Projects are logical collections of Ansible playbooks in Ansible Tower. These playbooks either reside on the Ansible Tower instance, or in a source code version control system supported by Tower.
Your free GitHub account gives you unlimited access to public and private software repositories
- Go to in a web browser.
- Introduce username and password and "Sign in"
- Go to your image (At top right) and "your repositories"
- Click on New
- Introduce Repository Name, Description and Select "Private" option. Please select "Initialize this repository with a README".
- Click on "Create Repository"
- Access Ansible Tower Interface
- Click on +
- Complete the credential form using the following entries:
- Name:
First Project - Description: First Project
- Organization:
- SCM Type: Git
- SCM URL: (* Your new Github Repository URL)
- SCM Branch: master
- SCM Credentials:
GitHub Credential
- Name:
- Click on SAVE
- Click on PROJECTS
- Click on "Get Latest SCM Version - Icon"
Asier Cidon - Cloud Consultant