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Jira Deployment Notification via Jenkins

Caveat - currently this feature is only available for Entigo customers. Feel free to write us and ask for support.

This document describes how to use entigo-k8s-gitops update command with notification feature that notifies Jira about specified deployments.


Instructions how to set up the integration.

Plugins setup

  1. Enable Deployments for your Jira Software project

    1. Navigate to your project.
    2. Go to Project Settings -> Features.
    3. Enable the Deployments feature. A new menu item, Deployments, will be added to the project menu. A new menu item, Deployments, will be added to the project menu.
  2. In Jira go to AppsExplore more app and install Jenkins for Jira (Official) plugin.

    • Then go to AppsManage your apps and on the left sidebar click on Jenkins for Jira.
    • Then click on Connect a Jenkins server. Follow the instructions to create a webhook.
  3. Install Atlassian Jira Software Cloud

    • Open your Jenkins server
    • Navigate to Manage Jenkins -> Manage plugins
    • In the Available tab, search for “Atlassian Jira Software Cloud
    • Check the "Install" checkbox
    • Click "Download now and install after restart"

Jenksinsfile setup

To enable notification feature just add notification spcific flags (--notify*) and you are good to go.

Example Jenkinsfile how to use entigo-k8s-gitops update command with notification:

JiraDeploymentInfo jiraDeploymentInfo = new JiraDeploymentInfo('<environmentId>', '<environmentName>', 'environmentType', [])

pipeline {
    agent {
        docker { 
            image 'entigolabs/entigo-k8s-gitops:<tag>' 

    stages {
        stage('Step 1') {
            steps {
                withCredentials(bindings: [sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: '<repositoryCredentials>', keyFileVariable: 'SSH_KEY_FOR_GIT')]) {
                    script {
                        def updateWithNotifyCmd = "gitops update " +
                                                        "--git-repo=<repoAddress> " +
                                                        "--git-branch=master --git-key-file=\"$SSH_KEY_FOR_GIT\" " +
                                                        "--app-path=<appPath> " +
                                                        "--images=<imagesToModify> " +
                                                        "--keep-registry=<boolen> " +
                                                        "--notify-env=<notifyEnvName> " +
                                                        "--notify-registry-uri=<registryUri> " +
                                                        "--notify-auth-token=<tokenKey=tokenValue> " +
                        def stdout = executeAndGetStdout(updateWithNotifyCmd) 
                        jiraDeploymentInfo.issueKeys = findJiraIssueKeys(stdout)
    post {
            echo 'Step 1 successful'
            jiraSendDeploymentInfoCustom(jiraDeploymentInfo, 'successful')
            echo 'Step 1 unsuccessful'
            jiraSendDeploymentInfoCustom(jiraDeploymentInfo, 'failed')

class JiraDeploymentInfo {
    String environmentId;
    String environmentName;
    String environmentType;
    List<String> issueKeys;

    public JiraDeploymentInfo(String environmentId, String environmentName, String environmentType, List<String> issueKeys) {
        this.environmentId = environmentId;
        this.environmentName = environmentName;
        this.environmentType = environmentType;
        this.issueKeys = issueKeys;

def executeAndGetStdout(String shellScript) {
    try {
        def outfile = 'stdout.out'
        def status = sh(script:"${shellScript} >${outfile} 2>&1", returnStatus:true)
        def output = readFile(outfile).trim()
        if (status != 0) {
            error output
        return output
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        println("Unable to execute script: ${ex}")

def findJiraIssueKeys(String updateWithNotifyStdout) {
    def stdoutLastLine = updateWithNotifyStdout.tokenize().last()
    def isSuccessfulResponse = stdoutLastLine.contains('data') && stdoutLastLine.contains('deployedJiraIssueKeys')
    if(!isSuccessfulResponse) {
        error 'gitops update with notify was unsuccesful - notification insertion failed; inspect gitops update command stdout '
    def jiraIssueKeysPattern = ~"[A-Z]{2,}-\\d+"
    def matcher = stdoutLastLine =~ jiraIssueKeysPattern
    return matcher.findAll()

def jiraSendDeploymentInfoCustom(JiraDeploymentInfo deploymentInfo, String state = null) {
    if(state == null) {
        jiraSendDeploymentInfo environmentId: deploymentInfo.environmentId, environmentName: deploymentInfo.environmentName, environmentType: deploymentInfo.environmentType, issueKeys: deploymentInfo.issueKeys
    } else {
        jiraSendDeploymentInfo environmentId: deploymentInfo.environmentId, environmentName: deploymentInfo.environmentName, environmentType: deploymentInfo.environmentType, issueKeys: deploymentInfo.issueKeys, state: state

Jenkinsfile notes

  • In this example credentialsId <repositoryCredentials> means that in Jeknkins Dashboard -> Manage Jenksins -> Manage Credentials you have to add + Add Credentials with kind of SSH Username with private key where username is git, username as secret checkbox is checked and private key is entered directly.
  • The environmentType must be one of the following: unmapped, development, testing, staging, production.