0_RXD,
	.txd		= GPIO_UART0_TXD,
	.pclk		= CLK_GATE_UART0_PCLK,
	.extclk		= CLK_GATE_UART0_EXTCLK,


All structures and function prototypes to be implemented by the low-level
SPI drivers are provided in the header file spi.h under os/include/tinyara/spi folder.

SPI device driver initialization

Each SPI device driver must implement the definitions of below prototypes for
SPI device initialization

FAR struct spi_dev_s *up_spiinitialize(int port);

Example implementation is present in s5j_spi.c under os/arch/arm/src/s5j folder.

struct spi_dev_s *up_spiinitialize(int port)
	FAR struct s5j_spidev_s *priv = NULL;

	if (port < 0 || port >= SPI_PORT_MAX) {
		return NULL;

	switch (port) {
	case 0:
		priv = &g_spi0dev;




	return (struct spi_dev_s *)priv;

Low level(hardware-specific) SPI device driver must create an instace of
struct spi_dev_s and returned to higher level device driver as shown above.
Also the SPI driver must create an instance of struct spi_ops_s and
hook it to the ops member of struct spi_dev_s instance

struct spi_dev_s {
	FAR const struct spi_ops_s *ops;

struct spi_ops_s {
	int (*lock)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, bool lock);
	void (*select)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, enum spi_dev_e devid, bool selected);
	uint32_t (*setfrequency)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, uint32_t frequency);
	void (*setmode)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, enum spi_mode_e mode);
	void (*setbits)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, int nbits);
	uint8_t (*status)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, enum spi_dev_e devid);
	int (*cmddata)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, enum spi_dev_e devid, bool cmd);
	uint16_t (*send)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, uint16_t wd);
	void (*exchange)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, FAR const void *txbuffer, FAR void *rxbuffer, size_t nwords);
	void (*sndblock)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, FAR const void *buffer, size_t nwords);
	void (*recvblock)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, FAR void *buffer, size_t nwords);
	int (*registercallback)(FAR struct spi_dev_s *dev, spi_mediachange_t callback, void *arg);

The above structure struct spi_ops_s defines a list of function pointers to be
implemented by the low level SPI device driver.

Example implementation is present in s5j_spi.c under os/arch/arm/src/s5j folder.

static const struct spi_ops_s g_spiops = {
	.lock = spi_lock,
	.select = spi_select,
	.setfrequency = spi_setfrequency,
	.setmode = (void *)spi_setmode,
	.setbits = (void *)spi_setbits,
	.status = 0,
	.cmddata = 0,
	.send = spi_send,
	.exchange = spi_exchange,
	.sndblock = spi_sndblock,
	.recvblock = spi_recvblock,
	.registercallback = 0,

static int spi_lock(struct spi_dev_s *dev, bool lock)
	FAR struct s5j_spidev_s *priv = (FAR struct s5j_spidev_s *)dev;


	return OK;

static void spi_select(struct spi_dev_s *dev, enum spi_dev_e devid, bool selected)
	FAR struct s5j_spidev_s *priv = (FAR struct s5j_spidev_s *)dev;




Each board, shall;

Implement and expose an instanse of struct i2c_dev_s.
Implement the supported operations on i2c struct i2c_op_s.

struct i2c_dev_s {
	const struct i2c_ops_s *ops;	/* I2C vtable */
	FAR void *priv;			/* Used by the arch-specific logic */
struct i2c_ops_s {
	uint32_t (*setfrequency)(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *dev, uint32_t frequency);
	int (*setaddress)(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *dev, int addr, int nbits);
	int (*write)(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *dev, const uint8_t *buffer, int buflen);
	int (*read)(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *dev, uint8_t *buffer, int buflen);
	int (*writeread)(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *inst, const uint8_t *wbuffer, int wbuflen, uint8_t *rbuffer, int rbuflen);

	int (*transfer)(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *dev, FAR struct i2c_msg_s *msgs, int count);
	int (*setownaddress)(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *dev, int addr, int nbits);

	int (*registercallback)(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *dev, int (*callback)(void));

Above declarations are present in i2c.h.

In addition to above, each board level logic shall implement the other functions listed in i2c.h.

1. EXTERN FAR struct i2c_dev_s *up_i2cinitialize(int port);
2. EXTERN int up_i2cuninitialize(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *dev);
3. EXTERN int up_i2creset(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *dev);

I2C user level io

If user level io is needed on i2c port, then board level logic should provide the following for registration and fs operations(read, write, writeread) as mentioned in i2c_ops above.

int i2c_uioregister(FAR const char *path, FAR struct i2c_dev_s *dev);

NOTE:Be aware that i2c user io is at premature stage

I2C Initialization

I2C is initialzed by invoking up_i2cinitialize.
Initialization takes one i2c port and returns a i2c device structure.
Initialization is done either as part of up_intitialize() or as part of board_initialize().

Please refer to i2c.h to know more about the i2c functions and declarations.