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Releases: dotansimha/graphql-code-generator

May 24, 2023

24 May 08:16
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@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

  • bb66c2a31 Thanks @n1ru4l! - Require Node.js >= 16. Drop support for Node.js 14

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

  • bb66c2a31 Thanks @n1ru4l! - Require Node.js >= 16. Drop support for Node.js 14

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

  • bb66c2a31 Thanks @n1ru4l! - Require Node.js >= 16. Drop support for Node.js 14

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

  • bb66c2a31 Thanks @n1ru4l! - Require Node.js >= 16. Drop support for Node.js 14

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

  • bb66c2a31 Thanks @n1ru4l! - Require Node.js >= 16. Drop support for Node.js 14

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

  • bb66c2a31 Thanks @n1ru4l! - Require Node.js >= 16. Drop support for Node.js 14

Patch Changes

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April 22, 2023

22 Apr 13:43
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@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

  • #9267 183749346 Thanks @milesrichardson! - Fix watch mode to listen to longest common directory prefix of relevant files, rather than only files below the current working directory (fixes #9266).

  • #9280 ca1d72c40 Thanks @saihaj! - fix the default output directory for init command

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

April 04, 2023

04 Apr 02:50
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@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Minor Changes

  • #9151 b7dacb21f Thanks @eddeee888! - Add watchPattern config option for generates sections.

    By default, watch mode automatically watches all GraphQL schema and document files. This means when a change is detected, Codegen CLI is run.

    A user may want to run Codegen CLI when non-schema and non-document files are changed. Each generates section now has a watchPattern option to allow more file patterns to be added to the list of patterns to watch.

    In the example below, mappers are exported from schema.mappers.ts files. We want to re-run Codegen if the content of *.mappers.ts files change because they change the generated types file. To solve this, we can add mapper file patterns to watch using the glob pattern used for schema and document files.

    // codegen.ts
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'src/schema/**/*.graphql',
      generates: {
        'src/schema/types.ts': {
          plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolvers'],
          config: {
            mappers: {
              User: './user/schema.mappers#UserMapper',
              Book: './book/schema.mappers#BookMapper',
          watchPattern: 'src/schema/**/*.mappers.ts', // Watches mapper files in `watch` mode. Use an array for multiple patterns e.g. `['src/*.pattern1.ts','src/*.pattern2.ts']`

    Then, run Codegen CLI in watch mode:

    yarn graphql-codegen --watch

    Now, updating *.mappers.ts files re-runs Codegen! 🎉

    Note: watchPattern is only used in watch mode i.e. running CLI with --watch flag.

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Minor Changes

  • #9146 9f4d9c5a4 Thanks @eddeee888! - [typescript-resolvers] Add resolversNonOptionalTypename config option.

    This is extending on ResolversUnionTypes implemented in #9069

    resolversNonOptionalTypename adds non-optional __typename to union members of ResolversUnionTypes, without affecting the union members' base intefaces.

    A common use case for non-optional __typename of union members is using it as the common field to work out the final schema type. This makes implementing the union's __resolveType very simple as we can use __typename to decide which union member the resolved object is. Without this, we have to check the existence of field/s on the incoming object which could be verbose.

    For example, consider this schema:

    type Query {
      book(id: ID!): BookPayload!
    type Book {
      id: ID!
      isbn: String!
    type BookResult {
      node: Book
    type PayloadError {
      message: String!
    union BookPayload = BookResult | PayloadError

    With optional __typename: We need to check existence of certain fields to resolve type in the union resolver:

    // Query/book.ts
    export const book = async () => {
      try {
        const book = await fetchBook();
        // 1. No `__typename` in resolver results...
        return {
          node: book,
      } catch (e) {
        return {
          message: 'Failed to fetch book',
    // BookPayload.ts
    export const BookPayload = {
      __resolveType: parent => {
        // 2. ... means more checks in `__resolveType`
        if ('message' in parent) {
          return 'PayloadError';
        return 'BookResult';

    With non-optional __typename: Resolvers declare the type. This which gives us better TypeScript support in resolvers and simplify __resolveType implementation:

    // Query/book.ts
    export const book = async () => {
      try {
        const book = await fetchBook();
        // 1. `__typename` is declared in resolver results...
        return {
          __typename: 'BookResult', // 1a. this also types `node` for us 🎉
          node: book,
      } catch (e) {
        return {
          __typename: 'PayloadError',
          message: 'Failed to fetch book',
    // BookPayload.ts
    export const BookPayload = {
      __resolveType: parent => parent.__typename, // 2. ... means a very simple check in `__resolveType`

    Using resolversNonOptionalTypename: add it into typescript-resolvers plugin config:

    // codegen.ts
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'src/schema/**/*.graphql',
      generates: {
        'src/schema/types.ts': {
          plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolvers'],
          config: {
            resolversNonOptionalTypename: true, // Or `resolversNonOptionalTypename: { unionMember: true }`

Patch Changes

  • #9206 e56790104 Thanks @eddeee888! - Fix ResolversUnionTypes being used in ResolversParentTypes

    Previously, objects with mappable fields are converted to Omit format that references its own type group or ResolversTypes or ResolversParentTypes e.g.

    export type ResolversTypes = {
      Book: ResolverTypeWrapper<BookMapper>;
      BookPayload: ResolversTypes['BookResult'] | ResolversTypes['StandardError'];
      // Note: `result` on the next line references `ResolversTypes["Book"]`
      BookResult: ResolverTypeWrapper<Omit<BookResult, 'result'> & { result?: Maybe<ResolversTypes['Book']> }>;
      StandardError: ResolverTypeWrapper<StandardError>;
    export type ResolversParentTypes = {
      Book: BookMapper;
      BookPayload: ResolversParentTypes['BookResult'] | ResolversParentTypes['StandardError'];
      // Note: `result` on the next line references `ResolversParentTypes["Book"]`
      BookResult: Omit<BookResult, 'result'> & { result?: Maybe<ResolversParentTypes['Book']> };
      StandardError: StandardError;

    In #9069, we extracted resolver union types to its own group:

    export type ResolversUnionTypes = {
      // Note: `result` on the next line references `ResolversTypes["Book"]` which is only correct for the `ResolversTypes` case
      BookPayload: (Omit<BookResult, 'result'> & { result?: Maybe<ResolversTypes['Book']> }) | StandardError;
    export type ResolversTypes = {
      Book: ResolverTypeWrapper<BookMapper>;
      BookPayload: ResolverTypeWrapper<ResolversUnionTypes['BookPayload']>;
      BookResult: ResolverTypeWrapper<Omit<BookResult, 'result'> & { result?: Maybe<ResolversTypes['Book']> }>;
      StandardError: ResolverTypeWrapper<StandardError>;
    export type ResolversParentTypes = {
      Book: BookMapper;
      BookPayload: ResolversUnionTypes['BookPayload'];
      BookResult: Omit<BookResult, 'result'> & { result?: Maybe<ResolversParentTypes['Book']> };
      StandardError: StandardError;

    This change creates an extra ResolversUnionParentTypes that is referenced by ResolversParentTypes to ensure backwards compatibility:

    export type ResolversUnionTypes = {
      BookPayload: (Omit<BookResult, 'result'> & { result?: Maybe<ResolversParentTypes['Book']> }) | StandardError;
    // ... and the reference is changed in ResolversParentTypes:
    export type ResolversParentTypes = {
      // ... other fields
      BookPayload: ResolversUnionParentTypes['BookPayload'];
  • #9194 acb647e4e Thanks @dstaley! - Don't emit import statements for unused fragments

  • Updated dependencies [b7dacb21f, f104619ac]:

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

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March 07, 2023

07 Mar 11:40
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@graphql-cli/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

February 23, 2023

23 Feb 18:57
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@graphql-cli/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

February 22, 2023

22 Feb 19:23
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@graphql-cli/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

February 21, 2023

21 Feb 16:12
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@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Minor Changes

  • #8893 a118c307a Thanks @n1ru4l! - It is no longer mandatory to declare an empty plugins array when using a preset

  • #8723 a3309e63e Thanks @kazekyo! - Introduce a new feature called DocumentTransform.

    DocumentTransform is a functionality that allows you to modify documents before they are processed by plugins. You can use functions passed to the documentTransforms option to make changes to GraphQL documents.

    To use this feature, you can write documentTransforms as follows:

    import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql',
      documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
      generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          documentTransforms: [
              transform: ({ documents }) => {
                // Make some changes to the documents
                return documents;
    export default config;

    For instance, to remove a @localOnlyDirective directive from documents, you can write the following code:

    import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
    import { visit } from 'graphql';
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql',
      documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
      generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          documentTransforms: [
              transform: ({ documents }) => {
                return => {
                  documentFile.document = visit(documentFile.document, {
                    Directive: {
                      leave(node) {
                        if ( === 'localOnlyDirective') return null;
                  return documentFile;
    export default config;

    DocumentTransform can also be specified by file name. You can create a custom file for a specific transformation and pass it to documentTransforms.

    Let's create the document transform as a file:

    module.exports = {
      transform: ({ documents }) => {
        // Make some changes to the documents
        return documents;

    Then, you can specify the file name as follows:

    import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql',
      documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
      generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          documentTransforms: ['./my-document-transform.js'],
    export default config;

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Minor Changes

  • #8723 a3309e63e Thanks @kazekyo! - Introduce a new feature called DocumentTransform.

    DocumentTransform is a functionality that allows you to modify documents before they are processed by plugins. You can use functions passed to the documentTransforms option to make changes to GraphQL documents.

    To use this feature, you can write documentTransforms as follows:

    import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql',
      documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
      generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          documentTransforms: [
              transform: ({ documents }) => {
                // Make some changes to the documents
                return documents;
    export default config;

    For instance, to remove a @localOnlyDirective directive from documents, you can write the following code:

    import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
    import { visit } from 'graphql';
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql',
      documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
      generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          documentTransforms: [
              transform: ({ documents }) => {
                return => {
                  documentFile.document = visit(documentFile.document, {
                    Directive: {
                      leave(node) {
                        if ( === 'localOnlyDirective') return null;
                  return documentFile;
    export default config;

    DocumentTransform can also be specified by file name. You can create a custom file for a specific transformation and pass it to documentTransforms.

    Let's create the document transform as a file:

    module.exports = {
      transform: ({ documents }) => {
        // Make some changes to the documents
        return documents;

    Then, you can specify the file name as follows:

    import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql',
      documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
      generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          documentTransforms: ['./my-document-transform.js'],
    export default config;

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

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February 03, 2023

03 Feb 10:21
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@graphql-cli/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Major Changes

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January 30, 2023

30 Jan 22:36
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@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

January 30, 2023

30 Jan 14:26
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@graphql-cli/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

  • #8816 a98198524 Thanks @charle692! - Fix issue where visitor-plugin-common emitted ESM imports for Operations when emitLegacyCommonJSImports is true

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Minor Changes

  • #8757 4f290aa72 Thanks @n1ru4l! - Add support for persisted documents.

    You can now generate and embed a persisted documents hash for the executable documents.

    /** codegen.ts */
    import { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: '',
      documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
      ignoreNoDocuments: true, // for better experience with the watcher
      generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          plugins: [],
          presetConfig: {
            persistedDocuments: true,
    export default config;

    This will generate ./src/gql/persisted-documents.json (dictionary of hashes with their operation string).

    In addition to that each generated document node will have a __meta__.hash property.

    import { gql } from './gql.js';
    const allFilmsWithVariablesQueryDocument = graphql(/* GraphQL */ `
      query allFilmsWithVariablesQuery($first: Int!) {
        allFilms(first: $first) {
          edges {
            node {
    console.log((allFilmsWithVariablesQueryDocument as any)['__meta__']['hash']);
  • #8757 4f290aa72 Thanks @n1ru4l! - Add support for embedding metadata in the document AST.

    It is now possible to embed metadata (e.g. for your GraphQL client within the emitted code).

    /** codegen.ts */
    import { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: '',
      documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
      ignoreNoDocuments: true, // for better experience with the watcher
      generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          plugins: [],
          presetConfig: {
            onExecutableDocumentNode(documentNode) {
              return {
                operation: documentNode.definitions[0].operation,
                name: documentNode.definitions[0].name.value,
    export default config;

    You can then access the metadata via the __meta__ property on the document node.

    import { gql } from './gql.js';
    const allFilmsWithVariablesQueryDocument = graphql(/* GraphQL */ `
      query allFilmsWithVariablesQuery($first: Int!) {
        allFilms(first: $first) {
          edges {
            node {
    console.log((allFilmsWithVariablesQueryDocument as any)['__meta__']);

Patch Changes

@graphql-codegen/[email protected]

Patch Changes