1.7.0 (2022-01-20)
- deps: update stacscan/stacs-ci action to v0.1.5 (2be4bf2)
- add Cloud Run deployment with optional deployment metrics (dfaf8c3)
- add delete cloud run service workflow (0d1e58d)
1.6.0 (2022-01-17)
- tf-tests: add lint, validate, plan and tfsec jobs (d40b9c4)
- tf-plan: pass vars as secret as may contain secret values (8997d95)
1.5.0 (2022-01-13)
- deps: update rlespinasse/github-slug-action action to v4 (1338bd5)
- deps: update stacscan/stacs-ci action to v0.1.4 (e1bd1fa)
- java-tests: remove extra character in input description (12866e4)
- add node-tests workflow (1b9fe01)
- go-tests: add gosec, unit tests and code-quality (729f866)
- go-tests: add option for GCP auth in unit tests (5b70399)
- gosec: add option to pass extra flags (5b15ea3)
- njsscan: add option to provide your own config (1d3157c)
- node-tests: add switches to enable/disable each job (63a40c6)
1.4.0 (2022-01-10)
- java-tests: add code quality job (215a032)
- java-tests: add polaris SAST scanning (07634b5)
- java-tests: add unit-test job (21e95bd)
- polaris: provide polaris result analyzer (d6de55e)
- deps: update stacscan/stacs-ci action to v0.1.2 (5248ec5)
- commit-lint: provide conventional config as baseline with reasonable fetch depth (b7948c5)
- make failure more robust when fetching configs (b4a2f81)
- polaris: add fetching of the polaris.yml config (c7817ef)
- polaris: fetch the result analyzer as part of the job (f12dd66)
- polaris: remove prefix from project name (30d61d1)
- unit-tests: fix broken images in jacoco report (4393362)
- unit-tests: remove duplicate upload of surefire reports (75288e5)
1.3.0 (2022-01-05)
- deps: update rlespinasse/github-slug-action action to v4 (196827c)
- re-add oidc credentials (28860f1)
- add credential scanning and commit linting (3f67060)
- add option to disable commit lint if required (595d2a8)
1.2.0 (2022-01-01)
- add chore: as releasable for maven projects (1676dee)
- semantic-release: handle the maven case with settings file (1305e4e)
- container: add support for custom Dockerfile location (e1dc3f6)
- container: provide oidc version of container workflow (bbca16e)
1.1.0 (2021-12-28)
- add a semantic release workflow with option to use default configuration (79a97c4)
- release: remove required for inputs.default-config as default is provided (e23d407)
1.0.1 (2021-12-27)
- add handling of maven-settings.xml file for maven projects (afab263)
- add trivy image scanning for deps and os (1fb3f22)
- build and push images to target registry (6bcf5d8)
- handle env file case when required (b545ce0)
- option to disable tests and only run build & push (3d3609b)
- outputs for image, tag and branch (0074d27)
- scan images with Dockle and Hadolint (48ce22f)
- support NPM_TOKEN (6d0494c)