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Using iceoryx for automotive frameworks like AUTOSAR Adaptive ara::com


!!! attention The example has similarities with ara::com but is not a production-ready binding.

This example gives a brief overview on how to use iceoryx in automotive SOA frameworks like the AUTOSAR Adaptive ara::com binding. If a complete ara::com binding is needed, please contact the AUTOSAR foundation and become a member.

The example shows three different ways of communication between a skeleton and a proxy application:

  1. Publish/ subscribe communication with events
  2. Accessing a value with fields
  3. Calling a remote method

Expected Output



sudo apt-get install -y libacl1-dev libncurses5-dev bison
cmake -B build
cmake --build build

Code walkthrough

!!! note The example should be built with the 1:n communication option (ONE_TO_MANY_ONLY).

The following sections discuss the different classes in detail:

  • MinimalSkeleton and MinimalProxy
    • Typically generated from a meta model
  • Runtime
  • EventPublisher and EventSubscriber
    • Transferring arbitrary types
  • FieldPublisher and FieldSubscriber
    • Transferring arbitrary types, which always have a value and can be changed from subscriber side
  • MethodServer and MethodClient
    • Calling methods from the client on the server

Skeleton main()

The skeleton application uses the MinimalSkeleton. Consequently, the header is included

#include "minimal_skeleton.hpp"

After both Runtime


and MinimalSkeleton are created on the stack. The skeleton is offered

kom::InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier{iox::cxx::TruncateToCapacity, "ExampleInstance"};
MinimalSkeleton skeleton{instanceIdentifier};


Every second an event with a counter and timestamp is send to the proxy application

auto sample = skeleton.m_event.Loan();
if (!sample)
sample->counter = counter;
sample->sendTimestamp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

If Loan fails to acquire new memory, the application is stopped.

The counter is incremented with every iteration of the loop. After 30 iterations the skeleton starts to Update the value of the field

if (counter > 30)
    Topic field{counter};
    if (!skeleton.m_field.Update(field))
    std::cout << "Field: updated value to " << counter << std::endl;

Again, the application is stopped, if Updae fails to acquire new memory.

The application runs until Ctrl-C is pressed.

Proxy main()

Similar to the skeleton application, the MinimalProxy header is included

#include "minimal_proxy.hpp"

and the runtime is created.


Unlike the MinimalSkeleton object the MinimalProxy one is wrapped in both a cxx::optional and a concurrent::smart_lock because it is destroyed concurrently when MinimalSkeleton becomes unavailable.

iox::concurrent::smart_lock<optional<MinimalProxy>> maybeProxy;

When starting the proxy application, the discovery phase is happening. Initially, a synchronous FindService call is performed.

kom::InstanceIdentifier exampleInstanceSearchQuery(TruncateToCapacity, "ExampleInstance");
std::cout << "Searching for instances of '" << MinimalProxy::SERVICE_IDENTIFIER << "' called '"
          << exampleInstanceSearchQuery.c_str() << "':" << std::endl;
auto handleContainer = MinimalProxy::FindService(exampleInstanceSearchQuery);

If the skeleton application was already started, the maybeProxy is initialized from the search result.

for (auto& handle : handleContainer)
    std::cout << "  Found instance of service: '" << MinimalProxy::SERVICE_IDENTIFIER << "', '"
              << handle.GetInstanceId().c_str() << "'" << std::endl;

If the skeleton application was not started yet and the search result is empty, an asynchronous find service call is set up.

auto handle = MinimalProxy::EnableFindServiceCallback(callback, exampleInstanceSearchQuery);

Once the MinimalSkeleton instance becomes available, the callback will be executed, which will create the MinimalProxy object

for (auto& proxyHandle : container)
    if (!maybeProxy->has_value())
        std::cout << "  Found instance of service: '" << MinimalProxy::SERVICE_IDENTIFIER << "', '"
                  << proxyHandle.GetInstanceId().c_str() << "'" << std::endl;

and respectively destroy the MinimalProxy when the once available service becomes unavailable.

if (container.empty())
    std::cout << "  Instance '" << maybeProxy->value().m_instanceIdentifier.c_str() << "' of service '"
              << MinimalProxy::SERVICE_IDENTIFIER << "' has disappeared." << std::endl;

After the discovery phase, the application continues with the runtime phase receiving data and performing remote method calls on the MinimalSkeleton. For the computeSum() method call two integers are created.

uint64_t addend1{0};
uint64_t addend2{0};

As different threads work concurrently on maybeProxy, first of all exclusive access is gained.

auto proxyGuard = maybeProxy.getScopeGuard();
if (proxyGuard->has_value())
    auto& proxy = proxyGuard->value();

For the event communication an onReceive callback is set up

if (!proxy.m_event.HasReceiveCallback())

which, receives the data and prints out both the counter and the latency with which the topic was received. The call happens instantly after data was sent on the event by MinimalSkeleton.

auto onReceive = [&]() -> void {
    proxy.m_event.TakeNewSamples([](const auto& topic) {
        auto finish = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
        std::cout << "Event: value is " << topic->counter << std::endl;
        auto duration =
            std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(finish - topic->sendTimestamp);
        std::cout << "Event: latency (ns) is " << duration.count() << std::endl;

The data of the field is received as a std::future, which can throw exceptions. Consequently, a try-catch block is used to handle potential errors. Initially, the value of the field is 4242 and during the first thirty iterations the incremented value is Set() from the MinimalProxy side. Afterwards the value is updated from the MinimalSkeleton side.

auto fieldFuture = proxy.m_field.Get();
    auto result = fieldFuture.get();
    std::cout << "Field: value is " << result.counter << std::endl;

    if (result.counter >= 4242)
        std::cout << "Field: value set to " << result.counter << std::endl;
catch (const std::future_error&)
    std::cout << "Empty future from field received, please start the 'iox-cpp-automotive-skeleton'."
              << std::endl;

Calling the method computeSum() on the MinimalProxy can throw exceptions, too. Hence again, a try-catch block is used for error handling. The addends are provided as parameters and are changed after each iteration.

auto methodFuture = proxy.computeSum(addend1, addend2);
    auto result = methodFuture.get();
    std::cout << "Method: result of " << std::to_string(addend1) << " + " << std::to_string(addend2)
              << " = " << result.sum << std::endl;
catch (const std::future_error&)
    std::cout << "Empty future from method received, please start the 'iox-cpp-automotive-skeleton'."
              << std::endl;

Again, the application runs until Ctrl-C is pressed.

If an asynchronous find service call was set up, the call is stopped with the return value of EnableFindServiceCallback before termination.

if (maybeHandle.has_value())


The Runtime is implemented as a singleton, meaning each applications holds only one instance. It is responsible for:

  • Initializing the runtime::PoshRuntime which registers with RouDi and sets up shared memory (see overview article)
  • Searching for instances of services

popo::Listener and runtime::ServiceDiscovery are used to provide service discovery functionality. Two kinds of ways to search are available, synchronous and asynchronous.

Synchronous search for instances

The Runtime::FindService call searches for all iceoryx service with the given service and instance identifier both for publish/subscribe and request/response. The MessagingPattern is supplied as the fifth parameter. All results get pushed into a shared container.

kom::ServiceHandleContainer<kom::ProxyHandleType> iceoryxServiceContainer;

    [&](auto& service) {
        iceoryxServiceContainer.push_back({service.getEventIDString(), service.getInstanceIDString()});

    [&](auto& service) {
        iceoryxServiceContainer.push_back({service.getEventIDString(), service.getInstanceIDString()});

The AUTOSAR Adaptive service model is different from the iceoryx one. Hence, as the next step it needs to be determined whether a service can be considered as complete. Unlike in AUTOSAR, in iceoryx a service is represented by the individual Publisher or Server. The MinimalSkeleton service is considered as available as soon as all members are available. Typically, someone writing a binding would query a database with e.g. the AUTOSAR meta model here. If the service is complete the result in form of a container is passed to the caller.

kom::ServiceHandleContainer<kom::ProxyHandleType> autosarServiceContainer;
if (verifyThatServiceIsComplete(iceoryxServiceContainer))
    autosarServiceContainer.push_back({serviceIdentifier, instanceIdentifier});

return autosarServiceContainer;

Asynchronous search for instances

The Runtime::EnableFindServiceCallback works asynchronously using popo::Listener to wakeup if the ServiceRegistry changed and execute a user-defined callback if the availability of one of the registered services has changed.

When calling Runtime::EnableFindServiceCallback for the first time the ServiceDiscovery object is attached to the popo::Listener and will notify on any change of the ServiceRegistry.

if (m_callbacks.size() == 1)
    auto invoker = iox::popo::createNotificationCallback(invokeCallback, *this);
    m_listener.attachEvent(m_discovery, iox::runtime::ServiceDiscoveryEvent::SERVICE_REGISTRY_CHANGED, invoker)
        .expect("Unable to attach discovery!");

When any service is offered or not offered anymore, Runtime::invokeCallback is called.

First, it needs to be assessed whether the availability of one of the registered services has changed. For this a FindService call is executed and the size of the containers whilst the last and the current call are acquired.

for (auto& callback : self->m_callbacks)
    auto container =
        self->FindService(std::get<1>(callback).m_serviceIdentifier, std::get<1>(callback).m_instanceIdentifier);

    auto numberOfAvailableServicesOnCurrentSearch = container.size();
    auto& numberOfAvailableServicesOnLastSearch = std::get<2>(callback);

Two cases have to be handled, the special one on the first appearance of the service

if (!numberOfAvailableServicesOnLastSearch.has_value() && numberOfAvailableServicesOnCurrentSearch != 0)

and the one when the service disappears after having been available

if (numberOfAvailableServicesOnLastSearch.has_value()
    && numberOfAvailableServicesOnLastSearch.value() != numberOfAvailableServicesOnCurrentSearch)

Minimal skeleton

Contains three members which use a different communication pattern:

  • EventPublisher m_event
  • FieldPublisher m_field
  • MethodServer computeSum


A EventPublisher contains a single member.

iox::popo::Publisher<T> m_publisher;

Its API provides a Send() method which performs a copy and a zero-copy one where the user needs to call Loan() before and acquire a piece of memory in the shared memory.

The ownership to the piece of memory is represented by a SamplePointer. It behaves like a std::unique_ptr.

SamplePointer<SampleType> Loan() noexcept;

Afterwards data can be written directly to shared memory by dereferencing the SamplePointer object. It is implemented using cxx::optional and popo::Sample and, in line with the iceoryx philosophy for defined behaviour, terminates if an empty object is dereferenced.

template <typename SampleType>
inline SampleType& SamplePointer<SampleType>::operator*() noexcept
    return *this->operator->();

Finally, the memory can be send to subscribers by calling

void Send(SamplePointer<SampleType> userSamplePtr) noexcept;


A FieldPublisher contains four members.

iox::popo::Publisher<FieldType> m_publisher;
iox::popo::Server<iox::cxx::optional<FieldType>, FieldType> m_server;
iox::popo::Listener m_listener;
// latestValue is written concurrently by Listener and needs exclusive write access, alternatively a
// concurrent::smart_lock could be used
std::atomic<T> m_latestValue;

The Publisher is used for event-like communication. The Server for enabling the user to set the field value from the subscriber side. The Listener is used to instantly react to new requests being sent to the Server. Additionally, the latest value is stored if the users queries the value again.

iox::popo::Publisher<FieldType> m_publisher;
iox::popo::Server<iox::cxx::optional<FieldType>, FieldType> m_server;
iox::popo::Listener m_listener;
// latestValue is written concurrently by Listener and needs exclusive write access, alternatively a
// concurrent::smart_lock could be used
std::atomic<T> m_latestValue;

Update() is very similar to Send() in the EventPublisher. The Server needs to be attached in the constructor

                 iox::popo::createNotificationCallback(onRequestReceived, *this))
    .expect("Unable to attach server!");

Once a new request is received the following callback will be called. It receives the request, reserves new memory for the response and writes the current value to shared memory.

template <typename T>
inline void FieldPublisher<T>::onRequestReceived(iox::popo::Server<iox::cxx::optional<FieldType>, FieldType>* server,
                                                 FieldPublisher<FieldType>* self) noexcept
    if (server == nullptr || self == nullptr)
        std::cerr << "Callback was invoked with server or self being a nullptr!" << std::endl;

    while (server->take().and_then([&](const auto& request) {
            .and_then([&](auto& response) {
                if (request->has_value())
                    self->m_latestValue = request->value();
                *response = self->m_latestValue;
                    [&](auto& error) { std::cerr << "Could not send response! Error: " << error << std::endl; });
            .or_else([](auto& error) { std::cerr << "Could not allocate response! Error: " << error << std::endl; });


The MethodServer is similar to the request-response part of the FieldPublisher.

It is implemented with two members

iox::popo::Server<AddRequest, AddResponse> m_server;
iox::popo::Listener m_listener;

The attachment of the Server to the Listener and the callback are very similar to the FieldPublisher. However, as MethodServer task is to add two numbers the response is calculated by calling

.and_then([&](auto& response) {
    response->sum = self->computeSumInternal(request->addend1, request->addend2);

Minimal proxy

MinimalProxy contains the respective counterparts to be able to consume the MinimalSkeleton service with all its three elements:

  • EventSubscriber m_event
  • FieldSubscriber m_field
  • MethodClient computeSum


The EventSubscriber class is implemented with the following members

iox::capro::ServiceDescription m_serviceDescription;
iox::cxx::optional<iox::popo::Subscriber<T>> m_subscriber;
iox::concurrent::smart_lock<iox::cxx::optional<iox::cxx::function<void()>>> m_receiveCallback;
/// @note For simplicity a Listener is added to each subscriber, a performance version would re-use the Listener in
/// the Runtime
iox::popo::Listener m_listener;

Again, a Listener is used to instantly react to a new topic sent by a EventPublisher. This time, the Listener executes the callback which was stored with

template <typename T>
inline void EventSubscriber<T>::SetReceiveCallback(EventReceiveCallback handler) noexcept
    if (!handler)
        std::cerr << "Can't attach empty receive callback!" << std::endl;
    if (!m_subscriber.has_value())
        std::cerr << "Call Subscribe() before setting a receive callback!" << std::endl;

                     iox::popo::createNotificationCallback(onSampleReceivedCallback, *this))
        .expect("Unable to attach subscriber!");

and once invoked the callback gets executed

template <typename T>
inline void EventSubscriber<T>::onSampleReceivedCallback(iox::popo::Subscriber<T>*, EventSubscriber* self) noexcept
    if (self == nullptr)
        std::cerr << "Callback was invoked with EventSubscriber* being a nullptr!" << std::endl;

    self->m_receiveCallback->and_then([](iox::cxx::function<void()>& userCallable) {
        if (!userCallable)
            std::cerr << "Tried to call an empty receive callback!" << std::endl;

The mutex is used to provide thread-safety and protect m_receiveCallback because it is accessed concurrently.

If a receive handler is not needed, TakeNewSamples() can be used in a polling manner.


The FieldSubscriber class is implemented with help of the following members

iox::popo::Subscriber<FieldType> m_subscriber;
iox::popo::Client<iox::cxx::optional<FieldType>, FieldType> m_client;
std::atomic<int64_t> m_sequenceId{0};
iox::popo::WaitSet<> m_waitset;
static constexpr bool IS_RECURSIVE{true};
iox::posix::mutex m_onlyOneThreadRunningMutex{IS_RECURSIVE};
std::atomic<uint32_t> m_threadsRunning{0};

The Get() method allows the receive the value from a FieldPublisher object on demand by sending an empty request

bool requestSuccessfullySent{false};
    .and_then([&](auto& request) {
        request.send().and_then([&]() { requestSuccessfullySent = true; }).or_else([](auto& error) {
            std::cerr << "Could not send Request! Error: " << error << std::endl;
    .or_else([&](auto& error) { std::cerr << "Could not allocate Request! Error: " << error << std::endl; });

if (!requestSuccessfullySent)
    return Future<FieldType>();
return receiveResponse();

A sequence number is set to ensure monotonic order.

The Set() method is implemented in a similar manner but writes the value to the request

.and_then([&](auto& request) {

Both methods call receiveResponse() at the very end, which will receive the response Future by using the WaitSet

std::lock_guard<iox::posix::mutex> guard(m_onlyOneThreadRunningMutex);

auto notificationVector = m_waitset.timedWait(iox::units::Duration::fromSeconds(5));

if (notificationVector.empty())
    std::cerr << "WaitSet ran into timeout when trying to receive response!" << std::endl;

for (auto& notification : notificationVector)
    if (notification->doesOriginateFrom(&m_client))
        while (m_client.take().and_then([&](const auto& response) {
            auto receivedSequenceId = response.getResponseHeader().getSequenceId();
            if (receivedSequenceId == m_sequenceId)
                FieldType result = *response;
                std::cerr << "Got Response with outdated sequence ID! Expected = " << m_sequenceId
                          << "; Actual = " << receivedSequenceId << "!" << std::endl;

Here, the expected sequence identifier is compared with the received one. In the end, the response is copied into the std::promise.

Alternatively, the value can also be received in a polling manner with TakeNewSamples().


Every MethodClient object contains the following members

iox::popo::Client<AddRequest, AddResponse> m_client;
std::atomic<int64_t> m_sequenceId{0};
iox::popo::WaitSet<> m_waitset;
static constexpr bool IS_RECURSIVE{true};
iox::posix::mutex m_onlyOneThreadRunningMutex{IS_RECURSIVE};
std::atomic<uint32_t> m_threadsRunning{0};

Receiving the result of the addition of the two numbers is similar to receiving the value in the FieldSubscriber. However, as the MethodClient acts a functor providing an operator()(), unlike the FieldPublisher, it is not templated but takes a fixed number of arguments.

The request part of operator()() is implemented as follows

Future<AddResponse> MethodClient::operator()(const uint64_t addend1, const uint64_t addend2)
    bool requestSuccessfullySent{false};
        .and_then([&](auto& request) {
            request->addend1 = addend1;
            request->addend2 = addend2;
            request.send().and_then([&]() { requestSuccessfullySent = true; }).or_else([](auto& error) {
                std::cerr << "Could not send request! Error: " << error << std::endl;
        .or_else([&](auto& error) {
            std::cerr << "Could not allocate request! Error: " << error << std::endl;
            requestSuccessfullySent = false;

    if (!requestSuccessfullySent)
        return Future<AddResponse>();

The response is received in a similar manner to receiving the response in the FieldSubscriber, again, wrapping the result in a std::future.