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Trace Router

The next generation router for your app


yarn add effector trace-router


Create a router:

import history from 'history/browser';
import { createRouter, history } from 'trace-router';

export const router = createRouter({ history });

Create routes:

// This route is used only for redirection below
export const exactRoot = router.add({ path: '/' });

// User section
export const user = router.add('/user(/.*)?'); // parent route
export const userProfile = router.add('/user');
export const userTickets = router.add('/user/tickets');
export const userTicket = router.add<{ id: number }>('/user/tickets/:id');

// Info section
export const joinUs = router.add('/join-us');
export const about = router.add('/about');
export const privacy = router.add('/privacy');

// Merge routes to create a parent route
// When you can't create common path
export const info = router.merge([joinUs, about, privacy]);

// Redirect from "/" to "/user" => {
  if (visible) {

Use routes in React (trace-router-react package):

export const Root = () => (
    {useRoute(user) && <UserPage />}
    {useRoute(info) && <InfoPage />}
    {useStore(router.noMatches) && <NotFound />}

export const UserPage = () => (
      {useRoute(userProfile) && <UserProfile />}
      {useRoute(userTickets) && <UserTickets />}
      {useRoute(userTicket) && <UserTicket />}

export const InfoPage = () => (
      {useRoute(joinUs) && <JoinUs />}
      {useRoute(about) && <About />}
      {useRoute(privacy) && <Privacy />}

You can also use Route component instead of a hook:

<Route of={map} component={MapPage} />

Use links to navigate routes directly:

<Link to={about}>About</Link>

Use can add params to the route (if it has ones):

<Link to={userTicket} params={{ id: 100 }}>

The above link compiles to something like:

<a href="/user-tiket/100" onClick={/* prevent default & navigate */}>
  Join Us

Here is how you compile route to a string:

const href = route.compile({
  params: { id: 100 },
  query: {
    lang: 'ru',
  hash: '#description',

Manual route navigation:

<Button onClick={() => product.navigate({ id: '100' })} />

or redirect + compile as an example:

  onClick={() =>
      to: product.compile({ params: { id: '100' } }),
      state: { back },

You can use another history for a router:

import hashHistory from 'history/hash';
import { router } from '~/core/router';


You can bind one router to another:

export const product = router
  .add<{ tab: string }>('/product:tab(.*)?')
  .bind('tab', { router: tabRouter });

.bind method binds child router path to a parent router parameter

You can have an url /product/info where: /product - the path of the main router (without a parameter) /info - tabRouter path


export type Router<Q extends Query = Query, S extends State = State> = {
  history: History<S>;
  historyUpdated: Event<Update<S>>;
  historyUpdate: Store<Update<S>>;
  navigate: Event<ToLocation<S>>;
  redirect: Event<ToLocation<S>>;
  shift: Event<Delta>;
  back: Event<void>;
  forward: Event<void>;
  location: Store<Location<S>>;
  action: Store<Action>;
  pathname: Store<Pathname>;
  search: Store<Search>;
  hash: Store<Hash>;
  state: Store<S>;
  key: Store<Key>;
  href: Store<Href>;
  query: Store<Q>;
  hasMatches: Store<boolean>;
  noMatches: Store<boolean>;
  add: <P extends Params = Params>(
    pathConfig: Pattern | RouteConfig
  ) => Route<P, Router<Q, S>>;
  merge: <T extends Route[]>(routes: T) => MergedRoute;
  none: <T extends Route[]>(routes: T) => MergedRoute;
  use: (
    givenHistory: BrowserHistory<S> | HashHistory<S> | MemoryHistory<S>
  ) => void;
export type Route<P extends Params = Params, R = Router> = {
  visible: Store<boolean>;
  params: Store<null | P>;
  config: RouteConfig;
  compile: (compileConfig?: CompileConfig<P>) => string;
  router: R extends Router<infer Q, infer S> ? Router<Q, S> : never;
  navigate: Event<P | void>;
  redirect: Event<P | void>;
  bindings: Partial<{ [K in keyof P]: BindConfig }>;
  bind: (
    param: keyof P,
    bindConfig: {
      router: Router;
      parse?: (rawParam?: string) => string | undefined;
      format?: (path?: string) => string | undefined;
  ) => Route<P, R>;
Other typings
export type ToLocation<S extends State = State> =
  | string
  | { to?: To; state?: S };
export type Delta = number;
export type Href = string;
export type Pattern = string;
export interface Query extends ObjectString {}
export interface Params extends ObjectUnknown {}

export type RouterConfig<S extends State = State> = {
  history?: BrowserHistory<S> | HashHistory<S> | MemoryHistory<S>;
  root?: InitialEntry;

export type RouteConfig = {
  path: Pattern;
  matchOptions?: ParseOptions & TokensToRegexpOptions & RegexpToFunctionOptions;

export type CompileConfig<P extends Params = Params> = {
  params?: P;
  query?: string[][] | Record<string, string> | string | URLSearchParams;
  hash?: string;
  options?: ParseOptions & TokensToFunctionOptions;

export type BindConfig = {
  router: Router;
  parse?: (rawParam?: string) => string | undefined;
  format?: (path?: string) => string | undefined;

export type MergedRoute = {
  visible: Store<boolean>;
  routes: Route[];
  configs: RouteConfig[];


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