Freebox Multiposte is using RTSP on the local network. VLC is a straight-forward solution to convert these RTSP streams to the more friendly HTTP protocol.
Getting the freebox RTSP channels list
curl > channels.m3u
Starting VLC
In this example, we use the following parameters: * port 8080 to control the VLC interface * port 8090 to get the http stream * A password (mandatory starting from VLC 2.1) 'mypassword'
vlc ./channels.m3u --sout '#http{mux=ts,dst=:8090/}' -I http --http-port 8080 --http-password mypassword --no-playlist-autostart
- Expanding channels.m3u
By default, VLC does not expand the playlists, so node-iptv-proxy will only see 1 stream: channels.m3u So you need to do it yourself like this:
curl -u:mypassword "http://[VLC SERVER IP]:8080/requests/status.xml?command=pl_play&id=4" > /dev/null
- node-iptv-proxy configuration
Here is an example configuration file, with 2 VLC servers running on localhost with ports 8080/8090 and 8081/8091:
function make_host(index) {
return {
control_url: "http://:mypassword@localhost:808" + index,
stream_url: "http://:mypassword@localhost:809" + index
var vlc1 = vlc.server(make_host(1));
var vlc2 = vlc.server(make_host(2));
var vlc_pool = [ vlc1, vlc2 ];
var multichan_config = {
"france2hd": vlc.chan("2 - France 2 (HD)").pool(vlc_pool),
"france3hd": vlc.chan("3 - France 3 (HD)").pool(vlc_pool)
module.exports = multichan_config;