Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Submitter unique ID number. | [optional] |
submission_id | int | Submission unique ID number. | [optional] |
uuid | string | Submitter UUID. | [optional] |
string | The email address of the submitter. | [optional] | |
slug | string | Unique key to be used in the form signing link and embedded form. | [optional] |
sent_at | string | The date and time when the signing request was sent to the submitter. | [optional] |
opened_at | string | The date and time when the submitter opened the signing form. | [optional] |
completed_at | string | The date and time when the submitter completed the signing form. | [optional] |
declined_at | string | The date and time when the submitter declined the signing form. | [optional] |
created_at | string | The date and time when the submitter was created. | [optional] |
updated_at | string | The date and time when the submitter was last updated. | [optional] |
name | string | Submitter name. | [optional] |
phone | string | Submitter phone number. | [optional] |
values | \Docuseal\Model\GetSubmission200ResponseSubmittersInnerValuesInner[] | An array of pre-filled values for the submission. | [optional] |
documents | \Docuseal\Model\GetSubmission200ResponseSubmittersInnerDocumentsInner[] | An array of documents that the submitter has to sign. | [optional] |
role | string | The role of the submitter in the signing process. | [optional] |