Webapp with Analysis of Trends and Growths of the 6 largest European Construction Companies between the years 2007 and 2019.
The webapp files are compiled for cloning the repository to local computer, activating via terminal and using offline on the browser. Furthermore this webapp has been uploaded on Heroku and can be viewed here
- HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Python 3 with libraries bootstrap + plotly (Front-end) and flask + pandas (Back-end)
Steps for opening webapp on browser:
change directory to folder with "top6_app.py"
$ cd .../web_app
start web app with following command
$ python top6_app.py
open browser and type in url (for windows): http://localhost:5000/
folder data containing:
- construction_top_6_europe_2020.csv - csv file with cleaned data of companies
folder top6_app containing:
- folder static containing img files for social media buttons
- folder template containing index.html with content of webpage
- init.py - python file to execute webapp when loading the module
- routes.py - python file to connect back-end with front-end content
folder wrangling_scripts containing:
- wrangle_data.py - python file for wrangling and compiling data into graphs of the webapp
LICENSE.md - markdown file with license.md for this software package
README.md - markdown file with instructions how to install and use this python package
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license
Author: Eugen Iftimoaie
For questions feel free to contact me on my e-mail adress: [email protected]