{event/project/organization} participants -- including paid staff, volunteers, speakers, and guests -- pledge to act in a respectful manner at all times during official {meeting times and spaces}.
{event/project/organization} welcomes a diversity of perspectives about {topic/mission}. Participants pledge to display common courtesy and sensitivity towards anyone who comes to {meetings/the event/online spaces}.
{event/project/organization} is committed to active nonviolence in speech and action. Participants pledge to respectfully and peacefully resolve any disputes or disagreements.
Participants pledge to refrain from all forms of harassment. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion and spiritual belief systems, political views, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
Participants asked to stop any harassing or violent behavior are expected to comply immediately.
Participants violating these rules may be asked to temporarily leave {event/project/organization/meeting/space} with the consensus of the {organizers/code of conduct enforcement group}. If any participant or {organizer/code of conduct enforcement group member) believe that more serious measures are required, the {organizers/code of conduct group} will meet to reach consensus on a course of action.
All such actions will be documented and publicly reported by the {organizers/code of conduct enforcement group}. Such reports may omit identifying information provided an explanation for this choice is provided.
{organizers} pledge to support victims and seek justice in all cases of violation of this code.
To report a violation of this code, participants should contact:
- Ida Tarbell ([email protected]) Add real contact details here
Participants may also submit an incident report. Incident reports may be submitted anonymously. Link to secure form and/or place where participants can get and submit paper incident reports.