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Trouble Downloading Dataset #490

eyucherin opened this issue Apr 29, 2024 · 8 comments

Trouble Downloading Dataset #490

eyucherin opened this issue Apr 29, 2024 · 8 comments


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eyucherin commented Apr 29, 2024

🐛 Bug

I am trying to participate in the home-robot challenge and have followed the instructions here. Everything works up until step 5. Step 6 tells me to download the required data. When I sign into hugging face there is no place to accept the license which won't let me proceed to next steps.

Screenshot from 2024-04-29 22-29-42

When I try to download the scenes, I get the following.

(habitat) che@che-MS-7D99:~/Desktop/home-robot/projects/habitat_ovmm$  ./
Download the scenes...
error: pathspec 'data/hssd-hab' did not match any file(s) known to git
Download the objects...
error: pathspec 'data/objects' did not match any file(s) known to git
Download the episodes...
error: pathspec 'data/datasets/ovmm' did not match any file(s) known to git
Safety; make sure you have downloaded everything.
If these are empty, you may have too old a git version.
./ line 26: cd: /data/hssd-hab: No such file or directory
Could not pull

Errors logged to '/home/che/.git/lfs/logs/20240429T223347.923422473.log'.
Use `git lfs logs last` to view the log.
./ line 30: cd: /data/objects: No such file or directory
Could not pull

Errors logged to '/home/che/.git/lfs/logs/20240429T223347.969110534.log'.
Use `git lfs logs last` to view the log.
./ line 34: cd: /data/datasets/ovmm: No such file or directory
Could not pull

Errors logged to '/home/che/.git/lfs/logs/20240429T223348.014118667.log'.
Use `git lfs logs last` to view the log.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Follow steps 1~5 in
here and try to download scenes without accepting license.

Expected behavior

I should be able to see a place to accept the license for using HSSD scenes in hugging face to download scenes.

Additional context

  • I was able to get a test version of habitat sim to work
  • I am using Ubuntu 20.04
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Thanks you for participating! Happy to help you set up. Can you try downloading outside of the script. cd data and git clone Does that work? Entering your huggingface credentials may be necessary.

Also please use this branch and this leaderboard if you want to participate in the CVPR challenge.

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eyucherin commented Apr 30, 2024

Hi! @yvsriram Thank you so much for the reply! I just ran git clone on cd data and I was able to bypass $HOME_ROBOT_ROOT/projects/habitat_ovmm/ part of the dataset setup for OVMM.
However, I still am not able to run the demo setup.

(home-robot) che@che-MS-7D99:~/Desktop/home-robot/data$ python projects/habitat_ovmm/ --env_config projects/habitat_ovmm/configs/env/hssd_demo.yaml
python: can't open file '/home/che/Desktop/home-robot/data/projects/habitat_ovmm/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

When setting up for home_robot_sim, there seems to be an error when downloading pytorch3d.

(home-robot) che@che-MS-7D99:~/Desktop/home-robot$ python -m pip install "git+"
Collecting git+
  Cloning to /tmp/pip-req-build-a5a44a_w
  Running command git clone --filter=blob:none --quiet /tmp/pip-req-build-a5a44a_w
  Resolved to commit 47d5dc88247035b35ca3cfce159565f92d8fbb75
  Preparing metadata ( ... error
  error: subprocess-exited-with-error
  × python egg_info did not run successfully.
  │ exit code: 1
  ╰─> [8 lines of output]
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "<string>", line 2, in <module>
        File "<pip-setuptools-caller>", line 34, in <module>
        File "/tmp/pip-req-build-a5a44a_w/", line 15, in <module>
          import torch
        File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/", line 218, in <module>
          from torch._C import *  # noqa: F403
      ImportError: /home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/ undefined symbol: iJIT_NotifyEvent
      [end of output]
  note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
error: metadata-generation-failed

× Encountered error while generating package metadata.
╰─> See above for output.

Any advice on these issues would be greatly appreciated!

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yvsriram commented Apr 30, 2024

Can you try installing it after running mamba install mkl=2024.0?

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eyucherin commented May 1, 2024

I am still getting erros after running mamba install mkl=2024.0 , but there seems to be progress.

when installing pytorch3d for the home-robot simulator, I still get the following error:

running build_ext
      **error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/cuda-11.7/bin/nvcc'
      [end of output]**
  note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
  ERROR: Failed building wheel for pytorch3d
  Running clean for pytorch3d
Failed to build pytorch3d
ERROR: Could not build wheels for pytorch3d, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

AND for running the demo setup to OVMM, I am getting a new error message after installing mlk=2024.0, I think its related to not being able to install pytorch3d.

File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/**pytorch3d**/ops/", line 10, in <module>
    from pytorch3d import _C
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I currently have Nvidia-smi 550.54.15 with CUDA Version 12.4. I think pytorch3d requires cuda-11.7, but since this is running on a container would I still need to downgrade? Any insight on this would be very much appreciated!
Thank you so much for your help!

(home-robot) che@che-MS-7D99:~/Desktop/home-robot$ nvidia-smi
| NVIDIA-SMI 550.54.15              Driver Version: 550.54.15      CUDA Version: 12.4     |

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yvsriram commented May 3, 2024

Hey, I am not entirely sure about this one but you can try a few things if you haven't already.

For the error you are facing:

File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pytorch3d/ops/", line 10, in
from pytorch3d import _C
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  1. What is the version of your installed pytorch3d? My working environment has pytorch3d==0.7.5. You can try pinning to that and see if it helps.

  2. If not done already, it would be good to check that torch and cuda are properly installed and compatible: ImportError: cannot open shared object file open-mmlab/mmdetection3d#438 (comment) and also check if any of the solutions from similar issues on pytorch3d are relevant for you? Can you share your conda env export so that I can understand your conda environment better?

  3. You can try building pytorch3d from source and check if it solves the issue.

would I still need to downgrade?

We recommend sticking to the CUDA 11.7 and python 3.9. The other dependencies are setup such that they work in this setting. So it may be great if you could downgrade to use cuda 11.7.

Otherwise, it seems like pytorch3d is supported on higher versions of Cuda: too? I am not sure if other dependencies and our code are compatible with cuda 12.4.

Do let us know what works and doesn't work for you.

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I have checked that my environment has pytorch3d == 0.7.5

Here is my conda env export.

(home-robot) che@che-MS-7D99:~/home-robot$ cat environment.yml
name: home-robot
  - pytorch3d
  - pytorch
  - pyg
  - aihabitat
  - nvidia
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - _libgcc_mutex=0.1=conda_forge
  - _openmp_mutex=4.5=2_kmp_llvm
  - aiohttp=3.9.5=py39hd1e30aa_0
  - aiosignal=1.3.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - aom=3.9.0=hac33072_0
  - assimp=5.3.1=h8343317_3
  - async-timeout=4.0.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - attrs=23.2.0=pyh71513ae_0
  - blas=2.122=openblas
  - blas-devel=3.9.0=22_linux64_openblas
  - brotli-python=1.1.0=py39h3d6467e_1
  - bzip2=1.0.8=hd590300_5
  - c-ares=1.28.1=hd590300_0
  - ca-certificates=2024.3.11=h06a4308_0
  - cached-property=1.5.2=hd8ed1ab_1
  - cached_property=1.5.2=pyha770c72_1
  - cairo=1.18.0=h3faef2a_0
  - certifi=2024.2.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - cffi=1.16.0=py39h7a31438_0
  - charset-normalizer=3.3.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - cmake=3.29.2=hcfe8598_0
  - colorama=0.4.6=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - console_bridge=1.0.2=h924138e_1
  - cuda-cudart=11.7.99=0
  - cuda-cupti=11.7.101=0
  - cuda-libraries=11.7.1=0
  - cuda-nvrtc=11.7.99=0
  - cuda-nvtx=11.7.91=0
  - cuda-runtime=11.7.1=0
  - cuda-version=11.7=h67201e3_3
  - cudatoolkit=11.7.1=h4bc3d14_13
  - cudnn=
  - cycler=0.12.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - dataclasses=0.8=pyhc8e2a94_3
  - dav1d=1.2.1=hd590300_0
  - eigen=3.4.0=h4bd325d_0
  - exa=0.10.1=habb4d0f_0
  - expat=2.6.2=h59595ed_0
  - ffmpeg=3.2.4=1
  - font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono=2.37=hab24e00_0
  - font-ttf-inconsolata=3.000=h77eed37_0
  - font-ttf-source-code-pro=2.038=h77eed37_0
  - font-ttf-ubuntu=0.83=h77eed37_1
  - fontconfig=2.14.2=h14ed4e7_0
  - fonts-conda-ecosystem=1=0
  - fonts-conda-forge=1=0
  - freetype=2.12.1=h267a509_2
  - fribidi=1.0.10=h516909a_0
  - frozenlist=1.4.1=py39hd1e30aa_0
  - fsspec=2024.3.1=pyhca7485f_0
  - future=1.0.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - fvcore=0.1.5.post20221221=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - fzf=0.50.0=ha8f183a_0
  - gettext=0.22.5=h59595ed_2
  - gettext-tools=0.22.5=h59595ed_2
  - gitdb=4.0.11=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - gitpython=3.1.43=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - gmp=6.3.0=h59595ed_1
  - gnutls=3.7.9=hb077bed_0
  - graphite2=1.3.14=h295c915_1
  - h5py=3.11.0=nompi_py39h2c511df_100
  - habitat-sim-mutex=1.0=display_bullet
  - habitat-sim-ovmm-challenge-2023=0.2.4=py3.9_bullet_linux
  - harfbuzz=8.4.0=h3d44ed6_0
  - hdf5=1.14.3=nompi_h4f84152_100
  - icu=73.2=h59595ed_0
  - idna=3.7=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - imageio=2.34.1=pyh4b66e23_0
  - imageio-ffmpeg=0.4.9=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - iopath=0.1.9=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - joblib=1.4.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - jpeg=9e=h0b41bf4_3
  - keyutils=1.6.1=h166bdaf_0
  - kiwisolver=1.4.5=py39h7633fee_1
  - krb5=1.21.2=h659d440_0
  - lame=3.100=h166bdaf_1003
  - lcms2=2.15=hfd0df8a_0
  - ld_impl_linux-64=2.40=h41732ed_0
  - lerc=3.0=h9c3ff4c_0
  - libabseil=20240116.2=cxx17_h59595ed_0
  - libaec=1.1.3=h59595ed_0
  - libasprintf=0.22.5=h661eb56_2
  - libasprintf-devel=0.22.5=h661eb56_2
  - libass=0.17.1=h8fe9dca_1
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  - libboost-python-devel=1.84.0=py39h8003fee_2
  - libcblas=3.9.0=22_linux64_openblas
  - libcublas=
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  - libcufile=
  - libcurand=
  - libcurl=8.7.1=hca28451_0
  - libcusolver=
  - libcusparse=
  - libdeflate=1.17=h0b41bf4_0
  - libdrm=2.4.120=hd590300_0
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  - libexpat=2.6.2=h59595ed_0
  - libffi=3.4.4=h6a678d5_0
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  - libgettextpo-devel=0.22.5=h59595ed_2
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  - libgfortran5=13.2.0=h43f5ff8_6
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  - libhwloc=2.10.0=default_h2fb2949_1000
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  - liblapacke=3.9.0=22_linux64_openblas
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  - libopenvino-auto-batch-plugin=2023.2.0=h59595ed_1
  - libopenvino-auto-plugin=2023.2.0=hd5fc58b_1
  - libopenvino-hetero-plugin=2023.2.0=h3ecfda7_1
  - libopenvino-intel-cpu-plugin=2023.2.0=h2e90f83_1
  - libopenvino-intel-gpu-plugin=2023.2.0=h2e90f83_1
  - libopenvino-ir-frontend=2023.2.0=h3ecfda7_1
  - libopenvino-onnx-frontend=2023.2.0=h59595ed_1
  - libopenvino-paddle-frontend=2023.2.0=h59595ed_1
  - libopenvino-pytorch-frontend=2023.2.0=h59595ed_1
  - libopenvino-tensorflow-frontend=2023.2.0=hfe87413_1
  - libopenvino-tensorflow-lite-frontend=2023.2.0=h59595ed_1
  - libopus=1.3.1=h7f98852_1
  - libpciaccess=0.18=hd590300_0
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  - libprotobuf=3.20.3=h3eb15da_0
  - libsqlite=3.45.3=h2797004_0
  - libssh2=1.11.0=h0841786_0
  - libstdcxx-ng=13.2.0=h95c4c6d_6
  - libtasn1=4.19.0=h166bdaf_0
  - libtiff=4.5.1=h6a678d5_0
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  - libva=2.21.0=hd590300_0
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  - llvm-openmp=18.1.3=h4dfa4b3_0
  - magma=2.7.2=h2cf16e7_3
  - markupsafe=2.1.5=py39hd1e30aa_0
  - mkl=2024.0.0=ha957f24_49657
  - mkl-devel=2024.0.0=ha770c72_49657
  - mkl-include=2024.0.0=ha957f24_49657
  - multidict=6.0.5=py39hd1e30aa_0
  - ncurses=6.4.20240210=h59595ed_0
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  - ninja=1.12.0=h00ab1b0_0
  - numba=0.59.1=py39h615d6bd_0
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  - p11-kit=0.24.1=hc5aa10d_0
  - pcre2=10.43=hcad00b1_0
  - pinocchio=2.7.1=py39he67e4fc_0
  - pip=24.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - pixman=0.43.2=h59595ed_0
  - portalocker=2.8.2=py39hf3d152e_1
  - psutil=5.9.8=py39hd1e30aa_0
  - pthread-stubs=0.4=h36c2ea0_1001
  - pugixml=1.14=h59595ed_0
  - pybind11=2.12.0=py39h7633fee_0
  - pybind11-global=2.12.0=py39h7633fee_0
  - pycparser=2.22=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - pyg=2.5.2=py39_torch_1.13.0_cu117
  - pyparsing=3.1.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - pysocks=1.7.1=py39hf3d152e_5
  - python=3.9.19=h0755675_0_cpython
  - python_abi=3.9=4_cp39
  - pytorch=1.13.1=cpu_py39h92724a6_0
  - pytorch-cluster=1.6.1=py39_torch_1.13.0_cu117
  - pytorch-cuda=11.7=h778d358_5
  - pytorch-mutex=1.0=cuda
  - pytorch-scatter=2.1.1=py39_torch_1.13.0_cu117
  - pytorch3d=0.7.5=py39_cu117_pyt1131
  - pyyaml=6.0.1=py39hd1e30aa_1
  - qhull=2020.2=h4bd325d_2
  - quaternion=2023.0.3=py39h44dd56e_0
  - readline=8.2=h8228510_1
  - rhash=1.4.4=hd590300_0
  - scikit-learn=1.4.2=py39ha22ef79_0
  - scipy=1.13.0=py39h474f0d3_0
  - six=1.16.0=pyh6c4a22f_0
  - smmap=3.0.5=pyh44b312d_0
  - snappy=1.1.10=hdb0a2a9_1
  - svt-av1=2.0.0=h59595ed_0
  - tabulate=0.9.0=pyhd8ed1ab_1
  - tbb=2021.12.0=h00ab1b0_0
  - termcolor=2.4.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - threadpoolctl=3.5.0=pyhc1e730c_0
  - tinyxml2=10.0.0=h59595ed_0
  - tk=8.6.13=noxft_h4845f30_101
  - torchaudio=0.13.1=py39_cu117
  - torchvision=0.14.1=cpu_py39hcda3413_0
  - tornado=6.4=py39hd1e30aa_0
  - typing-extensions=4.11.0=hd8ed1ab_0
  - typing_extensions=4.11.0=pyha770c72_0
  - urdfdom=4.0.0=hee28ff1_1
  - urdfdom_headers=1.1.1=h00ab1b0_0
  - wheel=0.43.0=pyhd8ed1ab_1
  - withbullet=2.0=0
  - x264=1!164.3095=h166bdaf_2
  - x265=3.5=h924138e_3
  - xorg-fixesproto=5.0=h14c3975_1002
  - xorg-inputproto=2.3.2=h14c3975_1002
  - xorg-kbproto=1.0.7=h14c3975_1002
  - xorg-libice=1.1.1=hd590300_0
  - xorg-libsm=1.2.4=h7391055_0
  - xorg-libx11=1.8.9=h8ee46fc_0
  - xorg-libxau=1.0.11=hd590300_0
  - xorg-libxcursor=1.2.0=h0b41bf4_1
  - xorg-libxdmcp=1.1.3=h516909a_0
  - xorg-libxext=1.3.4=h0b41bf4_2
  - xorg-libxfixes=5.0.3=h7f98852_1004
  - xorg-libxi=1.7.10=h7f98852_0
  - xorg-libxinerama=1.1.5=h27087fc_0
  - xorg-libxrandr=1.5.2=h7f98852_1
  - xorg-libxrender=0.9.11=hd590300_0
  - xorg-randrproto=1.5.0=h516909a_1001
  - xorg-renderproto=0.11.1=h14c3975_1002
  - xorg-xextproto=7.3.0=h0b41bf4_1003
  - xorg-xproto=7.0.31=h14c3975_1007
  - xz=5.4.6=h5eee18b_0
  - yacs=0.1.8=pyhd8ed1ab_0
  - yaml=0.2.5=h7f98852_2
  - yarl=1.9.4=py39hd1e30aa_0
  - zlib=1.2.13=hd590300_5
  - zstd=1.5.5=hfc55251_0
  - pip:
    - absl-py==2.1.0
    - accelerate==0.29.3
    - addict==2.4.0
    - aliyun-python-sdk-core==2.15.1
    - aliyun-python-sdk-kms==2.16.2
    - antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9.3
    - asttokens==2.4.1
    - bagpy==0.5
    - bitarray==2.9.2
    - bitstring==4.2.1
    - black==24.4.2
    - blinker==1.8.1
    - boto3==1.34.97
    - botocore==1.34.97
    - braceexpand==0.1.7
    - cachetools==5.3.3
    - catkin-pkg==1.0.0
    - cfgv==3.4.0
    - chumpy==0.70
    - click==8.1.7
    - cloudpickle==3.0.0
    - cmeel==0.53.3
    - cmeel-assimp==5.3.1
    - cmeel-boost==1.82.0
    - cmeel-console-bridge==
    - cmeel-octomap==
    - cmeel-tinyxml==
    - cmeel-tinyxml2==
    - cmeel-urdfdom==4.0.0
    - comm==0.2.2
    - configargparse==1.7
    - contourpy==1.2.1
    - crcmod==1.7
    - cryptography==42.0.5
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prefix: /home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot

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eyucherin commented May 3, 2024

Whenever I try to download the dataset, all the content on the browser breaks down and I get this new error message.

Screenshot from 2024-05-03 23-46-20

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eyucherin commented May 4, 2024

I was able to fix the above by using this command MAX_JOBS=1 python -m pip install "git+" when downloading the dataset. Getting help from this issue

BUT I am getting this new error when trying to run the demo setup to OVMM

(home-robot) che@che-MS-7D99:~/home-robot$ python projects/habitat_ovmm/ --env_config projects/habitat_ovmm/configs/env/hssd_demo.yaml
pybullet build time: Nov 28 2023 23:52:03
/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/ UserWarning: An issue occurred while importing 'torch-scatter'. Disabling its usage. Stacktrace: /home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_scatter/ undefined symbol: _ZN5torch3jit17parseSchemaOrNameERKSs
  warnings.warn(f"An issue occurred while importing 'torch-scatter'. "
/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/ UserWarning: An issue occurred while importing 'torch-cluster'. Disabling its usage. Stacktrace: /home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_cluster/ undefined symbol: _ZN5torch3jit17parseSchemaOrNameERKSs
  warnings.warn(f"An issue occurred while importing 'torch-cluster'. "
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/che/home-robot/projects/habitat_ovmm/", line 10, in <module>
    from evaluator import OVMMEvaluator
  File "/home/che/home-robot/projects/habitat_ovmm/", line 18, in <module>
    from utils.env_utils import create_ovmm_env_fn
  File "/home/che/home-robot/projects/habitat_ovmm/utils/", line 13, in <module>
    from home_robot_sim.env.habitat_ovmm_env.habitat_ovmm_env import (
  File "/home/che/home-robot/src/home_robot_sim/home_robot_sim/env/habitat_ovmm_env/", line 35, in <module>
    from home_robot_sim.env.habitat_objectnav_env.visualizer import Visualizer
  File "/home/che/home-robot/src/home_robot_sim/home_robot_sim/env/habitat_objectnav_env/", line 19, in <module>
    from home_robot.mapping.instance.instance_map import InstanceMemory
  File "/home/che/home-robot/src/home_robot/home_robot/mapping/", line 5, in <module>
    from .voxel import SparseVoxelMap, SparseVoxelMapNavigationSpace
  File "/home/che/home-robot/src/home_robot/home_robot/mapping/voxel/", line 5, in <module>
    from .planners import plan_to_frontier
  File "/home/che/home-robot/src/home_robot/home_robot/mapping/voxel/", line 8, in <module>
    from home_robot.mapping.voxel.voxel import SparseVoxelMap
  File "/home/che/home-robot/src/home_robot/home_robot/mapping/voxel/", line 21, in <module>
    from home_robot.mapping.instance import Instance, InstanceMemory, InstanceView
  File "/home/che/home-robot/src/home_robot/home_robot/mapping/instance/", line 5, in <module>
    from .core import Instance, InstanceView
  File "/home/che/home-robot/src/home_robot/home_robot/mapping/instance/", line 15, in <module>
    from home_robot.utils.point_cloud_torch import get_bounds
  File "/home/che/home-robot/src/home_robot/home_robot/utils/", line 19, in <module>
    from torch_geometric.nn.pool.voxel_grid import voxel_grid
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/", line 13, in <module>
    import torch_geometric.datasets
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/datasets/", line 101, in <module>
    from .explainer_dataset import ExplainerDataset
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/datasets/", line 9, in <module>
    from torch_geometric.explain import Explanation
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/explain/", line 3, in <module>
    from .algorithm import *  # noqa
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/explain/algorithm/", line 1, in <module>
    from .base import ExplainerAlgorithm
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/explain/algorithm/", line 14, in <module>
    from torch_geometric.nn import MessagePassing
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/nn/", line 5, in <module>
    from .to_hetero_with_bases_transformer import to_hetero_with_bases
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/nn/", line 9, in <module>
    from torch_geometric.nn.conv import MessagePassing
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/nn/conv/", line 8, in <module>
    from .gravnet_conv import GravNetConv
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/nn/conv/", line 13, in <module>
    from torch_cluster import knn
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_cluster/", line 18, in <module>
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/", line 573, in load_library
  File "/home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/ctypes/", line 374, in __init__
    self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
OSError: /home/che/.conda/envs/home-robot/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_cluster/ undefined symbol: _ZN5torch3jit17parseSchemaOrNameERKSs

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