Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | changed or unchanged | answer to the question "The assigned privileges to the vulnerable component" |
Confidentiality | high | the goal of sql injection is to steal data (but the database could be empty or no values) |
Integrity | low | even if the attacker can modify data this is not the main attack case |
Availability | none | even if the attacker can shutdown the database the website is still available |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | changed or unchanged | answer to the question "The assigned privileges to the vulnerable component ?" |
Confidentiality | high | |
Integrity | high | |
Availability | high |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | high | |
Integrity | high | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | changed or unchanged | answer to the question "Scope of local file inclusion ?" |
Confidentiality | low | |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none | in general only the client is affected |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | need user interaction and good phishing strategy |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none | |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | high | |
Integrity | high | |
Availability | low |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | low | the attacker already had some privileges |
Integrity | high | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | the attacker needs to send the malicious session id to the victim |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | low | |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | physical | most of the time invalidate session exploitation is when the victim is away from his computer and an attacker steal his session |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | because if the victim do actions on the websites in general the session is still valid |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none | |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | high | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none | |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | high | but depends of the kind of xml injection (like sql injection) |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | low | |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | low |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | low | |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none | |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none | |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | changed | |
Confidentiality | none or low or high | answer to the question "impacted users by the xss?" (high = authenticated user with rights, low = authenticated user, none = others) |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none or low | answer to the question "impacted users by the xss?" (low = anonymous, none = others) |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | changed | |
Confidentiality | none or low or high | answer to the question "impacted users by the xss?" (high = authenticated user with rights, low = authenticated user, none = others) |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none or low | answer to the question "impacted users by the xss?" (low = anonymous because a lot of users' browsers are impacted, none = others) |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | changed | |
Confidentiality | none | the only impacted user is the attacker |
Integrity | none | the only impacted user is the attacker |
Availability | none | the only impacted user is the attacker |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | high | |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | high | |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | high | check if the informations listed are sensitives |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | low |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | local | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | changed | |
Confidentiality | low | |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none or low or high | answer to the question "impacted users by the xss?" (high = authenticated user with rights, low = authenticated user, none = others) |
Integrity | none or low | answer to the question "impacted users by the xss?" (none = authenticated user, low = others) |
Availability | none or low | answer to the question "impacted users by the xss?" (none = authenticated user, low = others) |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none | |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | high | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | Low | check the severity of ssl vulnerability |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | high | |
Integrity | high | |
Availability | low |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | high | |
Integrity | high | |
Availability | low |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low or high | answer to the question "type of enumeration ?" |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | low | |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none | |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | physical | need access to the log where urls are recorded |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | low or none | |
Integrity | low or none | answer to the question "Type of token ?" |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none or low | answer to the question "Type of ip address ?" |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | none | |
Scope | unchanged or changed | if enumeration it's changed |
Confidentiality | none or low | answer to the question "Type of hostname ?" |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none | |
Integrity | low | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none | |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Attack Vector | network | |
Attack Complexity | low | |
Privileges Required | none or low or high | answer to the question "privileges required ?" |
User Interaction | required | |
Scope | unchanged | |
Confidentiality | none | |
Integrity | none | |
Availability | none |