We're happy to have you participate in our community with your contributions!
All original contributions to the Ehcache project are licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0 or later.
The Apache License 2.0 text is included verbatim in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory of the 'contributing' repository.
All contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).
The DCO text is available verbatim in the dco.txt file in the root directory of the 'contributing' repository.
The Ehcache project is owned by IBM. Please follow the simple contribution process documented here.
In brief, the process is as simple as:
- Fork the code repository
- Commit your changes with the -s option to agree to the DCO, and "sign over" copyright ownership to IBM
- If you introduce new files, include license (APL 2.0) and copyright (IBM) headers in the files
- Create a Pull Request (PR) from your fork to the original project, on the appropriate branch - please note the template questions/agreements on the PR.
- Await feedback on your contribution (which will typically come in the form of comments on your PR)
Please also review the following sections that have additional important information.
Before participating in our community with our code, doc, or forum contributions, please review our Community Code of Conduct.
- Rule #1: do not gratuitously reformat all the the code in existing files. If you're changing an existing file, make your code changes match the formatting that is already in that file.
- Use spaces, not Tabs, follow common Java formatting rules, your contribution may be initially rejected if it's a mess.
- Explanatory comments are friendly to other developers, and to your future self!
Some members of the project have a role beyond that of a contributor. These members are known as Publishers, and their role is similar to that of people with the role "Committer" or "Maintainer" on other projects.
Publishers review PRs from other contributors, and have the rights to merge those PRs into the project.
Publishers rights, duties, and responsibilities include:
- Reviewing and Merging Pull Requests
- Ensure that the PR has a signed-off (DCO) on all of its commits, and agreements on PR template questions/agreements
- Ensure coding guidelines and community conduct guidelines are not violated
- Review for functional correctness and possible performance impact
- Review for possible security vulnerabilities or malicious intent
- Check for any introduction of new third-pary library dependencies (see below)
- Ensure all automated checks (build/test, etc.) have passed
- Give kind and detailed feedback to the contributor
- Addional pre-merge rules:
- Contributions that introduce new features require discussion and vote from at least two additional project Admins/Publishers
- Contributions that affect backward compatibility require discussion and vote from at least two additional project Admins/Publishers
- Contributions that introduce 3rd party libraries require discussion and vote from at least two additional project Admins/Publishers
- Contributions that otherwise necessitate a Major or Minor version bump require discussion and vote from at least two additional project Admins/Publishers
- Actively seek input and opinions from other project Publishers and contributors when reviewing contributions that have significant impact
- Fostering and protecting a healthy project community culture