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alfred sang edited this page Nov 11, 2015 · 145 revisions


Misc modules that extend Express or provide useful utilities.

Template Engines

Template engines that are Express compliant out of the box.

  • Jade -- Haml inspired template engine
  • Haml.js -- Haml implementation
  • EJS -- Embedded JavaScript template engine
  • hbs -- adapter for Handlebars.js, an extension of Mustache.js template engine
  • h4e -- adapter for Hogan.js, with support for partials and layouts
  • hulk-hogan -- adapter for Twitter's Hogan.js (Mustache syntax), with support for Partials
  • combyne.js -- A template engine that hopefully works the way you'd expect.
  • swig -- fast, Django-like template engine
  • Nunjucks -- inspired by jinja/twig
  • marko -- A fast and lightweight HTML-based templating engine that compiles templates to CommonJS modules and supports streaming, async rendering and custom tags. (render directly to the HTTP response stream)
  • whiskers -- small, fast, mustachioed
  • Blade -- HTML Template Compiler, inspired by Jade & Haml
  • Haml-Coffee -- Haml templates where you can write inline CoffeeScript.
  • Webfiller -- plain-html5 dual-side rendering, self-configuring routes, organized source tree, 100% js.
  • express-hbs -- Handlebars with layouts, partials and blocks for express 3 from Barc
  • express-handlebars -- A Handlebars view engine for Express which doesn't suck.
  • express-views-dom -- A DOM view engine for Express.
  • rivets-server -- Render Rivets.js templates on the server.
  • Exbars -- A flexible Handlebars view engine for Express

The Consolidate.js library unifies the APIs of these template engines to a single Express-compatible API.

Frameworks built with Express

  • Feathers -- A minimal data driven wrapper that makes your app real-time in just a few lines.
  • base12 -- a web app platform, built on express 3. Ported from our 2-year evolving boilerplate at Skookum Digital Works.
  • Monorail.js -- Ultra lightweight MVC framework for Node.js
  • Locomotive -- Powerful MVC framework for Node.js. Inspired by Ruby on Rails.
  • CompoundJS -- High-level MVC framework inspired by RoR
  • Calipso -- A Content Management System based on Express & Mongoose
  • Derby -- A real-time, collaborative application framework
  • Bones -- A client/server application framework built with Express & Backbone
  • Matador -- MVC framework by the guys at Twitter
  • Lemmy -- 49% Motherfucker | 51% Son of a Bitch Node.js + Express + Mocha flexible project boilerplate for Javascript/Coffee-Script coders written in Makefile.
  • Mojito -- Yahoo's MVC framework
  • Moajs -- Moajs is a full stack framework based expressjs、mongoose、bluebird、mocha.
  • Tower.js -- Full Stack Web Framework for Node.js and the Browser. Modeled after Ruby on Rails. Built for the client and server from the ground up.
  • Railway-routes -- Low level library for generating Rails-style routes.
  • Chungking -- Low level library for using Rails-style controllers with Express.
  • sails.js -- Realtime MVC framework which normalizes to Express routes and connect middleware.
  • Ghost -- Blogging platform.
  • Krakenjs -- A Node.js web application framework by PayPal.
  • Keystonejs -- A Node.js CMS and web application platform built on express and mongo.
  • Maglev -- Preconfigured simple NodeJS framework built on express 4.1 and mongoose with support of hierarchical role based access control.
  • LoopBack -- Powerful Node.js framework for creating APIs and easily connecting to backend data sources.


  • Boilerplate -- boilerplate app supplying Express, Connect, Socket-IO, Jade and more.
  • express-site-template -- jade, stylus, sessions with redis
  • backbone-express-mongoose-socketio -- Boilerplate app supplying backbone, mongoose, and
  • node-express-mongoose -- A boilerplate application for building web apps using express, mongoose and passport. (demo)
  • bearcat-todo -- a simple todo app built on bearcat and express, bearcat makes it easy write simple, maintainable node.js
  • node-scaffold -- a beautiful scaffolding module. It generates an app (MVC) based on express and mongoose for a given json configuration.


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