Type: MultiPolygon
Source: U.S. Atlas
Type: MultiLineString
Source: U.S. Atlas
# clone the us-atlas project and follow instructions for initializing
cd us-atlas
# download the river data
make shp/us/streams-unmerged.shp
# grab california's [region](http://www.horizon-systems.com/nhdplus/NHDPlusV2_data.php) and convert to GeoJSON
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON topo/us-streams-unmerged-18.geojson shp/us/streams-unmerged.shp -where Region=18
# convert the geojson to topojson (this fails due to lack of memory if tried on the entire country)
geo2topo -o topo/us-streams-unmerged-18.topojson -p Name --no-pre-quantization --post-quantization=1e6 --simplify=7e-7 topo/us-streams-unmerged-18.geojson
Type: MultiPolygon & Tabular data Source: Original Processed
The SF precincts are split out into two files, one for the geometry and one for some associated metadata. The two can be joined by the id of each feature.