Caveat - currently this feature is only available for Entigo customers. Feel free to write us and ask for support.
This document describes how to use entigo-k8s-gitops update
command with notification feature that notifies Jira about specified deployments.
Instructions how to set up the integration.
Enable Deployments for your Jira Software project
- Navigate to your project.
- Go to Project Settings -> Features.
- Enable the Deployments feature. A new menu item, Deployments, will be added to the project menu. A new menu item, Deployments, will be added to the project menu.
In Jira go to Apps → Explore more app and install Jenkins for Jira (Official) plugin.
- Then go to Apps → Manage your apps and on the left sidebar click on Jenkins for Jira.
- Then click on Connect a Jenkins server. Follow the instructions to create a webhook.
Install Atlassian Jira Software Cloud
- Open your Jenkins server
- Navigate to Manage Jenkins -> Manage plugins
- In the Available tab, search for “Atlassian Jira Software Cloud”
- Check the "Install" checkbox
- Click "Download now and install after restart"
To enable notification feature just add notification spcific flags (--notify*
) and you are good to go.
Example Jenkinsfile how to use entigo-k8s-gitops update
command with notification:
JiraDeploymentInfo jiraDeploymentInfo = new JiraDeploymentInfo('<environmentId>', '<environmentName>', 'environmentType', [])
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'entigolabs/entigo-k8s-gitops:<tag>'
stages {
stage('Step 1') {
steps {
withCredentials(bindings: [sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: '<repositoryCredentials>', keyFileVariable: 'SSH_KEY_FOR_GIT')]) {
script {
def updateWithNotifyCmd = "gitops update " +
"--git-repo=<repoAddress> " +
"--git-branch=master --git-key-file=\"$SSH_KEY_FOR_GIT\" " +
"--app-path=<appPath> " +
"--images=<imagesToModify> " +
"--keep-registry=<boolen> " +
"--notify-env=<notifyEnvName> " +
"--notify-registry-uri=<registryUri> " +
"--notify-auth-token=<tokenKey=tokenValue> " +
def stdout = executeAndGetStdout(updateWithNotifyCmd)
jiraDeploymentInfo.issueKeys = findJiraIssueKeys(stdout)
post {
echo 'Step 1 successful'
jiraSendDeploymentInfoCustom(jiraDeploymentInfo, 'successful')
echo 'Step 1 unsuccessful'
jiraSendDeploymentInfoCustom(jiraDeploymentInfo, 'failed')
class JiraDeploymentInfo {
String environmentId;
String environmentName;
String environmentType;
List<String> issueKeys;
public JiraDeploymentInfo(String environmentId, String environmentName, String environmentType, List<String> issueKeys) {
this.environmentId = environmentId;
this.environmentName = environmentName;
this.environmentType = environmentType;
this.issueKeys = issueKeys;
def executeAndGetStdout(String shellScript) {
try {
def outfile = 'stdout.out'
def status = sh(script:"${shellScript} >${outfile} 2>&1", returnStatus:true)
def output = readFile(outfile).trim()
if (status != 0) {
error output
return output
} catch (Exception ex) {
println("Unable to execute script: ${ex}")
def findJiraIssueKeys(String updateWithNotifyStdout) {
def stdoutLastLine = updateWithNotifyStdout.tokenize().last()
def isSuccessfulResponse = stdoutLastLine.contains('data') && stdoutLastLine.contains('deployedJiraIssueKeys')
if(!isSuccessfulResponse) {
error 'gitops update with notify was unsuccesful - notification insertion failed; inspect gitops update command stdout '
def jiraIssueKeysPattern = ~"[A-Z]{2,}-\\d+"
def matcher = stdoutLastLine =~ jiraIssueKeysPattern
return matcher.findAll()
def jiraSendDeploymentInfoCustom(JiraDeploymentInfo deploymentInfo, String state = null) {
if(state == null) {
jiraSendDeploymentInfo environmentId: deploymentInfo.environmentId, environmentName: deploymentInfo.environmentName, environmentType: deploymentInfo.environmentType, issueKeys: deploymentInfo.issueKeys
} else {
jiraSendDeploymentInfo environmentId: deploymentInfo.environmentId, environmentName: deploymentInfo.environmentName, environmentType: deploymentInfo.environmentType, issueKeys: deploymentInfo.issueKeys, state: state
- In this example credentialsId
means that in Jeknkins Dashboard -> Manage Jenksins -> Manage Credentials you have to add + Add Credentials with kind ofSSH Username with private key
where username isgit
, username as secret checkbox ischecked
and private key is entered directly. - The
must be one of the following:unmapped