GraphQL Code Generator plugin for Vue Apollo on steroids 🚀
Make sure you have installed and configured GraphQL Code Generator and Vue Apollo first:
Install the package:
pnpm add -D @dreamonkey/graphql-codegen-vue-apollo-plugin
Add the plugin to your codegen config:
// codegen.ts
import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
const config: CodegenConfig = {
// ...
generates: {
'src/generated/graphql.ts': {
plugins: [
// ...
// These plugins are required for the plugin to work
// Add the plugin here
// ...
export default config;
Define the GraphQL document (gql
template string, .graphql
file, etc.):
fragment PostDetails on Post {
query getPosts {
# `posts` name will be used as the name of the data field in the composable result
posts {
# `createPost` name will be used as the name of the mutation function in the composable result
mutation createPost($input: PostInput!) {
posts {
Import and use the generated composables and types:
import {
} from './path/to/generated/graphql';
// `posts` name is coming from the query's main field name, see above
// `result` contains the classic Apollo result, in case you still need it for some reason
// You don't have to extract the data you are looking for from the result
// You don't have to worry about null/undefined handling for non-nullable array fields,
// it will be an empty array when the data is being fetched
const { posts, loading } = useGetPostsQuery();
// ^? ComputedRef<PostDetailsFragment[]>
// `createPost` name is coming from the mutation's name, see above
// `mutate` contains the classic Apollo mutation function, in case you still need it for some reason
const { createPost, loading: creatingPost } = useCreatePostMutation();
async function create() {
// `data` contains the data you are interested in, and not the whole result
// Error handling is done for you:
// - You don't have to check for null/undefined even for non-nullable fields unlike before
// - You don't have to check if the errors array exists, if it's non-empty, etc.
// - It throws an error if the response contains any kind of errors, so you can simply use try/catch
// The cache instance is directly available at your disposal
const { data: newPost, cache } = await createPost({
input: { title: 'Title', body: 'Body' },
query: GetPostsDocument,
(data) => {
const posts = data?.posts;
if (!posts) {
return {
posts: [...posts, newPost],
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { useGetPostsQuery } from './path/to/generated/graphql';
const { result } = useGetPostsQuery();
// ^? Ref<{ __typename?: 'Query'; posts: PostDetailsFragment[] } | undefined>
const posts = computed(() => result.value?.posts ?? []);
// ^? ComputedRef<PostDetailsFragment[]>
import { useGetPostsQuery } from './path/to/generated/graphql';
const { posts } = useGetPostsQuery();
// ^? ComputedRef<PostDetailsFragment[]>
import { ApolloError } from '@apollo/client/errors';
import { useApolloClient } from '@vue/apollo-composable';
import { useCreatePostMutation } from './path/to/generated/graphql';
const { resolveClient } = useApolloClient();
const { mutate: createPost } = useCreatePostMutation({}); // {} is required even if you don't specify extra options
async function create() {
try {
const result = await createPost({
input: { title: 'Title', body: 'Body' },
const newPost = result?.data?.createPost;
if (!newPost || (result.errors && result.errors.length > 0)) {
// Handle "GraphQL" error(s) through result.errors
const { cache } = resolveClient();
cache.updateQuery(/* ... */);
} catch (_error) {
const error = _error as ApolloError;
// Handle the rest of errors through error.networkError, error.clientErrors, etc.
import { ApolloError } from '@apollo/client/errors';
import { useCreatePostMutation } from './path/to/generated/graphql';
const { createPost } = useCreatePostMutation();
async function create() {
try {
const { data: newPost, cache } = await createPost({
input: { title: 'Title', body: 'Body' },
cache.updateQuery(/* ... */);
} catch (_error) {
const error = _error as ApolloError;
// Handle all kinds of Apollo related errors through error.networkError, error.clientErrors, error.graphQLErrors, etc.
If you appreciate the work that went into this package, please consider donating.