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Deploying to dockerhub

Kevin McGahey edited this page Jul 9, 2020 · 5 revisions
  1. Start by cloning the repo: git clone

  2. Checkout a branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>

  3. Make your changes and please provide comments in the file highlighting what has changed.

  4. Add, commit, and push your changes to your branch.

  5. Once the branch has been merged to master (Dockerhub)[] will automatically build and test the changes. This may take a few minutes so continue with the steps below and it should be finished by step 8.

  6. Create a tagged release on Github

  7. Make the Tag version and Release title identical then publish the release.

  8. When the build passes clone the image from Dockerhub: docker pull dreamfactorysoftware/dreamfactory

  9. List the images to obtain the image id: docker images

  10. Tag the image: docker tag <image_id> dreamfactorysoftware/dreamfactory:<image_tag> Full example docker tag d2e8057f3349 dreamfactorysoftware/dreamfactory:4.3.1

  11. Push the image to Dockerhub: docker push dreamfactorysoftware/dreamfactory

This will now make the tagged release available in Dockerhub and Github.

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