[DAP-5348] Retry instantiating Vindex if subvindex dependencies have …
[DAP-5348] Retry instantiating Vindex if subvindex dependencies have …
[DAP-5348] Retry instantiating Vindex if subvindex dependencies have …
[DAP-5348] Retry instantiating Vindex if subvindex dependencies have …
Pull request merge
Reset stfudVindexes to empty map prior to test.
Reset stfudVindexes to empty map prior to test.
Throw error in BuildVindexes if vindex depends on itself. Do not retr…
Throw error in BuildVindexes if vindex depends on itself. Do not retr…
Refactor BuildVindexes to return list of vindexes to retry.
Refactor BuildVindexes to return list of vindexes to retry.
Force push
Refactor BuildVindexes to return list of vindexes to retry.
Refactor BuildVindexes to return list of vindexes to retry.
[DAP-5348] Retry instantiating Vindex if subvindex dependencies have …
[DAP-5348] Retry instantiating Vindex if subvindex dependencies have …
Force push
[DAP-5348] Retry instantiating Vindex if subvindex dependencies have …
[DAP-5348] Retry instantiating Vindex if subvindex dependencies have …
Force push
[DAP-5348] Retry instantiating Vindex if subvindex dependencies have …
[DAP-5348] Retry instantiating Vindex if subvindex dependencies have …
[DAP-5348] Pass in keyspace-level vschema vindex configuration info t…
[DAP-5348] Pass in keyspace-level vschema vindex configuration info t…
Force push
[DAP-5348] Pass in keyspace-level vschema vindex configuration info t…
[DAP-5348] Pass in keyspace-level vschema vindex configuration info t…
Force push
[DAP-5348] Pass in keyspace-level vschema vindex configuration info t…
[DAP-5348] Pass in keyspace-level vschema vindex configuration info t…
Update input name from 'owner_type_to_vindex' to 'type_id_to_vindex'
Update input name from 'owner_type_to_vindex' to 'type_id_to_vindex'
Add test cases to check that vindex errors when either column is nega…
Add test cases to check that vindex errors when either column is nega…
Force push
Update vindex type name to 'etsy_multisharded_hybrid'. Error when vin…
Update vindex type name to 'etsy_multisharded_hybrid'. Error when vin…
Force push
Update vindex type name to 'etsy_multisharded_hybrid'. Error when vin…
Update vindex type name to 'etsy_multisharded_hybrid'. Error when vin…
Force push
remove superfluous checks
remove superfluous checks
Force push
remove superfluous check
remove superfluous check
Backport fix for incorrect error message on duplicate key error for c…
Backport fix for incorrect error message on duplicate key error for c…
Pull request merge
Backport fix for incorrect error message on duplicate key error for c…
Backport fix for incorrect error message on duplicate key error for c…
Force push