A Ruby on Rails app that sorta kinda mimics both Facebook and Twitter. The full description for this practice can be found at the following link: The Odin Project - Ruby on Rails - Final Project.
- Ruby on Rails
- jQuery
- PostgreSQL
- Bootstrap
- Devise
- omniauth-facebook
- User signup and signin.
- Signin with facebook support.
- Profile images retrieved from Gravatar.
- Posts, likes and comments.
- Friendship requests (create, cancel, accept, reject).
- Notifications for comments, likes and friendships (retrieved asynchronously)
To run this locally you'll need PostgreSQL and Ruby on Rails properly installed and set-up. If that's your case the following sequence of commands may help you install this project:
git clone https://github.com/frederico-miranda/odin-fakebook/
cd 'odin-fakebook'
bundle install
rails db:setup
In order for the facebook login integration to work, you'd need to setup the environment variables ADD_ID and APP_SECRET with the valid credentials of a facebook app (You can create one with a facebook developer account). You could then run the server like this:
👤 Eleazar Meza
- Github: @elshaka
- Twitter: @elshaka
- Linkedin: Eleazar Meza
👤 Frederico Miranda
- Github: @frederico-miranda