This is an Ember wrapper for the amazing Card project.
ember install ember-credit-card
By simply adding {{credit-card}}
a basic form will be generated:
<div class =' card-wrapper' ></div >
<br />
<form id =" ember-credit-card-form" >
{{ input type =" text" name =" number" value =number placeholder =' Credit Card Number' }}
{{ input type =" text" name =" name" value =name placeholder =' Name on Credit Card' }}
{{ input type =" text" name =" expiry" value =expiry }}
{{ input type =" text" name =" cvc" value =cvc }}
</form >
You can also specify all the settings that Card supports.
@form =" #my-form"
@placeholders ={{ cardValues }}
@width ={{ 150 }}
@formatting ={{ false }}
The default form and inputs used by default are so simple, so you can pass a template to use your own styled inputs.
Remeber to either use the default name inputs or specify them on the {{credit-card}}
<CreditCard @form =" #my-form" >
<form id =' my-form' class =' payment-info' >
<div class =" ui input" >
<label >Credit Card Number:</label >
{{ input type =" text" value =creditCard.number name =' number' placeholder =' Credit Card Number' }}
</div >
<div class =" ui input" >
<label >Name on Credit Card:</label >
{{ input type =" text" value name =' name' placeholder =' Name on Credit Card' }}
</div >
<div class =" ui input" >
<label >Expiration:</label >
{{ input type =" text" name =' expiry' value =creditCard.expiration placeholder =' MM/YY' }}
</div >
<div class =" ui input" >
<label >CVC:</label >
{{ input type =" text" name =' cvc' value =creditCard.cvc placeholder =' CVC' }}
</div >
</form >
</CreditCard >
yarn lint:js
yarn lint:js --fix
ember test
– Runs the test suite on the current Ember version
ember test --server
– Runs the test suite in "watch mode"
ember try:each
– Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions
Running the dummy application
This project is licensed under the MIT License .
Hey people! Help me out for a couple of 🍻!