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Sense Key Index (SKI) for inter-operability between WordNet-related projects

CC BY 4.0 2017-21 Eric Kafe

Ongoing work: This is a pre-release version, please see the file.

1. Introduction

According to WordNet's "senseidx" manual page:

A sense_key is the best way to represent a sense in semantic tagging or other systems that refer to WordNet senses. sense_keys are independent of WordNet sense numbers and synset_offsets, which vary between versions of the database.

As a consequence, sense keys provide a stable basis for the inter-operation between semantic web applications that rely on different versions of WordNet.

Princeton WordNet (PWN) includes a sense key index (the index.sense file) since version 1.4 from 1993, but the sense keys notation changed in 1995, with WordNet version 1.5, and has remained stable since then.

Thus, we can define the full PWN sense key index as the unique concatenation of all the stable index.sense files, with an extra field indicating the WordNet version mumber (currently 1.5 up to 3.1.1) from the different versions of the original Princeton WordNet distribution.

2. The Sense Key Index can be used to

  • Generate database components in various formats (text, tab, csv, prolog, rdf), to interface with any WordNet-related project: the GWA grid, OMW, WN-ontology, ILI, MCR, Freeling, etc...
  • Produce mappings between all WordNet versions
  • Map version-limited WordNet resources like the ILI or the MCR to other WordNet versions
  • Produce statistics about the permanence of sense keys or ILI identifiers across WordNet versions
  • and more forthcoming...

3. Included files

3.1 SKI databases

  • ski-pwn-sets.txt

sense key index for all the modern Princeton WordNet versions (currently 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.7.1, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.1.1), derived from the corresponding Princeton WordNet index.sense files, retrieved from Wordnetcode

  • ski-violations.txt

mapping of the sense key violations found in Kafe, E. (2018): Persistent semantic identity in WordNet This mapping handles a small number of accidental cases, where a sense key changed meaning during a WordNet update.

  • ski-mcr30-2016.txt

sense key index for MCR30-2016, derived by joining the inverse SKI (ski-pwn-si-flat.txt) with the latest MCR "variant" files, retrieved from the MCR

  • ski-ili30.txt

sense key index for ILI30, derived by joining the inverse SKI (ski-pwn-si-flat.txt) with the GWA-ILI file retrieved from GWA/ILI

3.2 SKI tools

  • wn2ski

Builds the Sense Key Index from the original WordNet files, retrieved from Wordnetcode. These files are expected to be found in local subdirectories named dict-WordnetVersion.Number, ranging from dict-1.5/index.sense up to dict-3.1.1/index.sense. The latest WordNet version (2012) was retrieved from WordNet 3.1.1 for SQL.

  • pwn2maps

Generates synset offset mappings between all the WordNet versions from ski-pwn-sets.txt

  • pwn2flat

Generates the flat text relation file ski-pwn-flat.txt, between all synsets in all WordNet versions and their sense keys, and the inverse relation (ski-pwn-si-flat.txt, and ski-pwn-si-sets.txt). Also, outputs this relation as tab-separated 4-tuples (, designed for compatibility with the MCR. Also, outputs this relation in Prolog format (, designed for compatibility with the Prolog version of PWN. Additionally, produce a mapping from each sense key to its last known WordNet version (ski-pwn-last).

  • ili2map

(runs pwn2flat first, to generate the needed ski-pwn-flat.txt and ski-pwn-last.txt databases) Maps ILI-30 ids to all Princeton WordNet versions Maps ILI-30 ids to their last known Princeton WordNet version

  • mcr2free

Generates Freeling sense databases from MCR data

3.3 Output files

For your convenience, this release also includes all the output produced by running the SKI-tools, compressed with gzip:

  • ski-pwn-flat.txt.gz: the flat text version of ski-pwn-sets.txt
  • ski-pwn-si-flat.txt.gz: the same, inversed: map from synsets to sense keys
  • ski-pwn-si-sets.txt.gz: the previous, as sets: map from synsets to sets of sense keys
  • pwn-flat as tab-separated 4-tuples
  • Prolog version of the ski-flat relation, as triples
  • ski-pwn-last.txt.gz: mapping from sense keys to their last known synset offset
  • ski-ili.tar.gz: ILI mappings
  • ski-mappings-pwn1.tar.gz: mappings from PWN versions 1.x to all later versions
  • ski-mappings-pwn2.tar.gz: mappings from PWN versions 2.x and 3.x to all later versions
  • freeling_data-mcr30-2016.tar.gz: senses30.src databases for Freeling

4. References

  • Fellbaum, C.: WordNet, An Electronic Lexical Database. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1998.

  • Gonzalez-Agirre, A., Laparra, E., Rigau, G.: Multilingual central repository version 3.0: upgrading a very large lexical knowledge base. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Global WordNet Conference (GWC2012). Matsue, Japan, 2012.

  • Kafe, E. (2018): Persistent semantic identity in WordNet. In: Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives,2018(18).

  • WordNet-team: Senseidx(5wn). In: WordNet manual. Princeton University, 2010.