To build first aggregate, you need to implement Helios.Aggregate
behaviour that
providies extendable facility for aggregate command pipeline.
Available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding helios_aggregate
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:helios, "~> 0.1"}
defmodule CustomerCreated do
defstruct [:customer_id, :first_name, :last_name]
defmodule CustomerContactCreated do
defstruct [:customer_id, :email]
defmodule CustomerAggregate do
use Helios.Aggregate
# Aggregate state
defstruct [:id, :first_name, :last_name, :email]
def create_customer(ctx, %{id: id, first_name: fname, last_name: lname, email: email}) do
if id == do
raise RuntimeError, "Already created"
|> emit(%CustomerCreated{
customer_id: id,
first_name: fname,
last_name: lname
|> emit(%CustomerContactCreated{
customer_id: id,
email: email
|> ok(%{status: :created, payload: %{id: id}})
def apply_event(%CustomerCreated{}=event, customer) do
| id:,
first_name: event.first_name,
last_name: event.last_name
def apply_event(%CustomerContactCreated{email: email}, customer) do
%{customer| email: email}
# sometimes we generate event but it is not needed in recovery and it is safe to
# skip it
def apply_event(_, agg), do: agg
ctx = %Helios.Context{
aggregate: %CustomerAggregate{},
aggregate_module: CustomerAggregate,
correlation_id: "1234567890",
command: :create_customer,
peer: self(),
params: %{first_name: "Jhon", last_name: "Doe", email: "[email protected]"}
ctx =, :create_customer)
We built logger which should log each command sent to aggregate. Since commands can cary some confidential information, or you have to be PCI DSS compliant, we expsed configuration like below where you could configure which filed values in command should be retracted.
Below is example where list of field names are given. Please note, the logger plug will not try to conver string to atom or other way round, if you have both case please state them in list as both, string and atom.
use Mix.Config
# filter only specified
config :helios,
:filter_parameters, [:password, "password", :credit_card_number]
# filter all but keep original values
config :helios,
:filter_parameters, {:keep, [:email, "email", :full_name]}
# retract only specified field values
config :helios,
:filter_parameters, [:password, "password", :credit_card_number]