The CloudFormation document in this folder will create the following resources as well as the required rules, groups, and policies to make them work.
The result is a publicly accessible hostname that will route requests to a 1Password Connect instance running in AWS Fargate.
If you are looking to deploy into existing an AWS VPC or use an existing ECS cluster please consider this CloudFormation as a starting point and you can modify it using a text editor or using Amazon's CloudFormation Designer tool.
- 2 Public subnets
- An Internet Gateway
- An ALB
- An ECS Cluster
- Task Definition
When importing this CloudFormation template you will be prompted to provide a base64url encoded version of the 1password-credentials.json
. This encoded value can be generated using this standard unix shell command
cat 1password-credentials.json | base64 | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=' | tr -d '\n'