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Implementing formal systems in Idris

You can use a dependently typed language like Idris, Agda, Coq (gallina?), etc. as a metalangue for reasoning about formal systems (propositional logic, FOL, hoare logic, simply typed lambda calculus, etc.) encoding the judgments in types.
This idea is the core of the Edinburgh Logical Framework (ELF).

I will show how to implement classical propositional logic and first order logic, with a fast, easy and painless way to handle binders.
Perhaps later i add Hoare logic.


Formal system Type theory Marketing name
theorem (formula) type propositions-as-types
proof term proofs-as-programs
judgment (inference rule) type judgments-as-types


Here's a refreshers of the CH correspondence, i will use Idris, but Agda is really alike.

Intuitionistic logic Type theory Idris Agda
$\top$ $1$ ()
$\bot$ $0$ Void
$\phi \Rightarrow \psi$ $\phi \rightarrow \psi$ ϕ -> Ψ ϕ → Ψ
$\neg \phi$ $\phi \rightarrow 0$ ϕ -> Void ϕ → ⊥
$\phi \wedge \psi$ $\phi \times \psi$ (ϕ , Ψ) ϕ × Ψ
$\phi \vee \psi$ $\phi + \psi$ Either ϕ Ψ Either ϕ Ψ
$\forall x\in\phi.\psi(x)$ $\Pi x:\phi. \psi(x)$ (x:ϕ) -> Ψ x (x:ϕ) → Ψ x
$\exists x\in\phi.\psi(x)$ $\Sigma x:\phi.\psi(x)$ (x:ϕ ** Ψ x) Σ ϕ (λx → Ψ x)
$=$ $=$ =

Propositional (classical) logic


$$ e \ ::= \ \neg e \ | \ e \Rightarrow e \ | \ e \wedge e $$

In idris is

data Formula : Type where
  Neg : Formula -> Formula
  Imp : Formula -> Formula -> Formula
  And : Formula -> Formula -> Formula

Set of proofs

We define that the set of proofs of a formula $T(\phi) =$ { proof | proof of $\phi$ } is inductively constructed by judgments.

In idris we can define it with the following dependent type:

data T : Formula -> Type where
 -- The constructors of this type are the judgments of natural deduction  

Note that $t$ is a proof of $\phi$ if $t \in T(\phi)$ or, using Curry-Howard and Idris notation, if t : T ϕ

Lets define the judgments as constructors of the type T
▁ ( $Ident$ )

  Ident : T ϕ -> T ϕ


─── ( $ImpI$ )
$\phi \Rightarrow \psi$


$\phi \Rightarrow \psi \ \ \ \ \ \ \phi$
────── ( $ImpE$ )

  ImpI : (T ϕ -> T Ψ) -> T (ϕ `Imp` Ψ)
  ImpE : T (ϕ `Imp` Ψ) -> T ϕ -> T Ψ

$\phi \ \ \ \ \ \ \psi$
──── ( $AndI$ )
$\phi \wedge \psi$


$\phi \wedge \psi$
──── ( $AndE1$ )


$\phi \wedge \psi$
──── ( $AndE2$ )

  AndI : T ϕ -> T Ψ -> T (ϕ `And` Ψ)
  AndE1 : T (ϕ `And` Ψ) -> T ϕ
  AndE2 : T (ϕ `And` Ψ) -> T Ψ

$[\phi] \ \ \ \ [\phi]$
$⋮ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ⋮$
$\psi \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \neg \psi$
──── ( $NegI$ )
$\neg \phi$


$\neg \neg \phi$
── ( $NegI$ )

  NegI : (T ϕ -> T Ψ) -> (T ϕ -> T (Neg Ψ)) -> T (Neg ϕ)  
  NegE : T (Neg $ Neg ϕ) -> T ϕ

The (NegE) is equivalent to the law of excluded middle, which in intuitionistic logic is illegal. The (NegI) is proof of negation which is legal in intuitionistic logic. See.

Proofs examples

Lets prove $(P \Rightarrow P)$, $(P \wedge Q \Rightarrow P)$ and $(P \wedge Q \Rightarrow Q)$

P, Q, R : Formula

proof1 : T (P `Imp` P)
proof1 = ImpI Ident

proof2 : T ((P `And` Q) `Imp` P)
proof2 = ImpI AndE1

proof3 : T ((P `And` Q) `Imp` Q)
proof3 = ImpI AndE2

For better understanding draw the natural deduction proof tree, the judgments names that are used are
what you see in the terms (proofs) proof1, proof2 and proof3.  

Notice something, we are proving using dependent type theory as a metalanguage (propositional classical logic is the object language).
It's not the same as proving using directly Curry-Howard. This would be the proofs using just Curry-Howard, notice the difference.

proof1 : { P : Type } -> P -> P
proof1 p = p

proof2 : { P , Q : Type } -> (P, Q) -> P
proof2 (a, b) = a

proof3 : { P, Q : Type } -> (P, Q) -> Q
proof3 (a, b) = b

The types here corresponds to formulas of an intuitionistic higer order logic.

First order logic

In propositional logic there are no variable binders, but in formal systems suchs as FOL or lambda calculus we have binders.
With binders and substitution we have the problem of capture, we have to think about fresh variables, etc. when writing in paper is not as much of a problem but when we want to mechanize it with a computer we are challenged.
One common solution, in lambda calculus, is to forget of named variables and use de Bruijn indexes or levels.

The solutions that we will use here is really fast to implement and is easier, we will exploit the fact that the metalanguage (idris or the type theory behind it) has binders, and we will use it in the following way.

Suppose in a formula $\phi$ of the object language (FOL in this case) we want to substitute the variable $v$ for the expression $e$, i.e., $\phi [v := e ]$, we can define it in the following abstraction in the metalanguage $(\psi \ e)$ where $\psi = (\lambda v . \phi \ v)$, we let the $\beta$-reduction take care of the substitution.


$e \ ::= t \ | \ \neg e \ | \ e \Rightarrow e \ | \ e \wedge e \ | \ \forall v . e \ | \ \exists v . e | \ \epsilon v . e$
$t \ ::= v \ | \ t = t$
$v \ ::= x, y, z, ...$

We are using a not so common presentation of FOL with $\epsilon$ the Hilbert Choice operator, we can think of this operator in this way: if $(\exists x . \phi)$ holds then the we can find a witness $w = \epsilon (\exists x . \phi)$ such that $\phi(w)$ holds.
This binder is at the terms levels of syntax, $\forall, \exists$ at the formula levels.

This abstract syntax is represented a in Idris as follows,

At the level of variables, we let them range over an index, like $v \in Index$

Index : Type

For all formulas, except choice:

data Formula : Type where
  -- Propositional connectives
  Neg : Formula -> Formula
  Imp : Formula -> Formula -> Formula
  And : Formula -> Formula -> Formula
  Equal : Index -> Index -> Formula
  -- The first order binders
  Forall : (Index -> Formula) -> Formula
  Exists : (Index -> Formula) -> Formula

As for $\epsilon$ we have it this way, outside the Formula type,

Choice : (Index -> Formula) -> Index

$(\forall x . x = x)$, $(\exists x . x = x)$ and $(\epsilon x. x=x)$


Forall (\x => x `Equal` x) : Formula
Exists (\x => x `Equal` x) : Formula
Choice (\x => x `Equal` x) : Index

In this way we do not have to worry about $\alpha$-conversions because the metalanguage takes it care already. For instance,

Forall (\x => x `Equal` x)
Forall (\z => z `Equal` z)
Forall (\🍉 => 🍉 `Equal` 🍉)

Are all $\alpha$ equivalent.

Set of proofs

Again we define the set of proofs of a formula $T(\phi)$ as the following dependent type

data T : Formula -> Type where
 -- The constructors of this type are all of the propositional logic case and the following new ones

── ( $Equal0$ )


──── ( $Equal1$ )


$x=y \ \ \ \ \phi(x)$
───── ( $Equal2$ )

  Equal0 : {x : Index} -> T (x `Equal` x) 
  Equal1 : {t : Index-> Index} -> T (x `Equal` y) -> T ((t x) `Equal` (t y))
  Equal2 : {ϕ : Index -> Formula} -> T (x `Equal` y) -> T (ϕ x) -> T (ϕ y)

$\exists x . \phi$
──── ( $ChoiceI$ )
$\phi (\epsilon \phi)$

  ChoiceI : {ϕ : Index -> Formula} -> T (Exists ϕ) -> T (ϕ (Choice ϕ))  

$\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ [\exists x . \phi]$
$\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ⋮$
$\exists x. \phi \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \psi$
───── ( $ExistsE$ )
$\ \ \ \psi$


$\ \ \phi \ t$

───── ( $ExistsI$ )
$\ \ \ \exists x . \phi$

  ExistsE : {ϕ : Index -> Formula} -> {Ψ : Formula}  -> T (Exists ϕ) -> (T (Exists ϕ) -> T Ψ) -> T Ψ
  ExistsI : {ϕ : Index -> Formula} -> {t : Index} -> T (ϕ t) -> T (Exists ϕ)   

$\ \forall x. \phi$

───── ( $ForallE$ )
$\ \phi \ t$


$\ \ \phi \ t$

───── ( $ForallI$ )
$\ \ \ \forall x . \phi$

  ForallE : {ϕ : Index -> Formula} -> {t : Index} -> T (Forall ϕ) -> T (ϕ t)
  ForallI : {ϕ : Index -> Formula} -> {t : Index} -> T (ϕ t) -> T (Forall ϕ)

Proofs examples

Let's prove some theorems
$(\forall x . x = x)$

proof1 : T (Forall (\x : Index => x `Equal` x))
proof1 = ForallI (Equal0 {x})
  where x : Index

$(\forall x . \phi \Rightarrow \exists x . \phi )$

First we prove the lemma $(\forall x . \phi \vdash \exists x . \phi )$

lemma : {ϕ : Index -> Formula} -> T (Forall ϕ) -> T (Exists ϕ)
lemma p = ExistsI $ ForallE {ϕ} {t} p
    t : Index
    t = Choice ϕ

proof2 : {ϕ : Index -> Formula} -> T ((Forall ϕ) `Imp` (Exists ϕ))
proof2 = ImpI lemma

Once again, this would be the proofs using just Curry-Howard.

-- ∀ x . x = x 
proof1 : (x: Type) -> x = x
proof1 x = Refl

--  ∀x.Φ ⇒ ∃x.Φ
proof2 : {x : Type} -> {P : Type -> Type} -> ( (x) -> P x ) -> (x ** P x)
proof2 f = (x ** (f y))
  where y : x

Whats the point of this? Should i use Agda or Idris?

Implementing a formal system this way is really fast, specially because we don't have to mechanize all the machinery needed for handling binders. We just let the underlying metalanguage (Idris, Agda, whatever) take care of it so we don't worry.

I've used Idris here because i've learned it first, is really easy if you know Haskell already. Both are awesome languages, and really alike.
I would say that using Agda as a theorem prover is better, also it has mixfix operators so defining the abstract syntax of formal systems is better and leads to more readable code.

The adventage of Idris is that it has more general programming capabilities, it's just like a dependently typed Haskell. Imagine you want to make a theorem prover of FOL using this approach, even you want it with a GUI and a DSL : you can use a library of parser combinators and and some GUI library for this. You can even then transpile it to Javascript.
Doing this in Agda is also capable but you would have to interface it with Haskell for using their libraries.


See the repo files pl.idr and fol.idr, they typecheck.


  • Avron, Arnon & Honsell, Furio & Mason, Ian. (1996). An Overview of the Edinburgh Logical Framework. 10.1007/978-1-4612-3658-0_8.