curl https://shout-ip/info
... which returns:
"version": "0.1.0",
"release": "Whisper"
curl -u shout:shout -X POST https://shout-ip/events -d '{
"topic" : "some-pipeline",
"ok" : true,
"message" : "Pipeline build #367 succeeded",
"link" : "https://ci/p/some-pipeline/367",
"occurred-at" : 2208990000,
"metadata" : {
"optional" : "metadata values",
"that-get" : "passed through untouched"
... which returns:
"ok" : "Success!"
This will cause SHOUT! to update its internal state database to reflect the fact that some-pipeline is now ok. This may be a continuation of a previous good state, in which case no notification will go out, or it could be a recovery from a previously bad state.
If occurred-at is not given in the submitted payload, it will be set to the current time. The event's reported-at is always set server-side.
The metadata key is optional, and provides user-definied (and user-managed) key-value pairs that can be used to populate messages, augment notification handling, or whatever you want. Shout! neither interprets nor acts on your metadata of its own accord.
curl -u shout:shout -X POST https://shout-ip/announcements -d '{
"topic" : "shout-releases",
"message" : "Shout v1.2.3 (Mumble) Released!",
"link" : ""
... which returns:
"ok" : "Success!"